< Numbers 24 >

1 When Balaam saw that the Lord wanted to bless Israel, he chose not to use divination as he had previously. Instead he turned towards the desert,
Awo Balamu bwe yalaba nga Mukama Katonda asiimye okuwa Isirayiri omukisa, n’ataddayo kunoonya bya bulaguzi, nga bwe yakola ku mirundi emirala, naye n’ayolekeza amaaso ge eddungu.
2 and as he looked at Israel camped there according to their respective tribes, the Spirit of God came on him.
Balamu n’alengera ewala, n’alaba Isirayiri gye yasiisira ng’ebika bwe byali, n’ajjirwa Omwoyo wa Katonda,
3 He gave a declaration, saying:
n’alagula nti, “Okulagula kwa Balamu mutabani wa Byoli, okulagula kw’omuntu azibuddwa amaaso,
4 “This is the prophecy of Balaam, son of Beor, the prophecy of a man who sees with eyes are wide open, the prophecy of one who hears the words of God, who sees the vision given by Almighty, who bows down in respect with open eyes.
okulagula kw’oyo awulira ekigambo kya Katonda alaba okwolesebwa kw’Ayinzabyonna, eyeeyaze wansi, n’amaaso ge nga gatunula:
5 How well set out your tents are, Jacob; the places where you live, Israel!
“Eweema zo nga nnungi, Ayi Yakobo, ebifo byo mw’obeera, Ayi Isirayiri!
6 They look like wooded valleys, like gardens beside a river, like aloe trees the Lord has planted, like cedars at the water's edge.
“Byeyaliiridde ng’ebiwonvu, ng’ennimiro ku mabbali g’omugga, ng’emigavu egisimbiddwa Mukama ng’emivule egiri okumpi n’amazzi.
7 The Israelites will pour out bucketfuls of water; their descendants will have plenty of water. Their king will be greater than King Agag; their kingdom will be glorious.
Amazzi ganaakulukutanga mu bulobo bwabwe; ne gabooga ensigo zaabwe zirifunanga amazzi mangi. “Kabaka waabwe aliba wa kitiibwa okukira Agagi obwakabaka bwabwe bunaagulumizibwanga.
8 God led them out of Egypt with great power, as strong as an ox, destroying enemy nations, breaking their bones, piercing them with arrows.
“Katonda ye yabaggya mu Misiri balina amaanyi nga aga sseddume ey’omu nsiko. Basaanyaawo amawanga g’abalabe ne bamenyaamenya amagumba gaabwe mu butundutundu, ne babalasa n’obusaale bwabwe.
9 They are like a lion that crouches and lies down. They are like a lioness that nobody dares to disturb. Those who bless you will be blessed; those who curse you will be cursed.”
Ng’empologoma ensajja, beekulula ne bagalamira wansi, ng’empologoma enkazi; ani ayaŋŋanga okubagolokosa? “Akusabiranga omukisa aweebwenga omukisa n’oyo akukolimira akolimirwenga!”
10 Balak got angry with Balaam, and beat his fists together. He told Balaam, “I brought you here to curse my enemies, and now look! You keep on blessing them, doing it three times.
Awo obusungu bwa Balaki ne bubuubuukira ku Balamu. N’akuba mu ngalo omulundi gumu, n’amugamba nti, “Nakuyita okolimire abalabe bange, naye obasabidde mukisa emirundi gino gyonsatule.
11 Leave right now! Go home! I promised to pay you well, but the Lord has made sure you wouldn't receive any payment.”
Kale nno situka oddeyo ewammwe! Nagamba nti nnandikuwadde ebitiibwa bingi, naye Mukama akuziyizza okuweebwa ebitiibwa ebyo.”
12 But Balaam said to Balak, “Didn't I already explain to the messengers you sent
Balamu n’agamba Balaki nti, “Ababaka bo be wantumira, saabagamba nti,
13 that even if you gave me your whole palace full of silver and gold, I couldn't do anything I wanted or disobey the command of the Lord my God in any way? I can only say what the Lord tells me.
‘Balaki ne bw’alimpa ennyumba ye ng’ejjudde zaabu ne ffeeza, sigenda kusukka kiragiro kya Mukama ne nkola ekyange ku bwange oba nga kirungi oba nga kibi, wabula nga ndyogera ebyo byokka Mukama by’alindagira okwogera?’
14 Listen! I'm going back home now to my own people, but first let me warn you what these Israelites are going to do to your people in the future.”
Kaakano nno nzirayo ewaffe mu bantu bange, naye wuliriza nga nkulabula abantu bano kye balikola abantu bo mu nnaku ezijja.”
15 Then Balaam gave a declaration, saying, “This is the prophecy of Balaam, son of Beor, the prophecy of a man whose eyes are wide open
N’alagula bw’ati nti, “Okulagula kwa Balamu mutabani wa Byoli, okulagula kw’omuntu azibuddwa amaaso,
16 the prophecy of one who hears the words of God, who receives knowledge from the Most High, who sees the vision given by Almighty, who bows down in respect with open eyes.
okulagula kw’oyo awulira ekigambo kya Katonda, aggya okutegeera eri oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo alaba okulabikirwa kw’Ayinzabyonna eyeeyaze wansi, n’amaaso ge nga gatunula.
17 I see him, but this isn't now. I observe him, but this isn't close at hand. In the future a leader like a star will come from Jacob, a ruler with a scepter will come to power from Israel. He will crush the heads of the Moabites, and destroy all the people of Seth.
“Mmulaba, naye si kaakano; mmutunuulira, naye tali kumpi. Emmunyeenye eriva ewa Yakobo; omufuzi alisituka ng’ava mu Isirayiri. Alibetenta Mowaabu, obuwanga bw’abatabani ba Seezi.
18 The country of Edom will be conquered, his enemy Seir will be conquered, and the Israelites will be victorious.
Edomu aliwangulwa; Seyiri, omulabe we, aliwangulwa, naye Isirayiri alyeyongera amaanyi.
19 A ruler from Jacob will come and destroy those left in the city.”
Omufuzi alisituka ng’ava mu Yakobo n’azikiriza ab’omu kibuga abaliba bawonyeewo.”
20 Balaam turned his attention to the Amalekites and gave this declaration about them, saying, “Amalek was first among the nations, but they will end up being destroyed.”
Balamu n’alaba Amaleki, n’alagula nti, “Amaleki ye yakulemberanga mu mawanga, naye ku nkomerero agenda kuzikirira.”
21 He turned his attention to the Kenites and gave this declaration about them, saying, “Where you live is safe and secure, like a nest on a cliff-face.
N’alaba Abakeeni, n’alagula nti: “Ekifo kyo w’obeera wagumu, ekisu kyo kiri mu lwazi
22 But Kain will be burned down when Assyria conquers you.”
naye era mmwe Abakeeni mugenda kuzikirizibwa Asuli bw’alibatwala mu busibe.”
23 Then Balaam gave another declaration, saying, “It's a tragedy! Who can survive when God does this?
Ate n’alagula nti, “Woowe! Ani aba omulamu nga Katonda asazeewo eky’okukola?
24 Ships will be sent from Cyprus to attack Assyria and Eber, but they too will be permanently destroyed.”
Ebyombo birijja nga biva ku mbalama za Kittimu; birifufuggaza Asuli ne Eberi, naye nabyo birizikirira.”
25 Then Balaam left and returned to his own country, and Balak left too.
Awo Balamu n’asituka n’addayo ewaabwe, ne Balaki n’akwata agage.

< Numbers 24 >