< Numbers 14 >

1 Then everybody there cried out loud all night.
Ekiro ekyo abantu bonna mu kibiina ne bayimusa amaloboozi gaabwe ne bakaaba n’eddoboozi ery’omwanguka.
2 All the Israelites went and complained to Moses and Aaron, telling them, “If only we'd died in Egypt, or here in this desert!
Abaana ba Isirayiri bonna ne beemulugunyiza Musa ne Alooni; abantu bonna awamu mu kibiina ne babagamba nti, “Singa twafiira mu nsi y’e Misiri! Oba singa twafiira mu ddungu muno!
3 Why is the Lord taking us to this country only to get us killed? Our wives and children will be captured and taken away as slaves! Wouldn't we be better off going back to Egypt?”
Lwaki Mukama atutwala mu nsi eyo, tutuuke eyo tulyoke tuttibwe n’ekitala? Abakazi baffe n’abaana baffe bagenda kunyagibwa. Okuddayo mu Misiri si kye kinaasingako?”
4 They said to one another, “Let's choose a new leader us and go back to Egypt.”
Ne boogeraganya nti, “Ka twerondere omukulembeze tuddeyo mu Misiri.”
5 Moses and Aaron fellfacedown on the ground in front of all the assembled Israelites.
Awo Musa ne Alooni ne bavuunama wansi mu maaso g’ekibiina kyonna eky’abaana ba Isirayiri abaali bakuŋŋaanidde awo.
6 Joshua, son of Nun, and Caleb, son of Jephunneh, were there. They had been part of the group who had gone to spy out the land. They ripped their clothes,
Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni ne Kalebu mutabani wa Yefune, abaali mu abo abaagenda okuketta ensi, ne bayuzaayuza engoye zaabwe,
7 and told the Israelites, “The country we traveled through and explored has very good land.
ne bagamba ekibiina kyonna eky’abaana ba Isirayiri nti, “Ensi gye twayitaayitamu okugiketta, nsi nnungi nnyo.
8 If the Lord is happy with us, he will take us there and give it to us, a land that's so productive it's like flowing with milk and honey.
Mukama Katonda bw’aliba atusanyukidde, alitukulembera n’atutuusa mu nsi eyo, ensi ekulukuta amata n’omubisi gw’enjuki, era agenda kugituwa.
9 Don't rebel and fight against the Lord. You don't need to be afraid of the people living there in the country—we can take them easily! They're defenseless and the Lord is with us. Don't be frightened of them!”
Kyokka temujeemera Mukama Katonda, era n’abantu b’omu nsi omwo temubatya, kubanga kuliba kumenya mu jjenje kkalu; tebakyalina abakuuma, ate nga Mukama Katonda ali wamu naffe. Temubatya.”
10 In reply all the people shouted out, “Stone them!” But the glory of the Lord suddenly appeared in the Tent of Meeting, right in the middle of the Israelites.
Naye abantu bonna mu kibiina ne bateesa okubakuba mayinja. Awo ekitiibwa kya Mukama Katonda ne kirabikira eri abaana ba Isirayiri bonna mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu.
11 The Lord told Moses, “How long are these people going to reject me? How long are these people going to refuse to trust in me despite all the miracles I have done right in front of them?
Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, “Abantu bano balinnyooma kutuusa ddi? Balikomya ddi obutanzikiririzaamu, newaakubadde nga nakola ebyamagero mu bubonero bwe nakolera mu bo?
12 I'm going to make them sick with a disease and kill them. Then I will make you into a nation that's greater and strong than them.”
Nzija kubaboola mbazikirize ne kawumpuli, mbasaanyeewo; naye nzija kukuggyamu ggwe eggwanga eriribasinga abo obukulu n’amaanyi.”
13 But Moses told the Lord, “The Egyptians will find out about it! It was by your power that you led the Israelites out from among them.
Naye Musa n’agamba Mukama Katonda nti, “Ebyo Abamisiri bagenda kubiwulira! Kubanga abantu bano wabaggya mu nsi y’Abamisiri n’obuyinza obw’amaanyi amangi.
14 They will tell the people living in this country all about it. They've already heard that you, Lord, are with us Israelites, that you, Lord, are seen face to face, that your cloud stands guard over them, and that you lead them by a pillar of cloud during day and a pillar of fire at night.
Bajja kubuulirako ku bantu ab’omu nsi muno. Baamala dda okukiwulira nga ggwe, Ayi Mukama, obeera wakati mu bantu bano, era nga, Ayi Mukama Katonda, mulabagana nabo amaaso n’amaaso, era ng’ekire kyo kibeera nabo buli kiseera, era ng’obakulemberera mu mpagi ey’ekire emisana ne mu mpagi ey’omuliro ekiro.
