< Proverbs 10 >

1 Solomon's proverbs. A wise son makes his father happy, but a stupid son only brings his mother grief.
Ilu dị iche iche nke Solomọn: Nwata maara ihe na-eme ka nna ya ṅụrịa ọṅụ; ma nwantakịrị dị nzuzu na-ewetara nne ya nʼiru ụjụ.
2 Wealth gained through evil does you no good; but living right saves you from death.
Akụ a kpatara nʼụzọ na-ezighị ezi adịghị aba uru, ma ezi omume na-azọpụta mmadụ site nʼọnwụ.
3 The Lord doesn't let good people go hungry, but he stops the wicked from getting what they want.
Onyenwe anyị agaghị ekwe ka onye ezi omume nwụọ nʼagụụ, ọ gakwaghị ekwe ka ihe nọgide na-agara onye ajọ omume nke ọma.
4 Lazy hands make you poor, but hard-working hands make you rich.
Aka ndị umengwụ na-eweta ogbenye, ma aka na-arụsị ọrụ ike na-eweta ụba.
5 A son who gathers crops during the summer is sensible, but the one who sleeps during harvest brings disgrace.
Onye na-ekpokọta nʼoge ọkọchị bụ nwa maara ihe, ma nwa ahụ nke na-arahụ ụra nʼoge ọrụ bụ nwa na-eweta ihere.
6 Those who are good are blessed, but what the wicked say hides their violent nature.
Onye ezi omume na-anata ngọzị, ma naanị nkọcha jupụtara nʼọnụ onye ajọ omume.
7 The good are remembered as a blessing, but the reputation of the wicked will rot.
Aha onye ezi omume ka eji enye ngọzị, ma aha onye ajọ omume ga-ere ure.
8 Those who think wisely pay attention to instruction, but a stupid chatterbox ends up in disaster.
Onye obi ya maara ihe na-anabata ihe e nyere nʼiwu, ma onye nzuzu ekwurekwu ga-ala nʼiyi.
9 Honest people will live in safety, but those who behave deceitfully will be caught out.
Onye ụzọ ya ziri ezi na-aga ije nʼatụghị egwu, ma onye ụzọ ya ezighị ezi ka a ga-achọpụta.
10 People who wink slyly cause trouble, but someone who gives a strong rebuke brings peace.
Onye ọbụla na-egbu ikuanya na-ebute ihe mwute, onye nzuzu ekwurekwu ga-abịa nʼịla nʼiyi.
11 What good people say is a spring that gives life, but what the wicked say hides their violent nature.
Ọnụ onye ezi omume bụ isi iyi nke ndụ, ma naanị nkọcha jupụtara nʼọnụ onye ajọ omume.
12 Hatred causes conflict, but love covers all wrongs.
Ịkpọ asị na-akpali esemokwu, ma ịhụnanya na-ekpuchi mmehie niile.
13 Wisdom comes from people with good judgment, but stupid people are punished with a rod.
Ndị nwere nghọta na-ekwu okwu nwere isi, ma ndị na-enweghị uche ka a na-eti ihe dịka ohu.
14 Wise people accumulate knowledge, but the chattering of stupid people is a prelude to disaster.
Onye amamihe na-akpakọba ihe ọmụma, ma onye nzuzu na-eji ọnụ ya akpọ ịla nʼiyi oku.
15 The wealth of the rich provides them protection, while the poverty of the poor ruins them.
Akụ ndị ọgaranya bụrụ ha obodo e wusiri ike, ma ụbịam bụ ịla nʼiyi nke ndị ogbenye.
16 If you do right you're rewarded with life, but if you're wicked all you gain is sin.
Ụgwọ ọrụ onye ezi omume bụ ndụ, ma ihe nweta nke onye ajọ omume bụ mmehie na ọnwụ.
17 If you accept instruction, you're on the path to life, but if you reject correction you'll go astray.
Onye na-ege ntị na ndụmọdụ na-egosi ụzọ nke ndụ, ma onye na-adịghị anabata ndụmọdụ na-eme ka ndị ọzọ kpafuo.
18 Anyone who hides their hatred is lying, and anyone who spreads slander is stupid.
Onye ji egbugbere ọnụ ụgha ekpuchi ịkpọ asị na onye na-agbasa okwu nkwutọ bụ onye nzuzu.
19 If you talk too much, you'll say something wrong. Be wise and take care what you say.
Nʼọtụtụ okwu mmehie adịghị akwụsị ma ndị nwere uche na-ejide ire ha.
20 What good people say is like the best silver, but the mind of the wicked isn't worth much.
Ire nke onye ezi omume bụ ọlaọcha kachasị mma, ma obi onye ajọ omume bụ ihe ọnụahịa nta.
21 Advice from good people helps feed many others, but stupid people die because they have no sense.
Egbugbere ọnụ onye ezi omume na-azụju ọtụtụ mmadụ afọ, ma ndị nzuzu na-anwụ nʼihi amamihe nke kọrọ ha.
22 The Lord's blessing makes you rich, and he doesn't add any sadness to accompany it.
Ngọzị Onyenwe anyị na-eme mmadụ ọgaranya, ọ naghị atụkwasị ya nsogbu.
23 Stupid people think it's fun to do wrong, but someone who has wisdom understands what's right.
Ihe na-atọ onye nzuzu ụtọ bụ izube nzube ọjọọ; ma ihe na-atọ onye maara ihe ụtọ bụ inwe nghọta.
24 What the wicked fear will happen to them, while what good people hope for will be granted.
Ihe ahụ onye na-emebi iwu nʼatụ ụjọ ya ga-abịakwasị ya, ihe onye ezi omume na-achọ ka a ga-enye ya.
25 When the storm hits, the wicked are no more, but the good are safe and secure forever.
Mgbe oke ifufe na-emebi ihe, ndị na-emebi iwu ka ọ na-eburu; ma ndị ezi omume na-eguzosi ike ruo ebighị ebi.
26 In the same way vinegar irritates the teeth and smoke irritates the eyes, lazy people irritate their employers.
Onye umengwụ na-abụ ihe mgbu nye onyenwe ya; ọ dịka anwụrụ ọkụ nʼanya mmadụ maọbụ dịka mmanya gbara ụka nke na-ejiji eze.
27 Honoring the Lord makes your life longer, but the years the wicked live will be cut short.
Ịtụ egwu Onyenwe anyị na-enye ogologo ndụ, ma ọnụọgụgụ afọ nke onye ajọ omume na-adị mkpụmkpụ.
28 Good people look forward to happiness, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.
Olileanya ndị ezi omume ga-abụ ọṅụ; olileanya ndị na-emebi iwu bụ naanị ihe efu.
29 The way of the Lord protects those who do right, but he destroys those who do evil.
Ụzọ Onyenwe anyị bụ ebe mgbaba nye ndị na-enweghị ịta ụta, maọbụ ịla nʼiyi nye ndị na-eme ajọ ihe.
30 The good will never be removed from the land, but the wicked will not remain there.
A pụghị iwezuga onye ezi omume, ma onye na-emebi iwu agaghị anọgide.
31 What good people say produces wisdom, but liars will have their tongues cut out.
Nʼọnụ onye ezi omume ka mkpụrụ amamihe si abịa, ma ire na-ekwu okwu nduhie ka a ga-eme ka o dere duu.
32 Good people know the right thing to say, but the wicked always lie.
Egbugbere ọnụ onye ezi omume mara ihe na-eweta ihuọma, ma ọnụ ndị ajọ omume bụ naanị okwu nduhie.

< Proverbs 10 >