< Numbers 7 >

1 On the same day that Moses finished putting up the Tabernacle, he anointed it and dedicated it, along with all its furniture, the altar, and all its utensils.
Da Moses var færdig med at rejese Boligen og havde salvet og helliget den med alt dens Tilbehør og ligeledes salvet og helliget Alteret med alt dets Tilbehør,
2 The Israelite leaders who were the heads of their families came and gave an offering. They were the same leaders of the tribes who had worked on the registration of the Israelites.
trådte Israels Øverster, Overhovederne for deres Fædrenehuse, Stammernes Øverster, der havde forestået Mønstringen, frem
3 They brought to the Lord an offering of six covered wagons and twelve oxen. Each leader gave an ox, and two leaders shared in giving a wagon. They presented them in front of the Tabernacle.
og førte deres Offergave frem for HERRENs Åsyn, seks lukkede Vogne og tolv Stykker Hornkvæg, en Vogn for hver to Øverster og et Stykke Hornkvæg for hver een, og de bragte dem hen foran Boligen.
4 The Lord told Moses,
Da sagde HERREN til Moses:
5 “Accept what they're giving you and use them in the work of the Tent of Meeting. Give them to the Levites to use as required.”
Modtag dette af dem, for at det kan bruges til Arbejdet ved Åbenbaringsteltet, og giv Leviterne det med Henblik på hver enkeltes særlige Arbejde!
6 Moses accepted the wagons and oxen and handed them over to the Levites.
Så modtog Moses Vognene og Hornkvæget og gav Leviterne dem.
7 He gave two wagons and four oxen to the families of Gershon to use as they required.
To Vogne og fire Stykker Hornkvæg gav han Gersoniterne med Henblik på deres særlige Arbejde,
8 He gave four wagons and eight oxen to the families of Merari, to use as they required. The work was all to be done under the direction of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.
og fire Vogne og otte Stykker Hornkvæg gav han Merariterne med Henblik på deres særlige Arbejde under Itamars, Præsten Arons Søns, Ledelse.
9 He didn't give any wagons or oxen to the Kohathites because their responsibility was to carry on their shoulders the holy objects assigned to their care.
Derimod gav han ikke Kebatiterne noget, thi dem var Arbejdet med de hellige Ting overdraget, og de skulde bære dem på Skuldrene.
10 The day the altar was anointed, the leaders came forward with their dedicatory offerings, presenting them in front of it.
Fremdeles bragte Øversterne Offergaver til Alterets indvielse, dengang det blev salvet, og Øversterne bragte deres Offergaver hen foran Alteret.
11 The Lord told Moses, “Have one leader come every day and present his offering for the dedication of the altar.”
Da sagde HERREN til Moses: Lad hver af Øversterne få sin Dag til at bringe sin Offergave til Alterets Indvielse.
12 The first day Nahshon, son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah came forward with his offering.
Den, som første Dag bragte sin Offergave, var Nahasjon, Amminadabs Søn af Judas Stamme.
13 His offering was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
Og hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
14 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på 10 Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
15 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
16 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
17 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five one-year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Nahshon, son of Amminadab.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Nahasjons, Amminadabs Søns, Offergave.
18 The second day Nethanel, son of Zuar, the leader of the tribe of Issachar, came forward.
Anden Dag bragte Netanel, Zuars Søn, Issakars Øverste, sin Offergave;
19 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
han bragte som Offergave et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
20 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på 10 Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
21 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
22 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
23 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Nethanel, son of Zuar.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Neanels, Zuars Søns, Offergave.
24 The third day Eliab, son of Helon, the leader of the tribe of Zebulun, came forward.
Tredje Dag kom Zebuloniternes Øverste, Eliab, Helons Søn;
25 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
26 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på 10 Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
27 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
28 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
29 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Eliab, son of Helon.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Eliabs, Helons Søns, Offergave.
30 The fourth day Elizur, son of Shedeur, the leader of the tribe of Reuben, came forward.
Fjerde Dag kom Rubeniternes Øverste, Elizur, Sjedeurs Søn;
31 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
32 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på 10 Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
33 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder,
34 a male goat as a sin offering,
et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer, en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
35 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Elizur, son of Shedeur.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Elizurs, Sjødeurs Søns, Offergave.
36 The fifth day Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai, the leader of the tribe of Simeon, came forward.
Femte Dag kom Simenoiternes Øverste, Sjelumiel, Zurisjaddajs Søn;
37 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
38 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på 10 Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
39 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
40 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
41 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke. og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Sjelumiels, Zurisjaddajs Søns, Offergave.
42 The sixth day Eliasaph, son of Deuel, the leader of the tribe of Gad, came forward.
Sjette Dag kom Gaditernes Øverste, Eljasaf, Deuels Søn;
43 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergaver et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
44 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på lO Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
45 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
46 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
47 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Eliasaph, son of Deuel.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Eljasafs, Deuels Søns, Offergave.
