< Proverbs 15 >
1 A kind reply wards off anger, but hurtful words make people mad.
回答柔和,使怒消退; 言語暴戾,觸動怒氣。
2 What wise people say makes knowledge attractive, but stupid people talk a lot of nonsense.
智慧人的舌善發知識; 愚昧人的口吐出愚昧。
3 The Lord sees everywhere, watching the evil and the good.
耶和華的眼目無處不在; 惡人善人,他都鑒察。
4 Gentle words are a source of life, but telling lies does a lot of damage.
溫良的舌是生命樹; 乖謬的嘴使人心碎。
5 Only a foolish son despises his father's instruction, but one who accepts correction is sensible.
愚妄人藐視父親的管教; 領受責備的,得着見識。
6 There's plenty of treasure where good people live, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
義人家中多有財寶; 惡人得利反受擾害。
7 Wise people share their knowledge, but stupid people don't think like that.
智慧人的嘴播揚知識; 愚昧人的心並不如此。
8 The Lord hates the sacrifices of the wicked, but he loves the prayers of the good.
惡人獻祭,為耶和華所憎惡; 正直人祈禱,為他所喜悅。
9 The Lord hates the ways of the wicked, but he loves those who do what is right.
惡人的道路,為耶和華所憎惡; 追求公義的,為他所喜愛。
10 If you leave the right path you will be severely disciplined; anyone who hates correction will die.
捨棄正路的,必受嚴刑; 恨惡責備的,必致死亡。
11 Those already dead have no secrets from the Lord—how much more does he know our thoughts! (Sheol )
陰間和滅亡尚在耶和華眼前, 何況世人的心呢? (Sheol )
12 Scoffers don't like to be corrected, so they don't go to the wise for advice.
褻慢人不愛受責備; 他也不就近智慧人。
13 If you're happy inside, you'll have a cheerful face, but if you're sad, you look crushed.
心中喜樂,面帶笑容; 心裏憂愁,靈被損傷。
14 An insightful mind looks for knowledge, but stupid people feed on foolishness.
聰明人心求知識; 愚昧人口吃愚昧。
15 The life of poor people is hard, but if you stay cheerful, it's a continual feast.
困苦人的日子都是愁苦; 心中歡暢的,常享豐筵。
16 It's better to respect the Lord and only have a little than to have plenty of money and the trouble that comes with it.
少有財寶,敬畏耶和華, 強如多有財寶,煩亂不安。
17 Better a dinner of vegetables where there's love than eating meat with hatred.
吃素菜,彼此相愛, 強如吃肥牛,彼此相恨。
18 Short-tempered people stir up trouble, but those slow to anger calm things down.
暴怒的人挑啟爭端; 忍怒的人止息紛爭。
19 The way of lazy people is overgrown with thorns, but the path of the good is an open highway.
懶惰人的道像荊棘的籬笆; 正直人的路是平坦的大道。
20 A wise son makes his father happy, but a stupid man despises his mother.
智慧子使父親喜樂; 愚昧人藐視母親。
21 Stupidity makes people with no sense happy, but sensible people do what is right.
無知的人以愚妄為樂; 聰明的人按正直而行。
22 Plans fall apart without good advice, but with plenty of advisors they're successful.
不先商議,所謀無效; 謀士眾多,所謀乃成。
23 A good answer makes people happy—it's great to say the right thing at the right moment!
口善應對,自覺喜樂; 話合其時,何等美好。
24 Life's path for the wise leads upwards, so that they can avoid the grave below. (Sheol )
智慧人從生命的道上升, 使他遠離在下的陰間。 (Sheol )
25 The Lord pulls down the house of the proud, but he protects the boundaries of the widow's property.
耶和華必拆毀驕傲人的家, 卻要立定寡婦的地界。
26 The Lord hates the thoughts of the wicked, but he honors the words of the pure.
惡謀為耶和華所憎惡; 良言乃為純淨。
27 People greedy for ill-gotten gains make trouble for their families, but those who hate bribes will live.
貪戀財利的,擾害己家; 恨惡賄賂的,必得存活。
28 Good people think how best to answer questions, but stupid people say all kinds of evil things.
義人的心,思量如何回答; 惡人的口吐出惡言。
29 The Lord keeps his distance from the wicked, but he hears the prayers of the good.
耶和華遠離惡人, 卻聽義人的禱告。
30 Bright eyes make you happy, and good news makes you feel good.
眼有光,使心喜樂; 好信息,使骨滋潤。
31 If you pay attention to positive advice you'll be one of the wise.
聽從生命責備的, 必常在智慧人中。
32 If you ignore instruction you have no self-esteem, but if you listen to correction you gain understanding.
棄絕管教的,輕看自己的生命; 聽從責備的,卻得智慧。
33 Respect for the Lord teaches wisdom; humility goes before honor.
敬畏耶和華是智慧的訓誨; 尊榮以前,必有謙卑。