< Numbers 4 >

1 The Lord told Moses and Aaron,
Andin Perwerdigar Musa bilen Harun’gha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
2 “Register the descendants of Kohath from the tribe of Levi, according to their family and father's line.
Sen Lawiylar ichidin ata jemeti boyiche Kohat ewladlirining omumiy sanini tizimlighin,
3 Count men aged thirty to fifty—all who are entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting.
ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédirida ish-xizmet qilishqa kéleleydighanlarning hemmisini tizimlap chiq.
4 This work that they are to do in the Tent of Meetings involves the things that are most holy.
Kohat ewladlirining jamaet chédiri ichidiki wezipisi eng muqeddes buyumlarni bashqurush bolidu.
5 Whenever you move camp, Aaron and his sons will go in, take down the veil, and place it over the Ark of the Testimony.
Bargah köchürülidighan chaghda, Harun bilen uning oghulliri kirip «[eng muqeddes jay]»diki «ayrima perde-yopuq»ni chüshürüp, uning bilen höküm-guwahliq sanduqini yögisun;
6 On top of this they are to put a fine leather covering, spread a cloth of solid blue over it, and then insert its carrying poles.
andin uning üstini délfinning térisidin étilgen yopuq bilen orap, üstige kök bir rextni yépip, andin kötüridighan baldaqlarni ötküzsun.
7 Have them spread a blue cloth over the table of the Presence as well, and put the plates and cups on it, as well as the bowls and jugs for the drink offering. The current bread offering is to stay on it.
Teqdim nan [tizilghan] shirege kök bir rext sélinip, üstige légen, texse, piyale we sharab hediyelirini chachidighan qedehler tizip qoyulsun; shiredimu «daimiy nan» tizilip turiwersun;
8 Over everything they are to spread a crimson cloth, next a fine leather covering, and then insert its carrying poles.
bu nersilerning üsti qizil rext bilen, uning üsti yene délfin tériside étilgen bir yopuq bilen yépilip, andin kötiridighan baldaqlar ötküzüp qoyulsun.
9 Using a blue cloth, they are to cover the lampstand of light, together with its lamps, wick tongs, and trays, as well as the jars of olive oil used to fill them.
Ular kök rext élip, uning bilen chiraghdan bilen üstidiki chiraghlarni, pilik qisquchlarni, küldanlarni we chiraghdan’gha ishlitidighan, barliq may qachilaydighan qachilarni yépip qoysun.
10 Then have them wrap it together with all its utensils inside a fine leather covering and place it on the carrying frame.
Ular yene chiraghdan bilen chiraghdan’gha ishlitidighan hemme qacha-qucha eswablarni délfin térisidin étilgen yopuq bilen yögep, andin epkeshke sélip qoysun.
11 They are to spread a blue cloth over the gold altar, cover it with fine leather, and then insert its carrying poles.
Altun xushbuygahqa kök bir rext sélip, yene délfin tériside étilgen yopuq bilen yépip, andin kötürgüchke qosh baldaqlarni ötküzüp qoysun.
12 They are to place all the utensils used for the service in the sanctuary in a blue cloth, cover them with fine leather, and place them on the carrying frame.
Muqeddes jayning ichide ishlitidighan barliq qacha-quchilarni kök bir rext bilen yögep, andin üstige délfin tériside étilgen yopuqni yépip, andin bir epkeshke sélip qoysun.
13 Have them clean the ashes from the bronze altar and spread a purple cloth over it,
Ular qurban’gahni külidin tazilap, üstige sösün renglik bir rextni yéyip qoysun.
14 and put on it all the equipment used in the services on the altar: the firepans, meat forks, shovels, and sprinkling bowls. Spread over it a fine leather covering and then insert its carrying poles.
Andin yene qurban’gahta ishlitilidighan eswablar — küldan, ilmek, belgürjek, chiniler, shundaqla barliq eswablarni qurban’gah üstige tizip, andin délfin tériside étilgen bir yopuq bilen yépip, andin kötüridighan baldaqlarni ötküzüp qoysun.
15 Once Aaron and his sons have finished covering these holy things and all the equipment connected with them, when the camp is ready to move, the priests of the Kohath family are to come and carry them. But they are forbidden to touch anything holy, otherwise they'll die. These are their responsibilities for moving the Tent of Meeting.
