< Proverbs 22 >

1 A good reputation is a much better choice than plenty of money; respect is better than silver and gold.
Yahxi nam zor bayliⱪⱪa igǝ boluxtin ǝwzǝl; Ⱪǝdir-ⱪimmǝt altun-kümüxtin üstündur.
2 The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord created them all.
Gaday bilǝn bay bir zeminda yaxar; Ⱨǝr ikkisini yaratⱪan Pǝrwǝrdigardur.
3 If you're sensible you see danger coming and get out of the way; but stupid people just keep going and pay for it.
Zerǝk kixi bala-ⱪazani aldin kɵrüp ⱪaqar; Saddilar aldiƣa berip ziyan tartar.
4 The reward you receive for being humble and respecting the Lord is wealth, honor, and life.
Ɵzini tɵwǝn tutup, Pǝrwǝrdigardin ǝyminixning bǝrikiti — bayaxatliⱪ, izzǝt-ⱨɵrmǝt wǝ ⱨayattur.
5 Thorns and traps lie in the path of crooked people; those who value their lives will stay away from them.
Ⱨiyligǝrlǝrning yolida tikǝnlǝr, tuzaⱪlar yatar; Ɵz yoliƣa ⱨezi bolƣan kixi ulardin yiraⱪ bolar.
6 Teach children the right way to live, and when they grow up they'll go on doing so.
Baliƣa kiqikidǝ mijǝzigǝ ⱪarap durus tǝrbiyǝ bǝrsǝng, Qong bolƣanda u xu yoldin qiⱪmas.
7 The rich rule the poor, and borrowers are slaves to their lenders.
Baylar miskinlǝrni baxⱪurur; Ⱪǝrzdar ⱪǝrz igisining ⱪulidur.
8 Those who sow injustice will reap disaster, and the angry beatings they inflict on others will be stopped.
Naⱨǝⱪliⱪ uruⱪini qaqⱪanning alidiƣan ⱨosuli balayi’apǝttur; Uning ƣǝzǝp-ⱨǝywisi qüxǝr.
9 If you're generous, you'll be blessed, for you share your food with those in need.
Sehiy adǝm bǝrikǝt tapar; Qünki u miskinlǝrgǝ ɵz nenidin bɵlüp bǝrgüqidur.
10 Get rid of the scornful, and you'll get rid of conflict too—no more arguments or insults!
Ⱨakawurni ⱪoƣliwǝtsǝng, jedǝl-majira besilar; Kelixmǝsliklǝr wǝ xǝrmǝndiqiliklǝr tügǝr.
11 Anyone who loves sincerity and a gracious way of speaking will have the king as their friend.
Pak niyǝtni ⱪǝdirlǝydiƣan kixining sɵzliri güzǝldur; Xunga padixaⱨ uning bilǝn dost bolar.
12 The Lord watches over true knowledge, but counteracts the words of liars.
Pǝrwǝrdigarning kɵzi ilim-ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtni saⱪlar; U iplaslarning sɵzlirini eqip taxlap bikar ⱪilar.
13 Lazy people make claims like, “There's a lion outside! I might be killed if I go out there!”
Ⱨurun adǝm: «Taxⱪirida bir xir turidu, Koqiƣa qiⱪsam ɵltürülimǝn!» — dǝydu.
14 The seductive words of an immoral woman are a dangerous trap—if the Lord's angry with you, then you'll fall right in.
Zinahor ayalning aƣzi qongⱪur bir oridur; Pǝrwǝrdigar narazi bolƣan kixi uningƣa qüxüp ketǝr.
15 Children are naturally foolish; physical correction helps them to see sense.
Nadanliⱪ sǝbiy balilarning ⱪǝlbigǝ baƣlaƣliⱪtur; Biraⱪ tǝrbiyǝ tayiⱪi buni uningdin yiraⱪ ⱪilar.
16 If you oppress the poor to make yourself rich, or if you're generous to the rich, you'll end up poor yourself.
Miskinlǝrni ezix bilǝn bay bolƣan, Wǝ baylarƣa sowƣat sunidiƣan kixi, Ahiri pǝⱪǝt yoⱪsulluⱪta ⱪalar.
17 Pay attention and listen to the words of the wise, and think carefully about my teachings—
Ⱪulaⱪ sal, sanga aⱪilanilǝrning sɵzlirini ɵgitǝy; Kɵngül ⱪoyup bilimimni ɵgǝngin.
18 for it's good to keep them in mind so you can be ready to share them.
Ularni ⱪǝlbingdǝ qing tutsang, Ular sanga xerin bolar, Lǝwliringdǝ sǝp bolup tǝyyar turidu.
19 I'm explaining this to you today so you can trust in the Lord—yes, you!
Qin ⱪǝlbing bilǝn Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa tayinixing üqün, Bügün [bu ⱨekmǝtlik sɵzlǝrni] baxⱪa birsigǝ ǝmǝs, Bǝlki sanga yǝtküzdum.
20 Haven't I written down for you thirty sayings of advice and wisdom?
Uningdin mana ottuzni yazdim, Buning iqidǝ nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr ⱨǝm bilim bar.
21 They are to make it clear to you what's right and true, so you can give a truthful explanation to those who sent you.
Bular bilǝn ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtning sɵzlirining dǝrwǝⱪǝ ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝt ikǝnlikini bilǝlǝysǝn, Wǝ xundaⱪ ⱪilip seni ǝwǝtküqilǝrgǝ ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtning sɵzliri bilǝn jawab ⱪayturalaysǝn.
22 For you shouldn't steal from the poor just because they're poor; and you shouldn't crush those with limited means in court,
Yoⱪsuldin bulap alma, u kǝmbǝƣǝl tursa, Ajiz mɵminlǝrni soraⱪ ornida bozǝk ⱪilma.
23 for the Lord will plead their case, and he will take back whatever was stolen from them.
Qünki Pǝrwǝrdigar ularning dǝwasini kɵtürǝr, Ulardin bulap alƣanlardin bulap alar.
24 Don't make friends with someone who gets upset easily; don't associate with angry people,
Mijǝzi ittik adǝm bilǝn dost bolma, Ⱪǝⱨrlik adǝm bilǝn arilaxma,
25 in case you learn to be like them and make a mess of your life.
Bolmisa, uning yaman yolini ɵginip ⱪelip, ⱪiltaⱪⱪa qüxisǝn.
26 Don't shake hands and guarantee someone's debt,
Baxⱪilarƣa [kepil bolup] ⱪol bǝrgüqilǝrdin bolma, Ⱪǝrzlǝrni tɵlǝxkǝ kapalǝt bǝrgüqilǝrdin bolma;
27 for if you can't pay, why should your bed be taken away from beneath you?
Sening ⱪayturaliƣudǝk nǝrsǝng bolƣan bolsa, Ular orun-kɵrpiliringni bikardin-bikar astingdin elip kǝtmigǝn bolatti!
28 Don't move ancient boundary markers that your forefathers put in place.
Ata-bowiliring pasilni bǝlgilǝp bǝrgǝn kona qegra taxlirini yɵtkimǝ.
29 If you see someone skilled in what they do, they'll work for kings and not for ordinary people.
Ixni ǝstayidil wǝ qaⱪⱪan bejiridiƣan kixini kɵrgǝnmiding? U pǝs adǝmlǝrning hizmitidǝ bolmas; Padixaⱨlarning aldida turar.

< Proverbs 22 >