< Numbers 27 >

1 The daughters of Zelophehad came to present their case. Their father Zelophehad was the son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, and was from the tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph. The names of his daughters were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. They came
Yüsüpning oghli Manassehning neslidin bolghan jemetler ichide Manassehning chewrisi, Makirning ewrisi, Giléadning newrisi, Heferning oghli Zelofihadning qizliri bolup, ularning ismi Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah, we Tirzah idi.
2 and stood before Moses, Eleazar the priest, the leaders, and all the Israelites at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. They said,
Ular jamaet chédirining derwazisi aldigha kélip, Musa bilen kahin Eliazar we emirler bilen pütkül jamaetning aldida turup:
3 “Our father died in the desert, but he wasn't one of Korah's followers who joined together to rebel against the Lord. No, he died from his own sins, and he didn't have any sons.
— Bizning atimiz chölde ölüp ketken; u u yerde Perwerdigargha hujum qilghili yighilghanlardin emes, yeni Korah guruhidikilerdin emes; u belki öz gunahi ichide ölgen, we uning oghul perzenti yoq idi.
4 Why should our family name be lost simply because he didn't have a son? Give us land to own alongside our uncles.”
Néme üchün atimizning oghli yoqluqi seweblik uning nami uning jemetidin öchürüwétilidu? Özlirining bizge atimizning qérindashliri qatarida miras bölüp bérishlirini ötünimiz, — dédi.
5 Moses took their case before the Lord.
Musa ularning bu ishini Perwerdigarning aldigha qoydi.
6 The Lord gave him this answer,
Perwerdigar Musagha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
7 “What the daughters of Zelophehad are saying is right. You really must give them land to own alongside their uncles—give to them what would have been allocated to their father.
Zelofihadning qizlirining éytqini durus, sen choqum ulargha atisining qérindashliri qatarida miras ber; ularning atisining mirasini ulargha ötküzüp bergin.
8 In addition, tell the Israelites, ‘If a man dies and doesn't have a no son, give his property to his daughter.
Sen Israillargha éytqin: «Bir adem ölüp ketken chaghda uning oghli bolmisa, undaqta siler uning mirasini qizigha ötküzüp béringlar.
9 If he doesn't have a daughter, give his property to his brothers.
Qizi bolmisa, mirasini qérindashlirigha béringlar.
10 If he doesn't have brothers, give his property to his father's brothers.
Qérindashliri bolmisa, mirasini ata jemet taghilirigha béringlar.
11 If his father doesn't have brothers, give his property his family's next of kin so that they can own it. This is a legal regulation for the Israelites, given as an order by the Lord to Moses.’”
Eger uning atisining qérindashliri bolmisa, undaqta uning mirasini uning jemetidiki eng yéqin bir tughqinigha béringlar; u adem uning mirasigha ige bolsun. Bu Perwerdigar Musagha buyrughandek, Israillargha chüshürülgen höküm, qanun-belgilime bolup qalsun».
12 The Lord told Moses, “Go up into the Abarim mountains so you can see the land that I have given the Israelites.
Perwerdigar Musagha: — Sen mawu Abarim téghigha chiqip, Men Israillargha teqdim qilghan zémin’gha qarap baq.
13 After you have seen it, you will also join your forefathers in death, just as your brother Aaron did,
Körüp bolghandin kéyin senmu akang Harun’gha oxshash öz xelqliringge qoshulisen.
14 because when the Israelites complained in the Desert of Zin, you both rebelled against my instructions to show my holiness before them in regard to providing water.” (These were the waters of Meribah in Kadesh, in the Desert of Zin.)
Chünki Zin chölide, jamaet jédel chiqarghan chaghda, ikkinglar Méning buyruqimgha asiyliq qilip, suning ishida (Zin chölide, Qadeshtiki «Meribah suliri» dégen jayda) Méni jamaetning aldida muqeddes dep hörmetlimidinglar, — dédi.
15 Then Moses pleaded with the Lord,
Musa Perwerdigargha söz qilip:
16 “May the Lord, the God who gives life to all living beings, choose a man to lead the Israelites
— I Perwerdigar, barliq et igilirining rohlirining Xudasi, Öz jamaitining padichisiz padidek bolup qélishining aldini élish üchün jamaetni idare qilidighan, ularning aldigha kirip chiqalaydighan, ularni bashlap mangalaydighan bir ademni tiklep bérishingni tileymen, — dédi.
17 who will tell them what to do and show them where to go, so that the people of the Lord won't be like sheep without a shepherd.”
18 The Lord told Moses, “Call for Joshua, son of Nun, a man who has the Spirit in him, and place your hands on him.
Sen Nunning oghli Yeshuani tallighin, — dédi Perwerdigar Musagha, — Uningda Rohim bar, sen qolungni uning béshigha qoy,
19 Make him stand in front of Eleazar the priest and all the Israelites, and dedicate him while they watch.
uni kahin Eliazar we barliq jamaetning aldida turghuzup wezipige qoy.
20 Hand over some of your authority to him so that all the Israelites will obey him.
Sen pütkül Israil jamaiti uning gépige kirishi üchün özüngning izzet-shöhritingdin bir qismini uninggha bergin.
21 When he needs instructions he is to go before Eleazar the priest who will ask the Lord on his behalf and find out the decision using the Urim. Joshua will give orders to all the Israelites concerning everything they are to do.”
U kahin Eliazarning aldida tursun, [Eliazar] urimning hökümini wasite qilip turup, Perwerdigarning huzurida uning üchün yol sorisun; Israil xelqi, yeni pütkül jamaet uning buyruqi bilen chiqidu, uning buyruqi bilen kirishi kérek.
22 Moses followed the Lord's instructions. He had Joshua come and stand in front of Eleazar the priest and all the Israelites.
Shuning bilen Musa Perwerdigarning buyruqi boyiche ish körüp, Yeshuani bashlap kélip, kahin Eliazarning we barliq jamaetning aldida turghuzdi;
23 Moses placed his hands on Joshua and dedicated him, just as the Lord had told him to do.
[Eliazar] qolini uning béshigha qoyup, uni Perwerdigarning Musaning wasitisi bilen buyrughinidek wezipige qoydi.

< Numbers 27 >