< Numbers 20 >

1 It was during the first month of the year that all the Israelites arrived in the Desert of Zin and set up camp in Kadesh. (This was where Miriam died and was buried.)
Katika mwezi wa kwanza jumuiya yote ya Kiisraeli ilifika kwenye Jangwa la Sini, nao wakakaa Kadeshi. Miriamu akafa huko na kuzikwa.
2 However, there was no water there for anyone to drink, so the people gathered to confront Moses and Aaron.
Mahali hapo hapakuwa na maji kwa ajili ya jumuiya hiyo, nao wakakusanyika ili kumpinga Mose na Aroni.
3 They argued with Moses, saying, “If only we'd died with our relatives in the Lord's presence!
Watu wakagombana na Mose, na kusema, “Laiti tungelikufa wakati ndugu zetu walipoanguka na kufa mbele za Bwana!
4 Why have you brought the Lord's people into this desert just so we and our livestock can die here?
Kwa nini mmeileta jumuiya ya Bwana kwenye jangwa hili, ili tufe humu, sisi na mifugo yetu?
5 Why did you lead us out of Egypt to come to this awful place? Nothing grows here—no grain or figs or vines or pomegranates. And there's no water to drink!”
Kwa nini mmetupandisha kutoka Misri mpaka mahali hapa pa kutisha? Hapa hakuna nafaka wala tini, zabibu au makomamanga. Wala hapa hakuna maji ya kunywa!”
6 Moses and Aaron left the people and went to entrance of the Tent of Meeting. There they fell facedown on the ground, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them.
Mose na Aroni wakaondoka pale kwenye kusanyiko mpaka kwenye mlango wa Hema la Kukutania na kuanguka kifudifudi, nao utukufu wa Bwana ukawatokea.
7 The Lord told Moses,
Bwana akamwambia Mose,
8 “Take the walking stick and have the people gather around you. As they watch, you and your brother Aaron will order the rock and it will pour out water. You will bring water from the rock so the people and their livestock can drink.”
“Chukua ile fimbo, na wewe na ndugu yako Aroni mkusanye kusanyiko pamoja. Nena na ule mwamba mbele ya macho yao, nao utatoa maji yake. Utatoa maji kutoka huo mwamba kwa ajili ya jumuiya ili wao na mifugo yao waweze kunywa.”
9 Moses picked up the walking stick that was kept in the Lord's presence, as he had been ordered.
Kwa hiyo Mose akaichukua hiyo fimbo kutoka pale ilipokuwa mbele za Bwana kama alivyomwagiza.
10 Moses and Aaron had everyone gather in front of the rock. Moses said to them, “Listen, you bunch of rebels! Do we have to bring water out of this rock for you?”
Mose na Aroni wakakusanya kusanyiko pamoja mbele ya huo mwamba, naye Mose akawaambia, “Sikilizeni, enyi waasi. Je, ni lazima tuwatoleeni maji kutoka mwamba huu?”
11 Then Moses picked up the walking stick and hit the rock twice. Streams of water gushed out so that the people and their livestock could drink.
Ndipo Mose akainua mkono wake na kuupiga mwamba mara mbili kwa fimbo yake. Maji yakabubujika, nayo jumuiya na mifugo yao wakanywa.
12 But the Lord told Moses and Aaron, “Because you didn't trust me enough to demonstrate how holy I am to the Israelites, you will not be the ones to lead them into the country I've given them.”
Lakini Bwana akamwambia Mose na Aroni, “Kwa sababu hamkuniamini mimi kiasi cha kuniheshimu kama mtakatifu machoni pa Waisraeli, hamtaiingiza jumuiya hii katika nchi ninayowapa.”
13 The place where the Israelites argued with the Lord was called the waters of Meribah, and was where he revealed his holiness to them.
Haya yalikuwa maji ya Meriba, mahali pale ambapo Waisraeli waligombana na Bwana, naye akajionyesha mwenyewe huko kuwa mtakatifu katikati yao.
14 Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom, telling him, “This is what your brother Israel says. You know all about the difficulties we've faced.
Mose akawatuma wajumbe kutoka Kadeshi kwenda kwa mfalme wa Edomu, akisema: “Hili ndilo ndugu yako Israeli asemalo: Wewe unafahamu juu ya taabu zote ambazo zimetupata.
