< Proverbs 26 >

1 Honoring someone stupid is as inappropriate as snow in the summer or rain during harvest.
Njengongqwaqwane ehlobo loba izulu ebusika kanjalo udumo alusifanelanga isiwula.
2 A curse that isn't deserved won't land on the person, like a fluttering sparrow or a flitting swallow.
Njengentaka ephaphazelayo loba inkonjane entwezayo, sinjalo isiqalekiso esingelasizatho kasinamatheli.
3 Horses need a whip, donkeys need a bridle, and stupid people need a rod on their backs!
Isiswebhu ngesebhiza, amatomu ngakababhemi, loswazi ngolwemihlane yeziwula!
4 Don't answer stupid people following their stupidity, or you'll become as bad as them.
Ungabophendula isiwula ngendlela yobuwula baso, funa ubenjengaso wena ngokwakho.
5 Answer stupid people following their stupidity, otherwise they'll think they're wise.
Phendula isiwula ngendlela yobuwula baso, sizabona kungathi sihlakaniphile.
6 Trusting someone stupid to deliver a message is like cutting of your feet or drinking poison.
Njengokuziquma inyawo zakho loba ukunatha itshefu, kunjalo ukuthumela umlayezo ngesiwula.
7 A proverb spoken by someone stupid is as useless as a lame person's legs.
Njengemilenze eqhugezelayo eyomuntu oqhulayo sinjalo isaga emlonyeni wesiwula.
8 Honoring someone stupid is as pointless as tying a stone into a sling.
Njengokubophela ilitshe esavutheni kunjalo ukupha udumo koyisiwula.
9 A proverb spoken by someone stupid is as ridiculous as a thorn bush waved around by a drunk.
Njengogatsha lwameva luphethwe yisidakwa sinjalo isaga emlonyeni wesiwula.
10 Anyone who hires someone stupid or just a passer-by is like an archer wounding people by shooting arrows at random.
Njengomtshoko ociba loba ngubani odlulayo unjalo oqhatsha isiwula loba umuntu ozedlulelayo.
11 Stupid people repeat their stupidity like a dog returning to its vomit.
Njengenja ebuyela emahlanzweni ayo kanjalo isiwula siyabuphinda ubuthutha baso.
12 Have you seen a man who is wise in his own eyes? There's more hope for stupid people than for him!
Uyambona yini umuntu ozibona engohlakaniphileyo? Kulethemba elingcono ngesiwula kulaye.
13 Lazy people are the ones who say, “There's a lion on the road—a lion running around the streets!”
Ivilavoxo lithi, “Kulesilwane endleleni, kulesilwane emigwaqweni!”
14 A lazy person turns in bed like a door turns on its hinge.
Njengesivalo esitshibilika ngamabhanti aso kanjalo ivila liphenduka embhedeni walo.
15 Lazy people put their hands in a dish, but are too tired to lift the food to their mouths.
Ivilavoxo litshonisa isandla salo emganwini; livilaphe ukusa isandla emlonyeni lidle.
16 In their own eyes lazy people are wiser than many sensible advisors.
Ivila lizibona lihlakaniphile kakhulu okwedlula abantu abayisikhombisa abangaphendula ngokuhlakanipha.
17 Interfering in someone else's quarrel is like grabbing a stray dog by the ears.
Njengomuntu odonsa inja ngendlebe unjalo umuntu othi edlula angenele ingxabano ingesiyakhe.
18 You're like a crazy person firing off blazing arrows and killing people
Njengohlanya luphosa izikhuni zomlilo kumbe imitshoko ebulalayo,
19 if you lie to your friend and then say, “I was only joking!”
injalo indoda ephoxa umakhelwane wayo ibisisithi, “Bengizidlalela nje!”
20 Without wood, the fire goes out; and without gossips, arguments stop.
Nxa kungaselankuni umlilo uyacima; nxa kungaselakunyeya ukuxabana kuyaphela.
21 An argumentative person fires up quarrels like putting charcoal on hot embers or wood on a fire.
Njengamalahle avuthayo loba njengenkuni emlilweni, unjalo umuntu othanda ingxabano ekuvuseni inkani.
22 Listening to gossip is like gulping down bites of your favorite food—they go deep down inside you.
Amazwi omuntu onyeyayo anjengezibiliboco; angena ekujuleni kwenhliziyo yomuntu.
23 Smooth talking with evil intent is like a shiny lead glaze on an earthenware pot.
Njengesiliva egcotshwe esitsheni sebumba sikhazimule kunjalo ukuthakazelela kwezindebe zenhliziyo elobubi.
24 People say nice things to you even though they hate you; deep down they're just lying to you.
Umuntu olenhliziyo embi uvala ngezindebe ezimnandi, kodwa enhliziyweni yakhe ufihle inkohliso.
25 When people talk nicely to you, don't believe them—their minds are full of hate for you.
Loba ukukhuluma kwakhe kumnandi, kodwa ungaze wamkholwa, ngoba inhliziyo yakhe igcwele izithuko eziyisikhombisa.
26 Even though their hatred may be hidden by cunning tricks, their evil will be revealed to everyone.
Inzondo yakhe angayivala ngobuqili, kodwa ububi bakhe buzavezwa obala ebantwini.
27 Those who dig pits to trap others will fall in themselves, and those who start boulders rolling will be crushed themselves.
Umuntu angagebha umgodi, uzawela kuwo; umuntu angagiqa ilitshe, lizaphenduka ligiqikele phezu kwakhe.
28 If you tell lies, you show you hate your victims; if you flatter people, you cause disaster.
Ulimi oluqamba amanga luyabazonda labo olubalimazayo, lomlomo okhohlisayo uletha incithakalo.

< Proverbs 26 >