< Proverbs 29 >

1 Anyone who goes on stubbornly rejecting many warnings will be suddenly destroyed, without hope of healing.
Ko te tangata he maha nei nga riringa i tona he, a ka whakapakeke i tona kaki, ka whatiia ohoreretia ia; te taea te rongoa.
2 When good people are in charge, everybody celebrates; but when the wicked rule, everybody groans.
Ka whakanuia te hunga tika, ka koa te iwi; ka kingi te tangata kino, ka aue te iwi.
3 A man who loves wisdom makes his father happy, but one who visits prostitutes throws away his money.
Ko te tangata e matenui ana ki te whakaaro nui e whakahari ana i tona papa; ko te tangata ia e piri ana ki nga wahine kairau, he maumau taonga tana.
4 A king who rules justly makes the country secure, but one who asks for bribes will destroy it.
Ma te whakawa a te kingi e mau ai te whenua; ka whakataka ia e te tangata e tango ana i nga mea homai noa.
5 Those who flatter their friends lay a net to trip them up.
Ko te tangata e whakapati ana ki tona hoa, e whakatakoto kupenga ana mo ona waewae.
6 Evil people are trapped by their own sins, but those who do right sing and celebrate.
He rore kei roto i te he o te tangata kino; ko te tangata tika ia he waiata tana, he koa.
7 Good people care about treating the poor fairly, but the wicked don't think about it at all.
E mahara ana te tangata tika ki te take a te rawakore: kahore o te tangata kino whakaaro kia mohiotia e ia.
8 Cynical people can inflame a whole city, but the wise calm angry people down.
Ma nga tangata whakahi e tahu te pa kia mura: ko ta te hunga whakaaro nui ia he whakatahuri atu i te riri.
9 When a wise man takes a stupid man to court, there's raging and ridicule, but nothing is settled.
Ki te totohe te tangata whakaaro nui ki te tangata wairangi, ahakoa riri ia, kata ranei, kahore he tanga.
10 Murderers hate people of integrity, but those who live right try to help them.
E mauahara ana te tangata whakaheke toto ki te tangata i te ngakau tapatahi: tena ko te hunga tika, ka whai ratou kia whakaorangia ia.
11 Stupid people let all their anger out, while wise people quietly hold it in.
E tuakina ana e te wairangi tona riri katoa ki waho: e puritia mai ana ia e te tangata whakaaro nui, e pehia ana.
12 A ruler who listens to lies will have nothing but wicked officials.
Ki te whakarongo te rangatira ki te teka, he kino katoa ana tangata.
13 Poor people and their oppressors have this in common: the Lord gives life to all of them.
E tutaki ana te rawakore raua ko te kaitukino ki a raua; ko Ihowa te kaiwhakamarama o nga kanohi o raua tokorua.
14 If a king judges the poor fairly, he will have a long rule.
Ko te kingi e pono ana tana whakawa mo nga rawakore, ka whakapumautia tona torona ake ake.
15 Discipline and correction provide wisdom, but a son left undisciplined is an embarrassment to his mother.
Ko te whiu, ko te riri i te he, he mea homai era i te whakaaro nui: tena ko te tamaiti mahue noa, ka whakama i a ia tona whaea.
16 When the wicked are in power, sin increases; but the good will see their downfall.
Ka tokomaha te hunga kino, ka nui te he: ka kite ia te hunga tika i to ratou hinganga.
17 Discipline your children and they won't give you any worries; they will make you very happy.
Pakia tau tama, a ka whai okiokinga koe i a ia; ae ra, he ahuareka tana e homai ai ki tou wairua.
18 Without a revelation from God, the people go out of control, but those who keep the law are happy.
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka kore te iwi e tupato: ko te kaipupuri ia i te ture, ka hari ia.
19 A servant can't be disciplined by words alone; though they understand, they don't follow what they're told.
Ehara te kupu i te papaki mo te pononga: ahakoa hoki ia matau, e kore ia e rongo.
20 Have you seen a man who speaks without thinking? There's more hope for stupid people than for him!
Ka kite ranei koe i te tangata kaika ki te korero? engari te wairangi ka totika ake i a ia.
21 A servant indulged from childhood will in the end become unmanageable.
Ko te tangata e penapena ana i tana pononga mai o te tamarikitanga, ka waiho ia e ia i te mutunga hei tama tupu.
22 Angry people stir up trouble, those with short tempers commit many sins.
He whakaoho whawhai ta te tangata pukuriri: he nui rawa hoki te he o te tangata aritarite.
23 If you're proud, you'll be humiliated; but if you're humble, you'll be honored.
Ka whakaititia iho te tangata e tona whakapehapeha: ka whai honore ia te tangata ngakau papaku.
24 A thief's partner hates his life; even under the threat of being cursed he can't tell the truth.
Ko te tangata e whakauru ana ki ta te tahae, e kino ana ki tona ake wairua: e rongo ana ia i te kanga, kahore e kiki.
25 Being afraid of people traps you, but if you trust in the Lord you're safe.
He rore e homai ana e te wehi ki te tangata: ko te tangata ia e whakawhirinaki ana ki a Ihowa ka mawhiti.
26 Many people look for favors from a ruler, but justice comes from the Lord.
He tokomaha e whai ana kia paingia e te rangatira: otiia i ahu mai i a Ihowa te whakawa mo te tangata.
27 Good people hate those who are unjust; the wicked hate those who do what's right.
He mea whakarihariha ki te hunga tika te tangata whakahaere he; a he mea whakarihariha hoki ki te tangata kino te tangata he tika tona ara.

< Proverbs 29 >