15 Our forefathers went to Egypt and we lived there for a long time. The Egyptians treated us and our forefathers badly,
Baba zetu walishuka Misri, nasi tumeishi huko miaka mingi. Wamisri walitutesa sisi na baba zetu,
16 so we called out to the Lord for help, and he heard our cries. He sent an angel and led us out of Egypt. Listen, now we are in Kadesh, a town on the border of your territory.
lakini tulipomlilia Bwana, alisikia kilio chetu na akamtuma malaika akatutoa Misri. “Sasa tupo hapa Kadeshi, mji ulio mpakani mwa nchi yako.
17 Please allow us to travel through your country. We won't cross any of your fields or vineyards, or drink water from any of your wells. We will stay on the King's Highway; we won't turn off either to the right or to the left until we have passed through your country.”
Tafadhali turuhusu tupite katika nchi yako. Hatutapita katika shamba lolote, wala shamba la mizabibu, au kunywa maji kutoka kwenye kisima chochote. Tutasafiri kufuata njia kuu ya mfalme, na hatutageuka kulia wala kushoto mpaka tuwe tumeshapita nchi yako.”
18 But the king of Edom replied, “You are forbidden to travel through our country, otherwise we will come out and stop you by force.”
Lakini mfalme wa Edomu akajibu: “Hamtapita hapa; kama mkijaribu kupita, tutatoka na kuwashambulia kwa upanga.”
19 “We'll keep to the main road,” the Israelites persisted. “If we or our livestock drink your water, we'll pay you for it. That's all we want—just to pass through on foot.”
Waisraeli wakajibu: “Sisi tutafuata njia kuu; tena ikiwa sisi au mifugo yetu tutakunywa tone la maji yenu, tutalilipia. Sisi tunataka tu kupita kwa miguu, wala si kitu kingine chochote.”
20 But the king of Edom insisted, “You are forbidden to travel through our country!” He came out with his large and powerful army to meet the Israelites head-on.
Watu wa Edomu wakajibu tena: “Hamwezi kupita hapa.” Ndipo watu wa Edomu wakatoka dhidi ya Waisraeli, jeshi kubwa lenye nguvu.
21 Since the king of Edom refused to allow Israel to travel through his territory, the Israelites had to turn back.
Kwa kuwa Waedomu waliwakatalia Waisraeli kupita katika nchi yao, Israeli wakageuka, wakawaacha.
22 The Israelites all left Kadesh and traveled to Mount Hor.
Jumuiya yote ya Kiisraeli ikaondoka kutoka Kadeshi, wakafika kwenye Mlima Hori.
23 At Mount Hor, near the border with the country of Edom, the Lord told Moses and Aaron,
Kwenye Mlima Hori, karibu na mpaka wa Edomu, Bwana akamwambia Mose na Aroni,
24 “Aaron will shortly join his forefathers in death. He will not enter the country I have given the Israelites, because you both disobeyed my command at the waters of Meribah.
“Aroni atakusanywa pamoja na watu wake. Hataingia katika nchi ninayowapa Waisraeli, kwa sababu ninyi wawili mliasi dhidi ya agizo langu kwenye maji ya Meriba.
25 Have Aaron and his son Eleazar join you and climb up Mount Hor together.
Watwae Aroni na Eleazari mwanawe, na uwapandishe juu katika Mlima wa Hori.
26 Take off Aaron's priestly clothes and put them on his son Eleazar. Aaron is going to die there and join his forefathers in death.”
Mvue Aroni mavazi yake, na umvike Eleazari mwanawe, kwa maana Aroni atakusanywa pamoja na watu wake; atakufa huko.”
27 Moses did as the Lord ordered: They climbed up Mount Hor in full view of all the Israelites.
Mose akafanya kama Bwana alivyomwagiza: Wakapanda Mlima Hori mbele ya macho ya jumuiya yote ya Kiisraeli.
28 Moses removed the priestly clothes that Aaron was wearing and put them on Aaron's son Eleazar. Aaron died there, on the top of the mountain. Then Moses and Eleazar went back down.
Mose akamvua Aroni mavazi yake na kumvika mwanawe Eleazari mavazi hayo. Naye Aroni akafia pale juu ya mlima. Kisha Mose na Eleazari wakateremka kutoka mlimani.
29 When the people realized that Aaron had died, they all mourned for him for thirty days.
Jumuiya yote ilipofahamu kwamba Aroni amekufa, jamaa yote ya Kiisraeli wakamwomboleza kwa siku thelathini.

< Numbers 20 >