< Numbers 13 >

1 The Lord told Moses,
Konsa, SENYÈ a te pale avèk Moïse e te di:
2 “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, the country I'm giving to the Israelites. Choose one of the leaders from each of the tribes to go and do this.”
Voye mesye ki kapab fè espyonaj nan peyi Canaran ke Mwen va bay fis Israël yo. Ou va voye yon nonm sòti nan chak tribi zansèt a papa pa yo, youn nan chèf pami yo.
3 Moses did as the Lord had ordered and sent the men out from the Desert of Paran. They were all leaders of the Israelites.
Konsa, Moïse te voye yo soti nan dezè Paran an selon kòmand a SENYÈ a. Yo tout te chèf a fis Israël yo.
4 Their names were: Shammua son of Zaccur, from the tribe of Reuben.
Sa yo, alò, se te non yo: soti nan tribi Ruben an, Schammua, fis a Zaccur a;
5 Shaphat, son of Hori, from the tribe of Simeon.
soti nan tribi a Siméon an: Schaphath, fis a Hori a;
6 Caleb, son of Jephunneh, from the tribe of Judah.
pou tribi a Juda a: Caleb, fis a Jephaunné a;
7 Igal, son of Joseph, from the tribe of Issachar.
pou tribi a Issacar a: Jigual, fis a Joseph la;
8 Hoshea, son of Nun, from the tribe of Ephraim.
pou tribi a Ephraïm nan: Hosée, fis a Nun nan
9 Palti son of Raphu, from the tribe of Benjamin.
pou tribi a Benjamin an: Palthi, fis a Raphu a;
10 Gaddiel, son of Sodi, from the tribe of Zebulun.
pou tribi a Zabulon an: Gaddiel, fis a Sodi a;
11 Gaddi, son of Susi, from the tribe of Manasseh (a tribe of Joseph).
pou tribi a Joseph la, tribi a Manassé a: Gaddi, fis a Sisi a;
12 Ammiel, son of Gemalli, from the tribe of Dan.
pou tribi a Dan nan: Ammiel, fis a Guemalli a;
13 Sethur, son of Michael, from the tribe of Asher.
pou tribi a Hacer a: Sethur, fis a Micaël la;
14 Nahbi, son of Vophsi, from the tribe of Naphtali.
pou tribi a Nephtali a: Nachbi, fis a Vophsi a;
15 Geuel, son of Machi, from the tribe of Gad.
pou tribi a Gad la: Guéuel, fis a Maki a.
16 These were the names of the men that Moses sent to explore the country. Moses called Hoshea Joshua.
Sa yo, se non a mesye ke Moïse te voye pou fè espyonaj peyi a. Men Moïse te rele Hosée, fis a Nun nan, Josué.
17 Moses sent them out to explore the land of Canaan, telling them, “Go through the Negev and on into the hill country.
Lè Moïse te voye yo espyone peyi Canaan an, li te di yo: “Monte nan negev la; epi monte toujou nan peyi ti kolin yo.
18 See what the place looks like, and find out about the people living there—are they strong or weak? Are there many of them or only a few?
Kontwole pou wè kijan peyi a ye, si pèp ki rete ladann nan, gen fòs, oswa si yo fèb, e si yo gen anpil, oswa pa anpil moun.
19 Is the land where they're living good or bad? Are their towns like open camps, or do they have defensive walls?
Kijan tè kote yo viv la ye, kit li bon, oswa pa bon? Epi kijan vil kote yo viv la ye, èske se kan san pwotèj, oswa avèk fò?
20 Is the soil productive or not? Is it forested? Be brave, and bring back some of the country's fruit.” (It was the beginning of the grape harvest.)
Kijan tè a ye? Èske li rich, oswa pòv? Si gen pyebwa oswa si pa genyen? Epi fè yon efò pou pran kèk nan fwi peyi a.” Alò, se te tan ke premye rezen yo t ap vin mi.