15 If you kill all these people in one go, the nations who have heard about you will say,
Singa abantu bano obatta bonna omulundi gumu, amawanga agawulidde obututumufu bwo gagenda kugamba nti,
16 ‘The Lord killed these people in the desert because he wasn't able to take them to the country he promised to give them. He's killed them all in desert!’
‘Kubanga Mukama Katonda yali tasobola kuyingiza bantu bano mu nsi gye yabasuubiza ng’agibalayirira; kyeyava abattira mu ddungu.’
17 Now, Lord, please demonstrate the extent of your power just as you have said:
“Ne kaakano nkwegayirira oyoleke obuyinza bwo, Ayi Mukama nga bwe buli obusukkirivu nga bwe wasuubiza nti,
18 The Lord is slow to become angry and is full of trustworthy love, forgiving sin and rebellion. However, he will not allow the guilty to go unpunished, bringing the consequences of the parents' sin on their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
‘Mukama Katonda alwawo okusunguwala, era ajjudde okwagala okutaggwaawo, era asonyiwa ekibi n’obujeemu. Naye era asingiddwa omusango tamuleka nga tabonerezebbwa; abonereza abaana olw’ebibi bya bakadde baabwe okutuuka ku mulembe ogwokusatu n’ogwokuna.’
19 Please forgive the sin of these people since your trustworthy love is so great, in the same way that you have forgiven them from the time they left Egypt until now.”
Ng’okwagala kwe okungi okutaggwaawo bwe kuli, nsaba osonyiwe abantu bano ekibi ky’abwe, nga bw’ozze obasonyiwa kasookedde bava mu Misiri n’okutuusa leero.”
20 “I have forgiven them as you asked,” the Lord replied.
Awo Mukama Katonda n’addamu nti, “Mbasonyiye nga bw’onsabye.
21 “But even so, as I live and as the whole earth is filled with the Lord's glory,
Naye nno mu mazima ddala nga bwe ndi omulamu, era ng’ekitiibwa kya Mukama Katonda bwe kijjuza ensi yonna,
22 not a single one of the those who saw my glory and the miracles I did in Egypt and in the desert—but provoked me and refused to obey me time and time again—
tewalibaawo n’omu ku bantu abaalaba ekitiibwa kyange n’obubonero obw’ebyamagero bwe nakolera e Misiri ne mu ddungu, naye ne batagondera ddoboozi lyange wabula ne bangezesa nga bankema emirundi kkumi,
23 not a single one of them is ever going to see the country I promised to give their forefathers. None of those who rejected me will see it.
tewalibaawo n’omu ku bo aliraba ku nsi eyo gye nalayirira bajjajjaabwe ne mbasuubiza okugibawa. Tewalibaawo n’omu ku bo abannyoomye aligirabako.
24 But because my servant Caleb has a totally different spirit and is fully committed to me, I will lead him to the country he visited, and his descendants will own it.
Naye olwokubanga omuweereza wange Kalebu alina omwoyo ogw’enjawulo era ng’angoberera n’omutima gwe gwonna, ndimuleeta mu nsi gye yatumibwamu, n’ezzadde lye lirigirya.
25 Since the Amalekites and Canaanites are living in the valleys, tomorrow you are to turn around and head back into the desert, taking the route towards the Red Sea.”
Kale nno olwokubanga Abamaleki n’Abakanani babeera mu biwonvu; enkya muddeeko emabega, musitule mutambule nga mwolekera eddungu nga mukutte ekkubo eriraga ku Nnyanja Emyufu.”
26 The Lord told Moses and Aaron,
Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa ne Alooni nti,
27 “How much longer are these wicked people going to criticize me? I've heard what they're saying, making complaints against me.
“Ekibiina kino ekibi kirituusa ddi nga kinneemulugunyiza? Mpulidde okutolotooma kw’abaana ba Isirayiri nga banneemulugunyiza.
28 Go and tell them, ‘As I live, declares the Lord, I'll do just what I heard you say you wanted, believe me!
Bategeeze nti, ‘Mukama agambye nti, Nga bwe ndi omulamu, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda, ebyo bye mpulidde nga mwogera, nange bye ndibakola.
29 All of you will die in this desert, everyone who was registered in the census that counted those aged twenty or over, because you made complaints against me.
Mulifiira mu ddungu muno n’emirambo gyammwe mwe girisigala; mwenna abawezezza emyaka amakumi abiri n’okusingawo egy’obukulu nga bwe mwamala okubalibwa, abanneemulugunyiza.
30 Absolutely none of you will enter the country I promised to give you to live in, except for Caleb, son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, son of Nun.
