< Numbers 1 >

1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting while they were in the Sinai desert. This was on the first day of the second month of the second year after the Israelites had left Egypt. He told him,
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen in deserto Sinai in tabernaculo fœderis, prima die mensis secundi, anno altero egressionis eorum ex Ægypto, dicens:
2 “Census all the Israelites according to their tribe and family. Count every man and keep a record of each individual's name.
Tollite summam universæ congregationis filiorum Israël per cognationes et domos suas, et nomina singulorum, quidquid sexus est masculini
3 Those aged twenty or older who can do military service are to be registered by you and Aaron in their Israelite army divisions.
a vigesimo anno et supra, omnium virorum fortium ex Israël, et numerabitis eos per turmas suas, tu et Aaron.
4 A representative from each tribe, the head of a family, must be there with you.
Eruntque vobiscum principes tribuum ac domorum in cognationibus suis,
5 These are the names of the men who will work with you: From the tribe of Reuben, Elizur, son of Shedeur;
quorum ista sunt nomina: de Ruben, Elisur, filius Sedeur;
6 from the tribe of Simeon, Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai;
de Simeon, Salamiel filius Surisaddai;
7 from the tribe of Judah, Nahshon, son of Amminadab;
de Juda, Nahasson filius Aminadab;
8 from the tribe of Issachar, Nethanel, son of Zuar;
de Issachar, Nathanaël filius Suar;
9 from the tribe of Zebulun, Eliab, son of Helon;
de Zabulon, Eliab filius Helon;
10 from the sons of Joseph: from the tribe of Ephraim, Elishama, son of Ammihud, and from the tribe of Manasseh, Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur;
filiorum autem Joseph, de Ephraim, Elisama filius Ammiud; de Manasse, Gamaliel filius Phadassur;
11 from the tribe of Benjamin, Abidan, son of Gideoni;
de Benjamin, Abidan filius Gedeonis;
12 from the tribe of Dan, Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai;
de Dan, Ahiezer filius Ammisaddai;
13 from the tribe of Asher, Pagiel, son of Ocran;
de Aser, Phegiel filius Ochran;
14 from the tribe of Gad, Eliasaph, son of Deuel;
de Gad, Eliasaph filius Duel;
15 and from the tribe of Naphtali, Ahira, son of Enan.”
de Nephthali, Ahira filius Enan.
16 These were the men chosen from the Israelite community. They were the leaders of their fathers' tribes; the heads of the families of Israel.
Hi nobilissimi principes multitudinis per tribus et cognationes suas, et capita exercitus Israël,
17 Moses and Aaron summoned these men who had been selected by name.
quos tulerunt Moyses et Aaron cum omni vulgi multitudine:
18 They had all the Israelites gather together on the first day of the second month, and recorded the people's genealogy according to their tribe and family, and counted up the names of all those aged twenty or older,
et congregaverunt primo die mensis secundi, recensentes eos per cognationes, et domos, ac familias, et capita, et nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra,
19 as the Lord had told Moses to do. Moses conducted this census in the Sinai desert.
sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi. Numeratique sunt in deserto Sinai.
20 The descendants of Reuben, (he was Israel's firstborn son), men aged twenty or over, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De Ruben primogenito Israëlis per generationes et familias ac domos suas, et nomina capitum singulorum, omne quod sexus est masculini a vigesimo anno et supra, procedentium ad bellum,
21 from the tribe of Reuben totaled 46,500.
quadraginta sex millia quingenti.
22 The descendants of Simeon, men aged twenty or over, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Simeon per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina et capita singulorum, omne quod sexus est masculini a vigesimo anno et supra, procedentium ad bellum,
23 from the tribe of Simeon totaled 59,300.
quinquaginta novem millia trecenti.
24 The descendants of Gad, men aged twenty or over, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Gad per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a viginti annis et supra, omnes qui ad bella procederent,
25 from the tribe of Gad totaled 45,650.
quadraginta quinque millia sexcenti quinquaginta.