Pütün bargahtikiler yolgha chiqidighan chaghda, Harun bilen uning oghulliri muqeddes jay we muqeddes jaydiki barliq qacha-qucha eswablarni yépip bolghandin kéyin, Kohatning ewladliri kélip kötürsun; lékin ölüp ketmeslik üchün muqeddes buyumlargha qol tegküzmisun. Jamaet chédiri ichidiki nersilerdin shularni Kohatning ewladliri kötürüshi kérek.
16 Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, is to supervise obtaining olive oil for the lamps, the aromatic incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He is in charge of the whole Tabernacle and everything in it—all the holy things and equipment.”
Harunning oghli Eliazarning wezipisi chiragh méyi, xushbuy etir, daimiy teqdim qilinidighan ashliq hediye bilen mesihlesh méyigha qarash, shundaqla pütkül ibadet chédiri bilen uning ichidiki barliq nersiler, muqeddes jay hem muqeddes jaydiki qacha-qucha eswablargha qarashtin ibaret.
17 The Lord told Moses and Aaron,
Andin Perwerdigar Musa bilen Harun’gha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
18 “Make sure the families of Kohath are not wiped out from the Levites.
Siler Kohat jemetidikilerni Lawiylar arisidin qet’iy yoqitip qoymanglar;
19 This is what you have to do so that they'll live and won't die by getting too close to something holy. Aaron and his sons must go in and tell each of them what they have to do and what they have to carry.
belki ularning ölmey, hayat qélishi üchün ular «eng muqeddes» buyumlargha yéqinlashqan chaghda, Harun bilen uning oghulliri kirip ularning herbirige qilidighan we kötüridighan ishlarni körsitip qoysun;
20 But they must not to go in and look at the things that are most holy, even for just a moment, otherwise they'll die.”
ular peqet muqeddes jaygha kirgende muqeddes buyumlargha bir deqiqimu qarimisun, undaq qilip qoysa ölüp kétidu.
21 The Lord told Moses,
Perwerdigar Musagha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
22 “Register the descendants of Gershon, according to their family and father's line
Gershon ewladliri ichide ata jemeti we aililiri boyiche, ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédiri ichide xizmet qilish sépige kireleydighan hemmisini sanaqtin ötküzüp omumiy sanini al.
23 Count men aged thirty to fifty—all who are entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting.
24 This is how the families of Gershon will serve in terms of working and carrying:
Gershon aililirining qilidighan xizmiti we ular kötüridighan nersiler töwendikiche:
25 Have them carry the Tabernacle curtains, the Tent of Meeting with its fine leather covering, the curtains for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,
— ular jamaet chédirining özini, yeni astidiki ichki perdiliri we sirtqi perdilirini, uning yapquchini, shundaqla üstige yapqan délfin tériside étilgen yopuqni we jamaet chédirining kirish ishikining perdisini,
26 the courtyard curtains, the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard surrounding the Tabernacle and altar, the ropes, and everything connected with their use. The families of Gershon are responsible for everything required involving these items.
ibadet chédiri bilen qurban’gahni chöridep tartilghan hoylidiki perdiler bilen kirish derwazisining perdisini, shulargha xas tanilirini we ishlitidighan barliq qacha-qucha eswablarni kötürsun; bu eswab-üskünilerge munasiwetlik kérek bolghan ishlarni qilsun.
27 All that they do is to be under the supervision of Aaron and his sons—all their work and carrying assignments. You are to tell them all they are required to carry.
Gershon ewladlirining pütün wezipisi, yeni ular kötüridighan we béjiridighan barliq ishlar Harun we uning oghullirining körsetmiliri boyiche bolsun; ularning néme kötüridighanliqini siler belgilep béringlar.
28 These are their responsibilities for moving the Tent of Meeting, carried out under the direction of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.
Gershon ewladlirining jemetlirining jamaet chédirining ichide qilidighan xizmiti shular; ular kahin Harunning oghli Itamarning qol astida turup ishlisun.
29 Register the descendants of Merari, according to their family and father's line.
Merarining ewladlirinimu, ularni ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche, sanaqtin ötküz;
30 Count men aged thirty to fifty—all who are entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting.
ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédiri ichide xizmet qilish sépige kireleydighan hemmisini sanaqtin ötküzüp omumiy sanini al.
