< Numbers 21 >

1 The Canaanite king of Arad who lived in the Negev learned that the Israelites were approaching on the road to Atharim. He went and attacked Israel and took some of them prisoners.
Lè Chèf Canaran an, wa Arad la, ki te viv nan Negev la te tande ke Israël t ap vini pa chemen a Atharim nan; alò, li te goumen kont Israël, e li te pran kèk nan yo an kaptif.
2 So Israel made a solemn promise to the Lord: “If you hand these people over to us, we pledge to completely destroy their towns.”
Konsa, Israël te fè yon ve a SENYÈ a, e te di: “Si Ou va vrèman livre pèp sa a nan men m; alò, mwen va detwi vil pa yo a nèt.”
3 The Lord responded to their appeal and handed over the Canaanites to them. The Israelites completely destroyed them and their towns, and named the place Hormah.
SENYÈ a te tande vwa Israël. Li te livre yo bay Canaran, epi yo te detwi yo nèt ansanm avèk vil yo. Konsa, kote sa a te vin releHorma.
4 The Israelites left Mount Hor by the road leading to the Red Sea so they could avoid traveling through the country of Edom. But the people became bad-tempered on the way
Yo te sòti nan Mòn Hor pa wout Lamè Wouj la, pou travèse peyi Édom an. Epi pèp la te vin pèdi pasyans akoz vwayaj la.
5 and made complaints against God and against Moses, saying, “Why did you lead us out of Egypt to die in the desert? We don't have bread or water, and we hate this awful food!”
Pèp la te pale kont Bondye ak Moïse: “Poukisa ou te mennen nou sòti an Égypte pou mouri nan dezè a? Paske nanpwen manje, ni dlo, e nou rayi move manje sila a.”
6 So the Lord sent poisonous snakes to attack them, and many Israelites were bitten and died.
SENYÈ a te voye sèpan dife pami pèp la. Yo te mòde pèp la, e anpil nan pèp Israël la te mouri.
7 The people went to see Moses and told him, “We were wrong to make complaints against the Lord and against you. Please pray to the Lord to get rid of the snakes from us.” Moses prayed to the Lord on their behalf.
Konsa, pèp la te vini a Moïse e te di: “Nou te peche, pwiske nou te pale kont SENYÈ a ak ou menm. Entèsede pou nou avèk SENYÈ a, pou Li kapab retire sèpan sa yo sou nou.” Epi Moïse te entèsede pou pèp la.
8 The Lord told Moses, “Make a model of a snake and put it on a pole. When anyone who has been bitten looks at it, they will live.”
Alò, SENYÈ a te di a Moïse: “Fè yon sèpan dife e mete li sou yon poto. Konsa, li va vin rive ke tout moun ki mòde, lè li gade li, l ap viv.”
9 Moses made a snake out of bronze and put it on a pole. Those who looked at it did live.
Moïse te fè yon sèpan an bwonz e li te mete li sou poto a. Epi li te vin rive ke si yon sèpan te mòde nenpòt moun, lè li te gade vè sèpan an bwonz lan, li te viv.
10 The Israelites left and camped at Oboth.
Alò, fis Israël yo te deplase e te fè kan an nan Oboth.
11 Then they moved on from Oboth and camped at Iye-abarim in the desert on the east side of Moab.
Yo te vwayaje soti Oboth pou te fè kan an nan Ijje-Abarim, nan dezè ki anfas Moab a lès la.
12 They left there and camped in the Valley of Zered.
Soti la, yo te pati pou te fè kan an nan vale Zéred la.
13 Then they moved on from there and camped on the far side of the Arnon River, in the desert near Amorite territory. The Arnon River is the border between the Moab and the Amorites.
Soti la, yo te vwayaje pou te fè kan an sou lòt kote Arnon an, ki se nan dezè ki sòti nan lizyè Amoreyen yo, paske Arnon se te fwontyè Moab, antre Moab ak Amoreyen yo.
14 That's why the Book of the Wars of the Lord refers to “the town of Waheb in Suphah and the canyon of the Arnon,
Konsa, sa di nan Liv Lagè SENYÈ a: “Vaheb nan Supha, avèk ravin sèch nan Arnon an,
15 the canyon slopes that reach the village of Ar that lies on the border with Moab.”
ak pant ki rive nan ravin sèch yo ki rive jis nan kote Ar la e ki touche nan lizyè Moab la.”
16 From there they moved on to Beer, the well where the Lord told Moses, “Have the people gather together so I can give them water.”
Soti la, yo rive jis nan Beer, ki se pwi kote SENYÈ a te di Moïse, reyini pèp la pou Mwen kapab bay yo dlo a.”
17 Then the Israelites sang this song: “Pour out water, well! Everyone of you sing to it!
Epi Israël te chante chan sila a: “Vin bwote o pwi! Chante a li!
18 The tribal chiefs dug the well; yes the leaders of the people dug the well with their rods of authority and their walking sticks.” The Israelites left the desert and carried on to Mattanah.