Tewaliba n’omu ku bo aliyingira mu nsi gye neelayirira nti ge galibeera amaka gammwe, okuggyako Kalebu mutabani wa Yefune ne Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni.
31 However, I will take your children—those you said would be taken away as plunder—into the country you rejected, and they will appreciate it.
Naye abaana bammwe abato, be mwogeddeko nti balifuulibwa omunyago, ndibayingiza mu nsi eyo gye mugaanye ne beeyagalira omwo.
32 But you—you are all going to die in this desert.
Naye mmwe, emirambo gyammwe girisigala mu ddungu muno mwe girigwa.
33 Your children will wander in the desert for forty years, suffering because of your lack of trust until all your bodies lie buried in the desert.
Mmwe olw’obutabeera beesigwa, abaana bammwe balimala emyaka amakumi ana mu ddungu nga bwe balunda ebisibo byabwe okutuusa omulambo gw’oyo alisembayo okufa lwe guliziikibwa mu ddungu muno.
34 Just as you explored the country for forty days, so shall your punishment for your sins be forty years, a year for every day, and you will see what happens when I oppose you.
Nga bwe mwamala ennaku amakumi ana nga muketta ensi eri, bwe mutyo bwe mujja okumala emyaka amakumi ana mu ddungu, nga buli lumu ku nnaku ezo muvaamu mwaka gumu gumu; muboneebone olw’ebibi byammwe, mulyoke mutegeere obuzibu obw’okunneesimbamu.
35 I, the Lord, have spoken! Just see if I won't do this to all these wicked Israelites who have got together to oppose me! They will end their lives in the desert—they will die there.’”
Nze, Mukama Katonda, nkyogedde; ddala ddala ekyo ndikikola ku kibiina kyonna eky’abantu bano aboonoonyi abeegasse awamu okunjolekera. Tebagenda kuva mu ddungu lino, bonna mwe balifiira.’”
36 The men that Moses had sent to explore the country—those who came back and because they gave a bad report they made all the Israelites complain against the Lord—
Abasajja abo Musa be yatuma okuketta ensi ne bakomawo ne beemulugunyiza ekibiina ky’abantu bonna nga babaleetedde obubaka obutaali bulungi ku nsi eri, era ne babubunyisa mu bantu,
37 those men who gave the bad report died before the Lord from plague.
abasajja abo abaaleeta obubaka obutaali bulungi ne babubunyisa mu bantu kawumpuli n’abattira awo mu maaso ga Mukama Katonda.
38 The only ones who lived were Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh of those who went to explore the country.
Mu basajja bonna abaatumibwa okuketta ensi, Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni ne Kalebu mutabani wa Yefune be bokka abaasigalawo nga balamu.
39 When Moses told the Israelites what the Lord had said they were very, very sad.
Musa n’ategeeza abaana ba Isirayiri bonna ebigambo ebyo, ne bakungubaga nnyo.
40 They got up early the next morning planning to go into the hill country. “Yes we really did sin,” they said, “but now we're here and we'll go where the Lord told us.”
Enkeera mu makya ne bambuka mu nsi ey’ensozi. Ne boogera nti, “Twayonoona, naye nga bwe tuli wano tujja kwambuka tuyingire mu nsi Mukama Katonda gye yatusuubiza.”
41 But Moses objected. “Why are you disobeying the Lord's command? You won't succeed in your plan!
Naye Musa n’abagamba nti, “Lwaki munyooma ekiragiro kya Mukama Katonda? Ebyo bye mutegeka tebiyinza kutuukiririra.
42 Don't try and go, otherwise you will be killed by your enemies, because the Lord isn't with you.
Temwambuka kubanga Mukama Katonda tali nammwe. Abalabe bammwe bajja kubawangula.
43 The Amalekites and Canaanites living there will attack you, and you will die by the sword. Because you rejected the Lord, he won't help you.”
Kubanga Abamaleki n’Abakanani bajja kuboolekera. Olwokubanga mwekyusizza ne muva ku Mukama Katonda, tajja kubeera nammwe, ekitala kijja kubatta.”
44 But they were arrogant and went up into the hill country, even though Moses and the Ark of the Lord's Agreement didn't move from the camp.
Naye era bo ne beesigula ne bambuka mu nsi ey’ensozi, newaakubadde nga Musa teyagenda nabo era nga n’essanduuko ey’endagaano yasigala mu lusiisira.
45 The Amalekites and Canaanites who lived there in the hill country came down and attacked the Israelites and defeated them, and chased them all the way to Hormah.
Awo Abamaleki n’Abakanani abaabeeranga mu nsi eyo ey’ensozi ne bakkirira ne babalumba ne babakubira ddala okubatuusa e Koluma.

< Numbers 14 >