< Numbers 29 >

1 “Hold a holy meeting on the first day of the seventh month. Don't do any of your normal work. This is the day when you will blow the trumpets.
V sedmem mesecu, na prvi dan meseca, boste imeli sveti sklic. Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali. To vam je dan trobentanja.
2 Present a burnt offering of one young bull, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old, all of them without defects, as a sacrifice acceptable to the Lord,
Darovali boste žgalno daritev v prijeten vonj Gospodu: enega mladega bikca, enega ovna in sedem jagnjet prvega leta brez pomanjkljivosti
3 along with their grain offerings of the best flour mixed with olive oil: three-tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-tenths of an ephah for the ram,
in njihova jedilna daritev bo iz moke, umešane z oljem, tri desetinke za bikca in dve desetinki za ovna
4 and one tenth of an ephah for each of the seven male lambs.
in ena desetinka za eno jagnje, za sedem jagnjet,
5 Also present a male goat as a sin offering to make you right.
in enega kozlička od koz za daritev za greh, da za vas opravi spravo,
6 These offerings are in addition to the monthly and daily burnt offerings along with their required grain offerings and drink offerings. They are burnt offerings acceptable to the Lord.
poleg mesečne žgalne daritve, njene jedilne daritve, dnevne žgalne daritve, njene jedilne daritve in njihovih pitnih daritev, glede na njihov način, za prijeten vonj, žrtvovanje, narejeno z ognjem, Gospodu.
7 Hold a holy meeting on the tenth day of this seventh month, and practice self-denial. Don't do any of your normal work.
Na deseti dan sedmega meseca boste imeli sveti sklic in prizadeli boste svoje duše. Ta dan ne boste opravljali nobenega dela,
8 Present a burnt offering of one young bull, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old, all of them without defects, acceptable to the Lord.
temveč boste darovali žgalno daritev Gospodu v prijeten vonj: enega mladega bikca, enega ovna in sedem jagnjet prvega leta, ki vam bodo brez pomanjkljivosti,
9 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings of the best flour mixed with olive oil: three-tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-tenths of an ephah for the ram,
in njihova jedilna daritev bo iz moke, umešane z oljem, tri desetinke za bikca in dve desetinki za enega ovna,
10 and one tenth of an ephah for each of the seven lambs.
nekaj desetink za eno jagnje, za sedem jagnjet,
11 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the sin offering to make you right and the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozlička od koz za daritev za greh, poleg spravne daritve za greh in nenehne žgalne daritve in njegove jedilne daritve in njihovih pitnih daritev.
12 Hold a holy meeting on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. Don't do any of your normal work. You are to celebrate a festival dedicated to the Lord for seven days.
Na petnajsti dan sedmega meseca boste imeli sveti sklic. Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali in sedem dni boste imeli praznovanje Gospodu.
13 Present the following as a burnt offering acceptable to the Lord: thirteen young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Darovali boste žgalno daritev, žrtvovanje, narejeno z ognjem, prijetnega vonja Gospodu: trinajst mladih bikcev, dva ovna in štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta; ti bodo brez pomanjkljivosti.
14 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings of the best flour mixed with olive oil: three-tenths of an ephah of the best flour mixed with olive oil for each of the thirteen bulls, two-tenths of an ephah for each of the two rams,
Njihova jedilna daritev bo moka, umešana z oljem, tri desetinke vsakemu bikcu izmed trinajstih bikcev, dve desetinki vsakemu ovnu izmed dveh ovnov,
15 and one tenth of an ephah for each of the fourteen lambs.
in nekaj desetink za vsako izmed štirinajstih jagnjet
16 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
in enega kozlička od koz za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve, njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
17 On the second day present twelve young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Na drugi dan boste darovali dvanajst mladih bikcev, dva ovna, štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta brez madeža,
18 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
in njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikce, za ovne in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
19 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozlička od koz za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve in njegovih jedilnih daritev in njihovih pitnih daritev.
20 On the third day present eleven young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Na tretji dan enajst bikcev, dva ovna, štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta brez pomanjkljivosti
21 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
in njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikce, za ovne in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
22 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozla za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve in njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
23 On the fourth day present ten young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Na četrti dan deset bikcev, dva ovna in štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta brez pomanjkljivosti.
24 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
Njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikce, za ovne in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
25 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozlička od koz za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve, njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
26 On the fifth day present nine young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Na peti dan devet bikcev, dva ovna in štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta brez madeža
27 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
in njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikce, za ovne in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
28 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozla za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve in njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
29 On the sixth day present eight young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Na šesti dan osem bikcev, dva ovna in štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta brez pomanjkljivosti
30 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
in njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikce, za ovne in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
31 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozla za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve, njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
32 On the seventh day present seven young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
Na sedmi dan sedem bikcev, dva ovna in štirinajst jagnjet prvega leta brez pomanjkljivosti
33 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
in njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikce, za ovne in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
34 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozla za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve, njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
35 On the eighth day all of you are to meet together. Don't do any of your normal work.
Na osmi dan boste imeli slovesen zbor. Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali ta dan,
36 Present the following as a burnt offering acceptable to the Lord: one bull, two rams, and seven male lambs a year old, all of them without defects.
temveč boste žrtvovali žgalno daritev, žrtvovanje, narejeno z ognjem, prijetnega vonja Gospodu: enega bikca, enega ovna, sedem jagnjet prvega leta brez pomanjkljivosti.
37 They are to be accompanied by their grain offerings and drink offerings for the bulls, rams, and lambs, all according to the number required.
Njihova jedilna daritev in njihove pitne daritve za bikca, za ovna in za jagnjeta bodo glede na njihovo število, po načinu:
38 Also present a male goat as a sin offering in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and drink offering.
enega kozla za daritev za greh, poleg nenehne žgalne daritve in njegove jedilne daritve in njegove pitne daritve.
39 Present these offerings to the Lord at the times you are required to do so, in addition to your offerings to fulfill a promise and freewill offerings, whether they are burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, or peace offerings.”
Te stvari boste storili Gospodu na svoje določene praznike, poleg svojih zaobljub in svojih prostovoljnih daritev za svoje žgalne daritve, jedilne daritve, pitne daritve in za svoje mirovne daritve.‹«
40 Moses repeated all this to the Israelites as the Lord ordered him to do.
Mojzes je Izraelovim otrokom povedal glede na vse, kar je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu.

< Numbers 29 >