< Proverbs 19 >

1 Better to be poor but honest than stupid and tell lies.
Bedre Fattigmand med lydefri Færd end en, som gaar Krogveje, er han end rig.
2 It's not good to be someone who doesn't think. If you rush, things go wrong.
At mangle Kundskab er ikke godt, men den træder fejl, som har Hastværk.
3 People mess up their lives by their own stupidity, and then get angry with the Lord.
Et Menneskes Daarskab øder hans Vej, men paa HERREN vredes hans Hjerte.
4 If you're rich, you get a lot of friends, but if you're poor, you lose any friends you had.
Gods skaffer mange Venner, den ringe skiller hans Ven sig fra.
5 A false witness will be punished; liars won't get away with their lies.
Det falske Vidne undgaar ej Straf; den slipper ikke, som farer med Løgn.
6 Many ask favors from important people, and everyone's a friend of the generous.
Mange bejler til Stormands Yndest, og alle er Venner med gavmild Mand.
7 If a poor man's relatives can't stand him, how much more will his friends avoid him! He tries to talk with them but they don't listen.
Fattigmands Frænder hader ham alle, end mere skyr hans Venner ham da. Ej frelses den, som jager efter Ord.
8 If you become wise, you have good self-esteem; if you learn good sense you'll be successful.
Den, der vinder Vid, han elsker sin Sjæl, og den, der vogter paa Indsigt, faar Lykke.
9 A false witness will be punished; people who tell lies will perish.
Det falske Vidne undgaar ej Straf, og den, der farer med Løgn, gaar under.
10 It's not right for stupid people to live in luxury, and it's even worse for a slave to rule over leaders.
Vellevned sømmer sig ikke for Taabe, end mindre for Træl at herske over Fyrster.
11 If you have good sense you'll be slow to get angry; you gain respect by forgiving wrongs.
Klogskab gør Mennesket sindigt, hans Ære er at overse Brøde.
12 When a king gets angry, he sounds like a roaring lion; but his kindness is as soft as dew on the grass.
Som Brøl af en Løve er Kongens Vrede, som Dug paa Græs er hans Gunst.
13 A stupid son makes his father miserable, and an argumentative wife is like dripping that never stops.
Taabelig Søn er sin Faders Ulykke, Kvindekiv er som ustandseligt Tagdryp.
14 You inherit a house and wealth from your father, but a sensible wife is a gift from the Lord.
Hus og Gods er Arv efter Fædre, en forstandig Hustru er fra HERREN.
15 Lazy people are often fast asleep, but idleness means they're hungry.
Dovenskab sænker i Dvale, den lade Sjæl maa sulte.
16 Keep the commandments, and you'll live; despise them and you'll die.
Den vogter sin Sjæl, som vogter paa Budet, men skødesløs Vandel fører til Død.
17 If you're kind to the poor, you're lending to the Lord, and he will repay you well for what you've done.
Er man god mod den ringe, laaner man HERREN, han gengælder en, hvad godt man har gjort.
18 Discipline your son while there's still hope, but don't kill him.
Tugt din Søn, imens der er Haab, ellers stiler du efter at slaa ham ihjel.
19 People who often get angry have to pay the penalty; if you help them, you'll have to do it again.
Den, som er hidsig, maa bøde, ved Skaansel gør man det værre.
20 Listen to advice and accept instruction so that you'll eventually become wise.
Hør paa Raad og tag ved Lære, saa du til sidst bliver viis.
21 Human beings make many plans in their minds, but the final decision is the Lord's.
I Mands Hjerte er mange Tanker, men HERRENS Raad er det, der staar fast.
22 The most desirable thing in anyone is trustworthy love; it is better to be poor than a liar.
Vinding har man af Godhed, hellere fattig end Løgner.
23 Honoring the Lord is life, and you will rest contentedly, safe from harm.
HERRENS Frygt er Vej til Liv, man hviler mæt og frygter ej ondt.
24 Lazy people put their hands in a dish, and won't even lift the food to their mouths.
Den lade rækker til Fadet, men fører ej Haanden til Munden.
25 If you punish someone who mocks, you may help an immature person to learn. Correct the wise, and they become wiser.
Faar Spottere Hug, bliver tankeløs klog, ved Revselse faar den forstandige Kundskab.
26 A son who abuses his father and chases away his mother brings shame and disgrace.
Mishandle Fader og bortjage Moder gør kun en daarlig, vanartet Søn.
27 My son, stop listening to my instruction and you'll soon give up following wisdom.
Hør op, min Søn, med at høre paa Tugt og saa fare vild fra Kundskabsord.
28 A crooked witness makes a mockery of justice; and the wicked wolf down evil.
Niddingevidne spotter Retten, gudløses Mund er glubsk efter Uret.
29 Punishment is ready for those who mock; flogging is ready for the backs of the stupid.
Slag er rede til Spottere, Hug til Taabers Ryg.

< Proverbs 19 >