< Proverbs 21 >

1 The Lord directs the king's decisions like a stream of water that he sends whichever way he wants.
Ķēniņa sirds ir Tā Kunga rokā kā ūdens upes, un viņš to loka, kurp gribēdams.
2 People think that whatever they do is fine, but the Lord looks at their motives.
Ikvienam savi ceļi liekās taisni; bet Tas Kungs pārbauda sirdis.
3 Doing what's right and fair pleases the Lord more than sacrifices.
Darīt, kas taisnība un tiesa, Tam Kungam vairāk patīk, nekā upuris.
4 Pride and arrogance are the sins the wicked live by.
Acu lepnība un sirds greznība, bezdievīga spīdeklis, ir grēks.
5 Those who plan ahead and work hard will have plenty, while those who act rashly end up poor.
Darbīga cilvēka nodomi ved tik pie vairuma; bet kas pārsteidzīgs, tiek pie trūkuma.
6 Money made by lies is like smoke in the wind—a chase that ends in death.
Mantas ar meliem krāt ir zūdošs tvaiks tiem, kas meklē nāvi.
7 The destruction caused by the wicked will destroy them, for they refuse to do what's right.
Bezdievīgo varas darbi posta pašus, ka liedzās taisnību darīt.
8 Guilty people live crooked lives, but the innocent follow straight paths.
Līkus ceļus staigā blēdis, bet taisnais ir skaidrs savā darbā.
9 It's better to live in a corner of a housetop than to share a whole house with an argumentative wife.
Nama augšā kaktiņā dzīvot ir labāki, nekā namā kopā ar rējēju sievu.
10 Evil people love to do wrong, they don't care what pain they cause anyone.
Bezdievīga dvēsele kāro ļaunu; viņa acīs tuvākais neatrod žēlastības.
11 When a mocker is punished, an immature person can learn wisdom. When the wise are educated, they gain knowledge.
Per garzobi, tad tas nejēga atjēgs; un pamāci prātīgo, tad viņš atzīs, kas der.
12 The God of justice sees what happens in the homes of the wicked, and brings the wicked down in disaster.
Taisns (Dievs) skatās uz bezdievīgā namu; viņš bezdievīgos gāž nelaimē.
13 If you refuse to hear the cries of the poor, your cries won't be heard either.
Kas ausi aizbāž priekš nabaga kliegšanas, tas arīdzan sauks un netaps paklausīts.
14 A gift given in secret calms down anger, and a hidden bribe soothes furious rage.
Dāvanas, klusu dotas, klusina bardzību, un dāvanas klēpī bargas dusmas.
15 When justice is done, the good are happy, but it brings terror to those who do evil.
Prieks ir taisnam taisnību darīt, bet ļaundarītājiem būs izbailes.
16 Anyone who wanders away from the path of understanding ends up with the dead.
Cilvēks, kas nomaldījies no labiem ceļiem, dabūs dusu miroņu draudzē.
17 If you love pleasure you'll become poor; if you love wine and olive oil you won't ever be rich.
Par tukšinieku paliks, kas līksmībā dzīvo, un kas vīnu un eļļu mīļo, tas nepaliks bagāts.
18 The wicked pay the price and not the good; those who are deceitful and not those who live right.
Bezdievīgais priekš taisnā top nodots, un nelietis sirdsskaidrā vietā.
19 It's better to live in a desert than with an argumentative and bad-tempered wife.
Labāk dzīvot tukšā zemē, nekā pie rējējas un dusmīgas sievas.
20 The wise hold on to their wealth and olive oil, but stupid people use up everything they have.
Gudra dzīvoklī ir mīlīga manta un eļļa; bet ģeķa cilvēks to izšķērdē.
21 If you pursue goodness and trustworthy love, you'll find life, prosperity, and honor.
Kas dzenās pēc taisnības un apžēlošanas, atradīs dzīvību, taisnību un godu.
22 The wise can overcome a city belonging to strong warriors, and tear down the fortress they trusted to protect them.
Gudrais uzņem varenu ļaužu pilsētu un apgāž stiprumu, uz ko viņi paļaujas.
23 If you watch what you say, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.
Kas muti un mēli sargā, tas pasargā savu dvēseli no briesmām.
24 A proud, conceited, mocker—that's the name of those who act with insolent arrogance.
Kas pārgalvis un lepns, to pareizi sauc par zaimotāju, un ko viņš dara, ir traka pārgalvība.
25 Slackers die hungry because they refuse to work.
Slinkam gan iegribās, bet tas mirst; jo rokas liedzās strādāt.
26 Some people only want more and more all the time, but the good give generously.
Cauru dienu viņam gribās un gribās; bet taisnais dod un neliedzās.
27 The sacrifices given by the wicked are obnoxious, worse still when they're offered with evil motives.
Bezdievīgo upuris ir negantība; jo vairāk, kad to upurē ļaunā sirds padomā.
28 The lies of a false witness vanish away, but the words of a reliable witness will stand.
Melu liecinieks ies bojā; bet vīrs, kas dzirdējis, varēs vienmēr runāt.
29 The wicked act as bold as brass, but those who live right consider carefully what they're doing.
Bezdievīgam pierē bezkaunīga drošība; bet taisnais, šis drošs savā ceļā.
30 Whatever wisdom, understanding, or guidance you may have is nothing before the Lord.
Nedz gudrība, nedz saprašana, nedz padoms palīdz pret To Kungu.
31 You can get your horse ready for battle, but the victory is the Lord's.
Zirgu gan sakopj uz kaujas dienu; bet no Tā Kunga nāk uzvarēšana.

< Proverbs 21 >