< Proverbs 12 >

1 If you love knowledge, you will love discipline. Anyone who hates being corrected is stupid!
Izay tia fananarana no tia fahalalana; Fa izay mandà anatra dia biby.
2 The Lord blesses the good, but he condemns anyone with evil schemes.
Ny tsara fanahy mahazo sitraka amin’ i Jehovah; Fa ny mamoron-tsain-dratsy hohelohiny.
3 Wickedness doesn't provide security, but those who live right are deeply rooted and cannot be moved.
Tsy maha-tafatoetra ny olona ny haratsiana; Fa ny fakan’ ny marina tsy mba hihetsika.
4 A good wife is a crown for her husband, but one who brings shame is like rot in his bones.
Ny vehivavy tsara dia satro-boninahitry ny lahy; Fa ny vehivavy manao izay mahamenatra kosa dia tahaka ny lò ao anatin’ ny taolana.
5 Good people make plans that are fair, but the advice of the wicked is deceptive.
Rariny ny hevitry ny marina; Fa fitaka ny fisainan’ ny ratsy fanahy.
6 The words of the wicked are like a violent ambush, but those of honest people save them.
Ny tenin’ ny ratsy fanahy dia otrika ho enti-mandatsa-drà; Fa ny vavan’ ny marina hamonjy azy.
7 The wicked are destroyed, and they're gone, but the family of the good stands firm.
Haringana ny ratsy fanahy ka tsy ho ao intsony; Fa ny mpianakavin’ ny marina haharitra.
8 People are appreciated for talking sense, but those with perverted minds are despised.
Araka ny fahendren’ ny olona no hiderana azy; Fa izay meloka am-po dia hatao tsinontsinona.
9 Better to be a humble man serving himself than a boastful man who has nothing to eat.
Aleo ambany toetra, nefa manana mpanompo iray, Toy izay mihambo ho be voninahitra, nefa tsy manan-kohanina akory.
10 Good people look after their animals, but the care given by wicked is really cruelty.
Ny marina mitsimbina ny ain’ ny bibiny; Fa fahasiahana kosa no famindram-pon’ ny ratsy fanahy;
11 If you cultivate the land you'll have plenty of food, but if you chase after worthless things you're stupid.
Izay miasa ny taniny dia ho voky hanina; Fa izay manaraka ny olom-poana dia tsy ampy saina.
12 Wicked people long for ill-gotten gains, but good people are productive themselves.
Ny mpanota maniry ny hazan’ ny ratsy fanahy; Fa ny fakan’ ny marina mitrebona.
13 The wicked trap themselves by their own sinful words, but good people escape trouble.
Amin’ ny fahotan’ ny molotra dia misy fandrika ahitan-doza; Fa ny marina ho afaka amin’ ny fahoriana.
14 What you say brings you rewards, and your work returns to bless you.
Ny vokatry ny vavan’ ny olona no mahavoky soa azy, Ary ny asan’ ny tànany hitsingerina aminy.
15 Stupid people think they're on the right track, but if you're wise you listen to advice.
Ny lalan’ ny adala dia mahitsy eo imasony; Fa izay mino anatra no hendry.
16 Stupid people get angry immediately, but if you're sensible you ignore an insult.
Ny fahasosoran’ ny adala dia fantatra miaraka amin’ izay; Fa izay mahatsindry fo amin’ ny fanalam-baraka no hendry.
17 Whoever tells the truth is being honest, but a false witness tells lies.
Izay olona mahatoky dia manambara ny rariny; Fa ny vavolombelona mandainga kosa miteny fitaka.
18 Some people's hasty words cut like a knife, but the words of the wise bring healing.
Misy mandefalefa teny tsy tsaroana ka tonga toy ny fanindron’ ny sabatra; Fa ny lelan’ ny marina dia fanasitranana kosa.
19 Words of truth last forever, but lies are gone in a moment.
Ny molotra marina ampitoerina ho mandrakizay; Fa ny lela mandainga dia indray mipi-maso monja.
20 Deceit is in the mind of those planning evil, but those who plan peace have joy.
Fitaka no ao am-pon’ izay mamoron-tsain-dratsy; Fa hafaliana no amin’ izay misaina fiadanana.
21 No harm comes to the good, but trouble fills the wicked.
Tsy misy ratsy manjo ny marina; Fa heni-doza ny ratsy fanahy.
22 The Lord hates liars but is happy with those who are trustworthy.
Fahavetavetana eo imason’ i Jehovah ny molotra mandainga; Fa izay olona mahatoky no ankasitrahany.
23 If you're sensible, you don't show off your knowledge, but stupid people announce their stupidity.
Ny olon-kendry tsy mba mampideradera fahalalana foana; Fa ny fon’ ny adala mamoaka fahadalana.
24 Hard work brings leadership, but laziness brings slavery.
Ny tanan’ ny mazoto no hanapaka; Fa izay miraviravy tanana dia hampanompoina.
25 If you're anxious, you're weighed down, but an encouraging word will cheer you up.
Ny alahelo ao am-pon’ ny olona dia mampitanondrika azy; Fa ny teny soa no mahafaly azy.
26 Good people look out for their friends, but the way the wicked live leads them astray.
Ny marina dia mitari-dalana ny namany; Fa ny alehan’ ny ratsy fanahy kosa no mampivily azy.
27 Lazy people don't catch their prey, but if you work hard you can become rich.
Ny kamo tsy mety mihaza; Fa fananana soa ho an’ ny olona ny zoto.
28 The path of right leads to life, it doesn't lead to death.
Amin’ ny lalan’ ny fahamarinana no misy fiainana, Ary ny tsi-fahafatesana no lalan-kalehany.

< Proverbs 12 >