< Proverbs 26 >

1 Honoring someone stupid is as inappropriate as snow in the summer or rain during harvest.
Ng’omuzira bwe gutasaana mu biseera bya kusiga oba enkuba mu makungula, n’ekitiibwa bwe kitasaanira musirusiru.
2 A curse that isn't deserved won't land on the person, like a fluttering sparrow or a flitting swallow.
Ng’enkazaluggya ewabye, ng’akataayi akabuukabuuka, ekikolimo ekitasaanidde tekibaako kye kikola.
3 Horses need a whip, donkeys need a bridle, and stupid people need a rod on their backs!
Embooko ya mbalaasi, n’olukoba lwa ndogoyi, n’omuggo gusaanira migongo gya basirusirusiru.
4 Don't answer stupid people following their stupidity, or you'll become as bad as them.
Toyanukulanga musirusiru ng’obusirusiru bwe, bwe buli, oleme kubeera nga ye.
5 Answer stupid people following their stupidity, otherwise they'll think they're wise.
Omusirusiru omuddangamu ng’obusirusiru bwe, bwe buli, si kulwa nga yeerowooza nti mugezi.
6 Trusting someone stupid to deliver a message is like cutting of your feet or drinking poison.
Omuntu atuma omusirusiru, aba ng’eyeetemyeko ebigere n’anywa obusungu.
7 A proverb spoken by someone stupid is as useless as a lame person's legs.
Ng’amagulu g’omulema bwe galengejja obulengezzi, bwe lutyo n’olugero bwe lubeera mu kamwa k’omusirusiru.
8 Honoring someone stupid is as pointless as tying a stone into a sling.
Ng’atadde ejjinja mu nvuumuulo bw’aba, n’oyo awa omusirusiru ekitiibwa bw’atyo bw’abeera.
9 A proverb spoken by someone stupid is as ridiculous as a thorn bush waved around by a drunk.
Ng’eriggwa bwe lifumita mu mukono gw’omutamiivu, bwe lutyo n’olugero bwe lubeera mu kamwa k’abasirusiru.
10 Anyone who hires someone stupid or just a passer-by is like an archer wounding people by shooting arrows at random.
Ng’omulasi w’akasaale, amala galasa buli gw’asanze, bw’abeera bw’atyo apangisa omusirusiru oba omuyise yenna gw’asanze.
11 Stupid people repeat their stupidity like a dog returning to its vomit.
Ng’embwa bw’eddira ebisesemye by’ayo, bw’atyo bw’abeera omusirusiru adda mu nsobi ze.
12 Have you seen a man who is wise in his own eyes? There's more hope for stupid people than for him!
Olaba omuntu omugezi mu maaso ge ye? Omusirusiru alina essuubi okumusinga.
13 Lazy people are the ones who say, “There's a lion on the road—a lion running around the streets!”
Omugayaavu agamba nti, “Mu kkubo eriyo empologoma, empologoma enkambwe eyita mu luguudo!”
14 A lazy person turns in bed like a door turns on its hinge.
Ng’oluggi bwe lukyukira ku ppata zaalwo, bw’atyo omugayaavu bw’akyukira ku kitanda kye.
15 Lazy people put their hands in a dish, but are too tired to lift the food to their mouths.
Omugayaavu akoza n’engalo ze mu kibya, naye olw’obunafu bwe n’atasobola kuzizza mu kamwa.
16 In their own eyes lazy people are wiser than many sensible advisors.
Omugayaavu alowooza nti mugezi, okusinga abantu omusanvu abaddamu ebibuuzo mu butuufu.
17 Interfering in someone else's quarrel is like grabbing a stray dog by the ears.
Ng’asika embwa amatu, omuyise bw’abeera eyeeyingiza mu luyombo olutali lulwe.
18 You're like a crazy person firing off blazing arrows and killing people
Ng’omulalu akasuka emmuli ez’omuliro oba obusaale obutta,
19 if you lie to your friend and then say, “I was only joking!”
bw’abeera omuntu alimba munne, n’agamba nti, “Mbadde nsaaga busaazi.”
20 Without wood, the fire goes out; and without gossips, arguments stop.
Enku bwe zibula omuliro guzikira, awatali lugambo ennyombo ziggwaawo.
21 An argumentative person fires up quarrels like putting charcoal on hot embers or wood on a fire.
Ng’amanda ku gannaago agaliko omuliro, oba enku ku muliro, bw’abeera omusajja omuyombi mu kuwakula entalo.
22 Listening to gossip is like gulping down bites of your favorite food—they go deep down inside you.
Ebigambo by’omuntu ageya biri ng’emmere ewoomerera, bigenda mu bitundu by’omubiri eby’ewala.
23 Smooth talking with evil intent is like a shiny lead glaze on an earthenware pot.
Ng’ekintu eky’ebbumba ekibikkiddwako amasengere, bwe gibeera emimwa eminyiikivu egisibuka ku mutima omubi.
24 People say nice things to you even though they hate you; deep down they're just lying to you.
Omuntu ow’enkwe alimbalimba n’emimwa gye naye ng’aterese obulimba mu mutima gwe.
25 When people talk nicely to you, don't believe them—their minds are full of hate for you.
Wadde nga by’ayogera bisanyusa, tomukkiririzaamu kubanga eby’emizizo musanvu bijjuza mu mutima gwe.
26 Even though their hatred may be hidden by cunning tricks, their evil will be revealed to everyone.
Enkwe ze ziyinza okubikkibwa mu kubuzaabuuza, naye obutali butuukirivu bwe buliggyibwayo mu lukuŋŋaana.
27 Those who dig pits to trap others will fall in themselves, and those who start boulders rolling will be crushed themselves.
Buli asima ekinnya y’alikigwamu, n’oyo aliyiringisa ejjinja gwe liriddira.
28 If you tell lies, you show you hate your victims; if you flatter people, you cause disaster.
Olulimi olulimba lukyawa abo be lufumita, n’akamwa akawaanawaana kaleeta okuzikirira.

< Proverbs 26 >