< Proverbs 19 >

1 Better to be poor but honest than stupid and tell lies.
Afadhali mtu maskini ambaye mwenendo wake hauna lawama, kuliko mpumbavu ambaye midomo yake imepotoka.
2 It's not good to be someone who doesn't think. If you rush, things go wrong.
Sio vizuri kuwa na juhudi bila maarifa, wala kufanya haraka na kuikosa njia.
3 People mess up their lives by their own stupidity, and then get angry with the Lord.
Upumbavu wa mtu mwenyewe huharibu maisha yake hata hivyo moyo wake humkasirikia Bwana.
4 If you're rich, you get a lot of friends, but if you're poor, you lose any friends you had.
Mali huleta marafiki wengi, bali rafiki wa mtu maskini humwacha.
5 A false witness will be punished; liars won't get away with their lies.
Shahidi wa uongo hataacha kuadhibiwa, naye amwagaye uongo hataachwa huru.
6 Many ask favors from important people, and everyone's a friend of the generous.
Wengi hujipendekeza kwa mtawala na kila mmoja ni rafiki wa mtu atoaye zawadi.
7 If a poor man's relatives can't stand him, how much more will his friends avoid him! He tries to talk with them but they don't listen.
Mtu maskini huepukwa na ndugu zake wote: Je, marafiki zake watamkwepa kiasi gani! Ingawa huwafuata kwa kuwasihi, hawapatikani popote.
8 If you become wise, you have good self-esteem; if you learn good sense you'll be successful.
Yeye apataye hekima huipenda nafsi yake mwenyewe, yeye ahifadhiye ufahamu hustawi.
9 A false witness will be punished; people who tell lies will perish.
Shahidi wa uongo hataacha kuadhibiwa, naye amwagaye uongo ataangamia.
10 It's not right for stupid people to live in luxury, and it's even worse for a slave to rule over leaders.
Haistahili mpumbavu kuishi katika anasa, itakuwa vibaya kiasi gani kwa mtumwa kuwatawala wakuu.
11 If you have good sense you'll be slow to get angry; you gain respect by forgiving wrongs.
Hekima ya mtu humpa uvumilivu, ni kwa utukufu wake kusamehe makosa.
12 When a king gets angry, he sounds like a roaring lion; but his kindness is as soft as dew on the grass.
Ghadhabu ya mfalme ni kama mngurumo wa simba, bali wema wake ni kama umande juu ya nyasi.
13 A stupid son makes his father miserable, and an argumentative wife is like dripping that never stops.
Mwana mpumbavu ni maangamizi ya babaye, naye mke mgomvi ni kama kutonatona kusikoisha.
14 You inherit a house and wealth from your father, but a sensible wife is a gift from the Lord.
Nyumba na mali hurithiwa kutoka kwa wazazi, bali mke mwenye busara hutoka kwa Bwana.
15 Lazy people are often fast asleep, but idleness means they're hungry.
Uvivu huleta usingizi mzito, naye mtu mzembe huona njaa.
16 Keep the commandments, and you'll live; despise them and you'll die.
Yeye ambaye hutii mafundisho huulinda uhai wake, bali yeye anayezidharau njia zake atakufa.
17 If you're kind to the poor, you're lending to the Lord, and he will repay you well for what you've done.
Yeye amhurumiaye maskini humkopesha Bwana, naye atamtuza kwa aliyotenda.
18 Discipline your son while there's still hope, but don't kill him.
Mrudi mwanao, kwa maana katika hiyo kuna tumaini, usiwe mshirika katika mauti yake.
19 People who often get angry have to pay the penalty; if you help them, you'll have to do it again.
Mtu mwenye kukasirika haraka ni lazima atapata adhabu yake, kama utamwokoa, itakubidi kufanya hivyo tena.
20 Listen to advice and accept instruction so that you'll eventually become wise.
Sikiliza mashauri na ukubali mafundisho, nawe mwishoni utakuwa na hekima.
21 Human beings make many plans in their minds, but the final decision is the Lord's.
Kuna mipango mingi ndani ya moyo wa mtu, lakini kusudi la Bwana ndilo litakalosimama.
22 The most desirable thing in anyone is trustworthy love; it is better to be poor than a liar.
Lile mtu alionealo shauku ni upendo usio na mwisho, afadhali kuwa maskini kuliko kuwa mwongo.
23 Honoring the Lord is life, and you will rest contentedly, safe from harm.
Kumcha Bwana huongoza kwenye uzima, kisha mtu hupumzika akiwa ameridhika, bila kuguswa na shida.
24 Lazy people put their hands in a dish, and won't even lift the food to their mouths.
Mtu mvivu hutumbukiza mkono wake kwenye sahani, lakini hawezi hata kuupeleka kwenye kinywa chake!
25 If you punish someone who mocks, you may help an immature person to learn. Correct the wise, and they become wiser.
Mpige mwenye mzaha, naye mjinga atajifunza busara, mkemee mwenye ufahamu naye atapata maarifa.
26 A son who abuses his father and chases away his mother brings shame and disgrace.
Yeye amwibiaye baba yake na kumfukuza mama yake ni mwana aletaye aibu na fedheha.
27 My son, stop listening to my instruction and you'll soon give up following wisdom.
Mwanangu, ukiacha kusikiliza mafundisho, utatangatanga mbali na maneno ya maarifa.
28 A crooked witness makes a mockery of justice; and the wicked wolf down evil.
Shahidi mla rushwa hudhihaki hukumu na kinywa cha mtu mwovu humeza ubaya kwa upesi.
29 Punishment is ready for those who mock; flogging is ready for the backs of the stupid.
Adhabu zimeandaliwa kwa ajili ya wenye dhihaka na mapigo kwa ajili ya migongo ya wapumbavu.

< Proverbs 19 >