< Proverbs 14 >

1 Every wise woman builds her house, but the stupid woman tears it down with her own hands.
Ke lalmwetmet, sie mutan el musaeak sou se, a lalfon uh ku in kunausya.
2 Those who live right respect the Lord, but those who live dishonestly despise him.
Kutena mwet su moulkin moul suwohs, elos akkalemye lah elos akfulatye LEUM GOD; elos su tia moul suwohs elos akkalemye lah elos pilesral.
3 What stupid people say punishes their pride, but what wise people say will protect them.
Inse fulat lun sie mwet lalfon oru el kaskas pusla; a kas lun sie mwet lalmwetmet karinganul sifacna.
4 Without oxen, the manger is empty, but a good harvest comes through the ox's strength.
Fin wangin ox in amakin plao uh, ac wangin koanon nien fil mongo sum. A fin oasr, na nien fil mongo sum ac sessesla ke wheat.
5 A trustworthy witness doesn't lie, but a false witness is deceptive.
Sie mwet loh oaru el fahkak ma pwaye pacl nukewa, a sie mwet loh soaru el kikiap pacl nukewa.
6 It's pointless for a scoffer to look for wisdom, but knowledge comes easily to someone who understands.
Sie mwet inse fulat el tia ku in sun lalmwetmet, a mwet oasr etauk la, fisrasr elos in eis mwe lutlut.
7 Stay away from stupid people—you won't learn anything from them.
Nimet apkuran nu yurin mwet lalfon. Wangin ma elos ac ku in luti kom.
8 Sensible people use their wisdom to decide where they're going, but the foolishness of stupid people is treacherous.
Efu ku mwet lalkung uh lalmwetmet? Mweyen el etu ma elan oru. Efu ku mwet sulalkung uh lalfon? Mweyen el nunku mu el etu ma nukewa.
9 Stupid people laugh at sin, but good people want forgiveness.
Wangin fosrnga lun mwet lalfon ke elos orala ma koluk, a mwet wo elos suk in oasr nunak munas nu selos.
10 The individual's mind alone knows its sadnesses, and no one else can share its happiness.
Wangin mwet ku in etu na pwaye lah fuka engan lom ku asor lom. Kom mukena pa etu. Wangin mwet ku in wi kom kac.
11 The house of wicked people will be destroyed, but the tent of good people will prosper.
Lohm sin sie mwet wo ac tu na tukun kunausyukla lohm sin sie mwet koluk.
12 There's a way that seems to be right, but in the end it's the way of death.
Sahp inkanek soko ma kom pangon mu suwohs uh, ac ku in kolkomla nu ke misa.
13 Even when you're laughing you can be feeling sad—joy can end in grief.
Israsr uh ku in okanla inse asor. Pacl engan uh wanginla, asor sac srakna oasr.
14 Disloyal people are repaid for what they do, and good people are rewarded.
Mwet koluk uh fah eis ma fal nu ke ma elos oru. Mwet wo uh fah eis lacnen orekma wo lalos.
15 Stupid people believe whatever they're told, but sensible people think about what they're doing.
Sie mwet lalfon el lulalfongi ma nukewa; a mwet lalkung elos taranna yen elos fahsr nu we.
16 Wise people are careful and avoid evil, but stupid people are confidently reckless.
Mwet etauk elos karinganang in tia sun mwe lokoalok, a mwet lalfon uh nikin sensen, ac sa na in mukuila.
17 Quick-tempered people act foolishly, while people who make evil plans are hated.
Mwet mongsa uh oru ma lalfon; ac mwet kinauk inkanek kutasrik ac fah srungayuk.
18 The inheritance of stupid people is stupidity, but sensible people are rewarded with knowledge.
Mwet nikin ac eis fokin lalfon lalos, a mwet lalkung ac usrui etauk.
19 Evil people bow down before good people, and the wicked bow down at the doors of those who do right.
Mwet koluk ac fah epasr ye mutun mwet suwoswos ac pusisel in siyuk kasru selos.
20 The poor are hated even by their neighbors, while the rich have many friends.
Wangin mwet lungse orek kawuk nu sin sie mwet sukasrup, finne mwet tulan lal; a sie mwet kasrup, oasr mwet kawuk puspis lal.
21 People who look down on their neighbors are sinners, but those who are kind to the poor are blessed.
Kom fin lungse kom in engan, na kom in kulang nu sin mwet sukasrup; sie ma koluk pa in pilesru kutena mwet.
22 Aren't people who plan to do evil wrong? But those who plan to do good have trustworthy love and faithfulness.
Kom fin oru sie orekma wo, mwet uh ac lulalfongi kom ac sunakin kom, a kom fin wi oru orekma koluk, kom fahsr ke sie inkanek tafongla.
23 There's profit in hard work, but chatting just leads to poverty.
Orekma, na kom fah eis woiya. Kom fin mutana sramsarm, kom ac sukasrup.
24 The wise are rewarded with wealth, but stupid people are rewarded with stupidity.
Mwet lalmwetmet uh eis mwe kasrup; a mwet lalfon eteyuk ke lalfon lalos.
25 A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is treacherous.
Sie mwet loh su kaskas pwaye el molela moul lun sie mwet; a el fin fahk kas kikiap, el lafwekin sie mwet.
26 People who honor the Lord are completely safe; he will protect their children.
Akfulatye LEUM GOD, fah sang lulalfongi ku ac moul misla nu sin sie mwet ac sou lal.
27 Respecting the Lord is like a fountain of life, so you can avoid the snares of death.
Ya kom lungse tuh kom in tia sa misa? Sie unon in moul pa akfulatye LEUM GOD.
28 The glory of a king is the number of his subjects, for a ruler is nothing without them.
Fulat lun sie tokosra tuku ke pisen mwet ma el leumi. Fin wangin mwet, na el tia oaoa.
29 If you're slow to get angry, you're very wise; but if you have a short fuse you glorify stupidity.
Kom fin mongfisrasr, kom lalmwetmet; a kom fin mongsa, kom akkalemye lupan lalfon lom.
30 A peaceful mind makes your body healthy, but jealousy makes your bones rot.
Inse misla uh mwe akkeye mano, a sok uh oana sie mas ma akkulamye mano.
31 Anyone who oppresses the poor insults their Maker, but anyone who is kind to the needy honors him.
Kom fin akkeokye mwet sukasrup, kom aklusrongtenye God su oralosla; a ke kom kulang nu sin mwet sukasrup, kom akfulatye God.
32 Wicked people are brought down by their own evil actions, but those who live right are confident even in death.
Mwet koluk uh putatla ke sripen orekma koluk lalos, a mwet wo uh molla ke sripen moul suwohs lalos.
33 Wisdom is at home in a mind that understands, but it's not found among stupid people.
Lalmwetmet uh oan in nunak nukewa lun sie mwet etauk. Mwet lalfon uh wangin etu la ke lalmwetmet uh.
34 Doing right makes a nation successful, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
Suwoswos ac oru sie mutunfacl in ku ac fulat. Ma koluk uh mwe akmwekinye sie mutunfacl.
35 A servant who acts wisely is appreciated by the king, but he gets angry with a servant who acts disgracefully.
Tokosra uh elos insewowo ke mwet pwapa fulat lalos su oaru in oru ma kuna; a elos kalyaelos su tia akfalye ma kunalos.

< Proverbs 14 >