31 This is how they will serve in handling the Tent of Meeting: they are to carry the frames of the Tabernacle with its crossbars, posts, and stands,
Ularning jamaet chédiri ichidiki barliq xizmiti, yeni kötürüsh wezipisi mundaq: — Ular jamaet chédirining taxtayliri, baldaqliri, xadiliri we ularning teglikliri,
32 the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their stands, tent pegs, and ropes, all their equipment and everything connected with their use. You are to tell them by name what they are responsible for carrying.
hoylining töt etrapidiki xadilar, ularning teglikliri, qozuqliri, tanaliri, barliq eswab-üsküne hem shulargha kéreklik bolghan barliq nersilerni kötürüsh bolsun; ular kötüridighan eswab-üskünilerni namini atap bir-birlep her ademge körsitip béringlar.
33 These are their responsibilities for all their work in moving the Tent of Meeting, carried out under the direction of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.”
Merari jemet-aililirining jamaet chédiri ichide qilidighan barliq ishliri ene shular; ular kahin Harunning oghli Itamarning qol astida turup ishlisun.
34 Moses, Aaron, and the Israelite leaders registered the families of Kohath according to their family and father's line.
Musa bilen Harun we jamaetning emirliri Kohatning ewladlirining ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédirida xizmet qilish sépige kireleydighanlarning hemmisini ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche sanaqtin ötküzdi.
35 They counted men aged thirty to fifty—all who were entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting.
36 The total by families was 2,750.
Ulardin jemeti boyiche sanaqtin ötküzülgenler jemiy ikki ming yette yüz ellik kishi bolup chiqti.
37 This was the total of the families of Kohath—all who were entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting. Moses and Aaron registered them in accordance with the Lord's instructions to Moses.
Mushular Kohat jemetidin sanaqtin ötküzülgenler bolup, jamaet chédirida ish qilidighan herbiri, yeni Perwerdigarning Musaning wastisi bilen qilghan emri boyiche Musa bilen Harun sanaqtin ötküzgenler idi.
38 The families of Gershon were counted, according to their family and father's line,
Gershonlarning ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche, ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédirida xizmet qilish sépige kireleydighan hemmisi sanaqtin ötküzüldi;
39 men aged thirty to fifty—all who were entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting.
40 The total by families and father's line was 2,630.
ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche sanaqtin ötküzülgenler jemiy ikki ming alte yüz ottuz kishi bolup chiqti.
41 This was the total of the families of Gershon —all who were entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting. They were registered by Moses and Aaron in accordance with the Lord's instructions.
Mushular Gershon jemetidin sanaqtin ötküzülgenler bolup, jamaet chédirida ish qilidighan herbiri, yeni Perwerdigarning Musaning wastisi bilen qilghan emri boyiche Musa bilen Harun sanaqtin ötküzgenler idi.
42 The families of Merari were counted, according to their family and father's line,
Merarilarning ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche, ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédirida xizmet qilish sépige kireleydighan hemmisi sanaqtin ötküzüldi;
43 men aged thirty to fifty—all who were entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting.
44 The total by families was 3,200.
ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche sanaqtin ötküzülgenler jemiy üch ming ikki yüz kishi bolup chiqti.
45 This was the total of the families of Merari registered by Moses and Aaron in accordance with the Lord's instructions.
Mushular Merari jemetidin sanaqtin ötküzülgenler bolup, jamaet chédirida ish qilidighan herbiri, yeni Perwerdigarning Musaning wastisi bilen qilghan emri boyiche Musa bilen Harun sanaqtin ötküzgenler idi.
46 This is how Moses, Aaron, and the Israelite leaders registered all the Levites according to their family and father's line.
Sanaqtin ötküzülgen Lawiylar mana shular idi; Musa bilen Harun hem Israillarning emirliri ulardin ata jemeti, aililiri boyiche, ottuz yashtin ellik yashqiche bolghan, jamaet chédirida xizmet qilish we yük kütürüsh wezipisige kireleydighanlarni sanaqtin ötküzgen.
47 They counted men aged thirty to fifty—all who were entitled to do the work of serving in the Tent of Meeting and carrying it.
48 The sum total was 8,580.
Ularning sani jemiy sekkiz ming besh yüz seksen adem bolup chiqti.
49 It was in response to the Lord's instructions that they were registered by Moses. Each of those registered were told what to do and what to carry, as the Lord had ordered Moses.
Perwerdigarning emri boyiche, ular Musa teripidin sanaqtin ötküzüldi; herkim özi qilidighan Ishi we kötüridighan yükige asasen sanaqtin ötküzüldi. Bularning hemmisi Perwerdigarning Musagha emr qilghinidek boldi.

< Numbers 4 >