< Proverbs 24 >

1 Don't be jealous of evil people; don't long to spend time with them,
Neiekarsies uz nelabiem cilvēkiem un nekāro būt ar viņiem;
2 for they think up cruel plans and discuss how to cause trouble.
Jo viņu sirds domā uz postu, un viņu lūpas runā mokas.
3 A house is built by wisdom; its foundation is made secure through understanding.
Ar gudrību uzceļ namu un ar saprašanu to stiprina,
4 Its rooms are filled by knowledge with all kinds of valuable and beautiful objects.
Un ar samaņu pilda kambarus ar visādu dārgu un jauku bagātību.
5 If you have wisdom, you are strong; if you have knowledge, your power increases,
Gudrs vīrs ir spēcīgs, un vīrs, kam atzīšana, ir varens spēkā;
6 for with wise guidance you can go to war; you will be victorious by having many good advisors.
Jo ar gudriem padomiem tu izvedīsi savu karu, un uzvarēšana ir, kur padoma devēju papilnam.
7 Wisdom goes over the heads of stupid people; they have nothing to contribute when important matters are discussed.
Ģeķim gudrība ir neaizsniedzama; savu muti lai tas neatdara pilsētas vārtos.
8 Anyone who plans to do evil will be seen as a troublemaker.
Kas tīšām ļaunu dara, tas jāsauc blēdis pār visiem blēžiem.
9 Plans thought up by stupid people are sinful. Everyone hates those who are scornful of others.
Ģeķības nodomi ir grēks, un mēdītājs cilvēkiem ir negantība.
10 If you give up in times of trouble, it shows how weak you are.
Ja tu bēdu dienā nogursi, tad tavs spēks pagalam.
11 Rescue those who are being led away to be executed; save those who are stumbling on their way to be slaughtered.
Glāb, kas uz nāvi pazudināti, un kas pie kaušanas top vesti, vai tu no tiem atrausies?
12 If you say, “Look, we didn't know anything about this,” don't you think the God who judges your motives will see what's happening? He who watches over you knows, and he will pay people back for what they've done.
Ja tu saki: „Redzi, mēs to nezinām!“Vai tad tas, kas sirdis pārmana, to nemana, un kas tavu dvēseli pasargā, to nezin un cilvēkiem neatmaksās pēc viņu darba?
13 My son, eating honey is good for you; the honeycomb tastes sweet.
Ēd, mans dēls, medu, jo tas ir labs, un tīrs medus ir salds tavā mutē;
14 In the same way, you should know that wisdom is good for you; if you find it, there will be a future for you, and your hope will not be crushed.
Tāpat tavai dvēselei būs gudrības atzīšana, ja tu to atrodi; jo ir pastara diena, un tava gaidīšana nebūs veltīga.
15 Don't be like a criminal waiting to ambush the home of good people; don't attack the place where they live.
Neglūn, tu bezdievīgais, uz taisnā dzīvokli, neposti viņa vietu;
16 Those who do right may fall down seven times, and still get up again; but the wicked are brought down by disaster.
Jo taisnais krīt septiņ reiz un ceļas augšām; bet bezdievīgie nogrimst nelaimē.
17 Don't celebrate when your enemies fall; don't be glad when they trip up,
Nepriecājies, kad tavs ienaidnieks krīt, un lai tava sirds nelīksmojās, kad viņš klūp,
18 otherwise when the Lord sees it, he'll be unhappy with you and won't punish your enemies as he planned.
Ka Tas Kungs to neredz, un tas viņa acīm neriebj, un viņš savu dusmību no tā nenovērš.
19 Don't get all upset over the wicked, or be jealous of those who do wrong,
Neapskaities par ļauniem un neiekarsies par bezdievīgiem!
20 for evil people have no future—the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Jo ļaunam nenāk cerētais gals; bezdievīgo spīdeklis izdzisīs.
21 My son, honor the Lord and the king, and don't join those who are rebellious,
Mans dēls, bīsties To Kungu un ķēniņu, un nejaucies ar dumpiniekiem.
22 for disaster will suddenly fall on them. Who knows how the Lord and king will punish them?
Jo piepeši nāks viņiem nediena, - un abēju sodu, kas to zin!
23 These are more sayings of the wise: Showing favoritism when passing judgment is wrong.
Arī šie ir gudro vārdi: Tiesā cilvēka vaigu uzlūkot nav labi.
24 Those who tell the guilty, “You're innocent,” will be cursed by the people and hated by the nation,
Kas uz vainīgo saka: „Tev taisnība!“to cilvēki lād un ļaudis ienīst.
25 while those who convict the guilty will be appreciated, and will receive a rich blessing.
Bet tie (viņiem) mīļi, kas (tādu) pārmāca, un pār tiem nāks visu labākā svētība.
26 An honest answer is a kiss on the lips.
Kas pareizi atbildējis, ir kā saldu muti devis.
27 Do the work you need to do outside first, then prepare and sow your fields, and only after that start building your house.
Padari savu darbu laukā un apkopies tīrumā, un tad vēl uztaisi savu namu.
28 Don't testify against your neighbors without having a good reason, and don't tell lies.
Nedod velti liecību pret savu tuvāko! Vai tu mānīsi ar savām lūpām?
29 Don't say to yourself, “I'm going to do to him what he did to me! I'll pay him back for what he's done!”
Nesaki: „Kā viņš man darījis, tā es viņam darīšu; es tam atmaksāšu pēc viņa darba!“
30 I walked past the field of a lazy man, past a vineyard of someone with no sense.
Es gāju gar sliņķa tīrumu un gar ģeķa vīna kalnu.
31 It was all overgrown with thorns, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall had fallen down.
Un redzi, tur auga tik nātres vien, un dadži pārņēma visu, un viņa akmeņu mūris bija sagruvis.
32 As I looked I thought about it, and what I saw taught me a lesson:
Un es to ieraudzīju, to liku vērā: es to redzēju, ņēmos mācību:
33 You may say, “Please, just a little more sleep, a little longer snooze, a little more folding of the arms to rest”—
Guli maķenīt, snaud maķenīt, saliec maķenīt rokas miegā;
34 and poverty will attack you like a robber, destitution like an armed warrior.
Tad tava nabadzība tev pienāks nākdama, un tavs trūkums kā apbruņots vīrs.

< Proverbs 24 >