21 So the men went and explored the land all the way from the Desert of Zin to Rehob, bear Lebo-hamath.
Se konsa, yo te monte pou te fè espyonaj sou peyi a soti nan dezè a Tsin nan, jis pou rive Rehob, nan chemen Hamath (Lebo-Hamath) lan.
22 They went through the Negev and arrived in Hebron where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the descendants of Anak, lived. This town was built seven years before the Egyptian town of Zoan.
Lè yo te fin monte Negev, yo te rive Hébron kote Ahiman, Schéschaï ak Talmaï, desandan a Anak yo te ye a. (Alò, Hébron te bati sèt ane avan Tsoan an Égypte.)
23 When they arrived at the Valley of Eshcol they chopped down a branch that had just one bunch of grapes. They had to carry it on a pole held between two men. They also collected some pomegranates and figs.
Yo te rive nan vale Eschcol e soti la, yo te koupe yon sèl branch avèk yon sèl grap rezen; epi yo te pote li sou yon poto antre de gason avèk kèk grenad ak pye fig frans.
24 (The place was named the Valley of Eshcol because of the bunch of grapes they took from there.)
Kote sa a te vin rele vale a Eschcol, akoz gwo grap rezen ke fis Israël la te koupe fè desann soti la yo.
25 Forty days later the men returned from exploring the country.
Yo te sòti retounen nan espyonaj peyi a, nan fen karant jou yo.
26 They went to see Moses and Aaron, and all the Israelites gathered there at their camp in Kadesh in the Desert of Paran. They gave a report before everyone and showed them the fruit they had brought back from the country.
Yo te vini vè Moïse avèk Aaron ak tout kongregasyon a fis Israël yo nan dezè Paran an, vè Kadès; epi yo te pote nouvèl la pou di a tout kongregasyon an, e pou te montre yo fwi peyi a.
27 This is the report they gave to Moses: “We went and explored the country you sent us to, and it is definitely very productive, as if it was flowing with milk and honey. Just look at some of its fruit!
Konsa, yo te pale li. Yo te di: “Nou te antre nan peyi kote nou te voye nou an. Vrèman, li koule avèk lèt ak siwo myèl, e sa a se fwi li.
28 But the people living there are strong, and their towns are big and have defensive walls. We also saw some descendants of Anak there.
“Sepandan, pèp ki rete la yo, gen fòs, vil yo byen fòtifye, byen gwo. Anplis, nou te wè desandan Anak yo la.
29 The Amalekites live in the Negev. The Hittites, Jebusites, and the Amorites live in the hill country. The Canaanites live on the sea coast and also beside the Jordan.”
Desandan a Amalèk yo ap viv nan peyi Negev la, Etyen yo, Jebisyen yo, Amoreyen yo ap viv nan mòn yo, e Kananeyen yo ap viv bò kote lanmè ak bò kote rivyè Jourdain an.”
30 Then Caleb asked for quiet as the people stood before Moses and told them, “Let's go and take over the land. We can conquer the country, no doubt about it!”
Men Caleb te kalme pèp la devan Moïse e te di: “Sètènman, nou dwe monte pran posesyon a peyi a, paske nou va, anverite, konkeri li.”
31 But the men who had gone with him disagreed. “We can't go and fight these people! They're much stronger than us!”
Men mesye ki te monte avè l yo te di: “Nou pa kapab monte kont pèp la, paske yo twò fò pou nou.”
32 They spread a negative report among the Israelites about the country they had explored. They told people, “The country we explored destroys the people that live there. Plus everyone we saw was really big!
Konsa, yo te livre yon move rapò a fis Israël yo sou peyi kote yo te fè ankèt la. Yo te di: “Peyi kote nou te ale a, nan ankèt sa a, se yon peyi ki devore moun li ye, e tout pèp ke nou te wè ladann yo, se moun ki byen gran.
33 We even saw giants there—people descended from Anak the giant! Compared to them we looked like grasshoppers, and we must have looked like that to them too!”
La, osi, nou te wè jeyan, fis a Anak yo ki soti nan jeyan yo. Konsa, nou te vin tankou krikèt nan pwòp zye nou ak nan zye pa yo.”

< Numbers 13 >