Pwi a ke prens yo nan pèp la te fouye, Avèk baton wayal ak Baton soutyen pa yo.” Epi soti nan dezè a, yo te kontinye a Matthana,
19 From Mattanah they traveled to Nahaliel, from Nahaliel to Bamoth,
soti Matthana a Nahaliel, soti nan Nahaliel a Bamoth,
20 and from Bamoth to the valley in the territory of Moab where the top of Mount Pisgah looks down on the wastelands.
soti Bamoth nan vale ki nan peyi Moab la, nan pwent lan vè Mòn Pisga ki kanpe anwo tout dezè a.
21 Then Israel sent messengers to Sihon, king of the Amorites, with the following request:
Alò Israël te voye mesaje yo bay Sihon, wa a Amoreyen yo. Li te di:
22 “Please allow us to travel through your country. We won't cross any of your fields or vineyards, or drink water from any of your wells. We will stay on the King's Highway until we have passed through your country.”
“Kite mwen pase nan peyi ou a. Nou p ap menm vire nan chan, oswa nan rezen yo. Nou p ap bwè dlo nan pwi yo. Nou va ale nan chemen Wa a jiskaske nou fin depase limit fwontyè pa w la.”
23 But Sihon refused to allow the Israelites to travel through his territory. Instead, he called out his whole army and went out to meet the Israelites head-on in the desert. When he arrived at Jahaz, he attacked the Israelites.
Men Sihon pa t kite Israël pase nan fwontyè pa li a. Konsa, Sihon te ranmase tout pèp li a pou te sòti kont Israël nan dezè a. Yo te rive a Jahats pou te goumen kont Israël.
24 The Israelites defeated them, killing them with their swords. They took over his land from the Arnon River to the Jabbok River —but only as far as the border of the Ammonites, because it was well defended.
Konsa, Israël te frape li avèk tranch nepe, e te pran posesyon peyi li a soti Arnon pou jis rive Jabbok, soti distans a fis Ammon yo; paske nan fwontyè a fis Ammon yo, se te Jazer.
25 The Israelites conquered all the Amorite towns and took them over, including Heshbon and its surrounding villages.
Israël te pran tout vil yo e Israël te viv nan tout vil Amoreyen yo, nan Hesbon ak nan tout vil li yo.
26 Heshbon was the capital of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who had fought against the previous king of Moab and had taken from him all his land as far as the Arnon River.
Paske Hesbon, se te vil a Sihon, wa a Amoreyen yo, ki te goumen kont ansyen wa Moab la, e li te retire tout peyi li a nan men li, jis rive nan Arnon.
27 That's why the old songwriters wrote: “Come to Heshbon and have it be rebuilt; restore the town of Sihon!
Se pou sa ke sila ki sèvi ak pwovèb yo di: “Vini Hesbon! Kite li bati! Konsa kite vil a Sihon an fin etabli.
28 For a fire blazed out from Heshbon, a flame from the town of Sihon. It burned up Ar in Moab where the rulers live on the high places of Arnon.
Paske yon dife te sòti nan Hesbon, Yon flanm soti nan vil a Sihon; Li te devore Ar nan Moab, Pwent wo yo domine Arnon
29 What a disaster you face, Moab! You are all going to die, people of Chemosh! You handed over your sons as exiles and your daughters as prisoners to Sihon, king of the Amorites.
Malè a nou menm, O Moab! Nou gen tan fin gate nèt, O pèp Kemosch la! Li te bay fis li yo kòm sila k ap sove ale, Epi fi li yo kòm kaptif, pou yon wa Amoreyen, Sihon.
30 But now we have defeated the Amorites! Heshbon's rule has been destroyed all the way to Dibon. We wiped them out all the way to Nophah and on to Medeba.”
Nou te tire sou yo. Hesbon fin gate jis rive Dibon. Konsa, nou te fin piyaje jis rive Nophach, Ki rive nèt nan Médaba.”
31 The Israelites occupied the country of the Amorites.
Pou sa a, Israël te viv nan peyi Amoreyen yo.
32 Moses sent men to explore Jazer. The Israelites conquered its surrounding villages and expelled the Amorites living there.
Moïse te voye espyone Jaezer. Yo te kaptire vil li yo e te piyaje Amoreyen ki te la yo.
33 Then they continued on the road towards Bashan. Og, king of Bashan, led his whole army out to meet them head on, and fought them at Edrei.
Epi yo te vire monte nan wout Basan, e Og, wa Basan an, te sòti avèk tout pèp li a pou fè bati Édréï.
34 The Lord told Moses, “You don't need to be afraid of him, because I have handed him over to you, along with all his people and his land. Do to him what you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who ruled from Heshbon.”
Men SENYÈ a te di a Moïse: “Pa pè li, paske Mwen te bay li nan men nou, tout pèp li a ak tout peyi li a. Ou va fè avèk li jan ou te fè Sihon, wa Amoreyen, ki te viv Hesbon yo.”
35 So they killed Og, his sons, and all his army. Nobody survived, and the Israelites took over his country.
Konsa, yo te touye li avèk fis li yo ak tout pèp li a, jis pa t menm gen yon retay ki te rete de li. Konsa, yo te posede peyi li a.

< Numbers 21 >