48 The seventh day Elishama, son of Ammihud, the leader of the tribe of Ephraim, came forward.
Syvende Dag kom Efraimiternes Øverste, Elisjama, Ammihuds Søn:
49 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
50 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på lO Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
51 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
52 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
53 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Elishama, son of Ammihud.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Elisjamas, Ammihuds Søns, Offergave.
54 The eighth day Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur, the leader of the tribe of Manasseh, came forward.
Ottende Dag kom Mannassiternes Øverste, Gamliel, Pedazurs Søn;
55 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
56 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på lO Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
57 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
58 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
59 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Gamliels, Pedazurs Søns, Offergave.
60 The ninth day Abidan, son of Gideoni, the leader of the tribe of Benjamin, came forward.
Niende dag kom Benjaminiternes Øverste, Abidan, Gidonis Søn;
61 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
62 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på IO Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
63 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
64 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
65 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Abidan, son of Gideoni.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem, Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Abidans, Gidonis Søns, Offergave.
66 The tenth day Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai, the leader of the tribe of Dan, came forward.
Tiende Dag kom Daniternes Øverste, Ahiezer, Ammisjaddajs Søn;
67 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
68 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på lO Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
69 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
70 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
71 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Ahiezers, Ammisjaddajs Søns, Offergave.
72 The eleventh day Pagiel, son of Ocran, the leader of the tribe of Asher, came forward.
Elevte Dag kom Aseriternes Øverste, Pagiel, Okrans Søn;
73 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
74 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en Kande på 10 Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
75 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
76 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
77 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Pagiel, son of Ocran.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Pagiels, Okrans Søns, Offergave.
78 The twelfth day Ahira, son of Enan, the leader of the tribe of Naphtali, came forward.
Tolvte Dag kom Naftaliternes Øverste, Ahira, Enans Søn;
79 The offering he presented was a silver plate that weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and a silver bowl that weighed seventy shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). They were both filled with the best flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering.
hans Offergave var et Sølvfad, der vejede 130 Sekel, og en Sølvskål på 70 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, begge fyldte med fint Hvedemel, rørt i Olie, til Afgrødeoffer,
80 He also presented a gold dish that weighed ten shekels filled with incense. As sacrifices he brought
en kande på lO Guldsekel, fyldt med Røgelse,
81 a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering,
en ung Tyr, en Væder, et årgammelt Lam til Brændoffer,
82 a male goat as a sin offering,
en Gedebuk til Syndoffer
83 and a peace offering of two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five year-old male lambs. This was the offering of Ahira, son of Enan.
og til Takoffer to Stykker Hornkvæg, fem Vædre, fem Bukke og fem årgamle Lam. Det var Ahiras, Enans Søns, Offergave.
84 So on the day the altar was anointed, the dedicatory offerings brought by the Israelite leaders were twelve silver plates, twelve silver bowls, and twelve gold dishes.
Det var Gaverne fra Israelitternes Øverster til Alterets Indvielse, dengang det blev salvet: 12 Sølvfade, 12 Sølvskåle, 12 Guldkander,
85 Each silver platter weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and each bowl weighed seventy shekels. The total weight of the silver was two thousand four hundred shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
hvert Sølvfad på 130 Sekel og hver Sølvskål på 70 Sekel, alle Sølvkar tilsammen 2400 Sekel efter hellig Vægt;
86 The twelve gold dishes filled with incense each weighed ten shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard). The total weight of the gold was a hundred and twenty shekels.
12 Guldkander, fyldte med Røgelse, hver på 10 Sekel efter hellig Vægt, alle Guldkander tilsammen 120 Sekel.
87 The animals presented as a burnt offering were twelve bulls, twelve rams, and twelve one-year-old male lambs, as well as their grain offerings, and twelve male goats as the sin offering.
Kvæget til Brændofferet var i alt 12 unge Tyre, 12 Vædre, 12 årgamle Lam med tilhørende Afgrødeofre, 12 Gedebukke til Syndoffer;
88 The animals presented as a peace offering were twenty-four bulls, sixty rams, sixty male goats, and sixty one-year-old male lambs. This was the dedicatory offering for the altar once it had been anointed.
Kvæget til Takofferet var i alt 24 unge Tyre, 60 Vædre, 60 Bukke og 60 årgamle lam. Det var Gaverne til Alterets indvielse, efter at det var salvet.
89 Whenever Moses went into the Tent of Meeting to speak with the Lord, he would hear the voice speaking to him from the atonement cover on the Ark of the Testimony between the two cherubim. This is how the Lord spoke to him.
Da Moses gik ind i Åbenbaringsteltet for at tale med HERREN, hørte han Røsten tale til sig fra Sonedækket oven over Vidnesbyrdets Ark, fra Pladsen mellem de to Keruber. Og han talede til ham.

< Numbers 7 >