26 The descendants of Judah, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Juda per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum, per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
27 from the tribe of Judah, totaled 74,600.
recensiti sunt septuaginta quatuor millia sexcenti.
28 The descendants of Issachar, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Issachar, per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum, per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui ad bella procederent,
29 from the tribe of Issachar, totaled 54,400.
recensiti sunt quinquaginta quatuor millia quadringenti.
30 The descendants of Zebulun, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Zabulon per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
31 from the tribe of Zebulun, totaled 57,400.
quinquaginta septem millia quadringenti.
32 The descendants of Joseph: the descendants of Ephraim, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Joseph, filiorum Ephraim per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
33 from the tribe of Ephraim, totaled 40,500.
quadraginta millia quingenti.
34 And the descendants of Manasseh, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
Porro filiorum Manasse per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a viginti annis et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
35 from the tribe of Manasseh, totaled 32,200.
triginta duo millia ducenti.
36 The descendants of Benjamin, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Benjamin per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt nominibus singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
37 from the tribe of Benjamin, totaled 35,400.
triginta quinque millia quadringenti.
38 The descendants of Dan, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Dan per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt nominibus singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
39 from the tribe of Dan, totaled 62,700.
sexaginta duo millia septingenti.
40 The descendants of Asher, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
41 from the tribe of Asher, totaled 41,500.
quadraginta millia et mille quingenti.
42 The descendants of Naphtali, men aged twenty or older, were recorded by name according to the genealogical records of their tribe and families. All those registered who could serve in the army
De filiis Nephthali per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt nominibus singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
43 from the tribe of Naphtali, totaled 53,400.
quinquaginta tria millia quadringenti.
44 These were the totals of the men counted and registered by Moses and Aaron, with the help of the twelve leaders of Israel, who each represented their family.
Hi sunt, quos numeraverunt Moyses et Aaron, et duodecim principes Israël, singulos per domos cognationum suarum.
45 In this way all the Israelite men aged twenty or older who were able to serve in Israel's army were registered according to their families.
Fueruntque omnis numerus filiorum Israël per domos et familias suas a vigesimo anno et supra, qui poterant ad bella procedere,
46 The sum total of those registered was 603,550.
sexcenta tria millia virorum quingenti quinquaginta.
47 However, the Levites were not registered with the others according to their tribe and families.
Levitæ autem in tribu familiarum suarum non sunt numerati cum eis.
48 This was because the Lord had told Moses,
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
49 “Don't register the tribe of Levi; don't count them in the census with the other Israelites.
Tribum Levi noli numerare, neque pones summam eorum cum filiis Israël:
50 Put the Levites in charge of the Tabernacle and of the Testimony, as well as all its furniture and everything it contains. They are the ones responsible for carrying the Tabernacle and all its items. They are to care for it, and to make their camp around it.
sed constitue eos super tabernaculum testimonii et cuncta vasa ejus, et quidquid ad cæremonias pertinet. Ipsi portabunt tabernaculum et omnia utensilia ejus: et erunt in ministerio, ac per gyrum tabernaculi metabuntur.
51 When it's time to move the Tabernacle, the Levites shall take it down, and when it's time to make camp, the Levites shall put it up. Any outsider who goes near it must be put to death.
Cum proficiscendum fuerit, deponent Levitæ tabernaculum; cum castrametandum, erigent. Quisquis externorum accesserit, occidetur.
52 The Israelites are to make camp according to their tribal divisions, each person in their own camp under their own flag.
Metabuntur autem castra filii Israël unusquisque per turmas et cuneos atque exercitum suum.
53 But the Levites are to set up their camp around the Tabernacle of the Testimony to stop anyone making me angry with the Israelites. The Levites are responsible for looking after the Tabernacle of the Testimony.”
Porro Levitæ per gyrum tabernaculi figent tentoria, ne fiat indignatio super multitudinem filiorum Israël, et excubabunt in custodiis tabernaculi testimonii.
54 The Israelites did everything that the Lord ordered Moses that they should do.
Fecerunt ergo filii Israël juxta omnia quæ præceperat Dominus Moysi.

< Numbers 1 >