< Nehemiah 3 >

1 Eliashib the high priest and other priests with him began rebuilding at the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and set up its doors. Then they continued building as far as the Tower of the Hundred and the Tower of Hananel and dedicated it.
Awo Eriyasibu kabona asinga obukulu wamu ne baganda be bakabona ne batandika okukola n’okuddaabiriza Omulyango gw’Endiga. Ne baguwonga eri Mukama, ne bazzaamu n’enzigi zaagwo. Ne bakola okutuukira ddala ku Munaala gwe Kikumi, n’okweyongerayo okutuuka ku Munaala gwa Kananeri, ekifo kyonna ne bakiwonga eri Mukama.
2 The men of Jericho built the section next to Eliashib, and Zaccur, son of Imri, built the one after.
Abasajja ab’e Yeriko ne bazimba ekitundu ekyaddirira, ne Zakkuli mutabani wa Imuli n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyali kiddiridde.
3 The Fish Gate was rebuilt by the sons of Hassenaah. They laid its beams and set up its doors, together with its bolts and bars.
Batabani ba Kassena ne bazimba Omulyango ogw’Ebyennyanja, ne bazzaawo emyango n’enzigi zaagwo, n’eminyolo n’ebyuma byagwo mu kifo kyabyo.
4 The next section was repaired by Meremoth, son of Uriah, son of Hakkoz; next to him, was Meshullam, son of Berechiah, son of Meshezabel; and next to him, Zadok, son of Baana.
Meremoosi mutabani wa Uliya, muzzukulu wa Kakkozi n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira; Mesullamu mutabani wa Berekiya, muzzukulu wa Mesezaberi n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddako ekya Meremoosi. Zadooki mutabani wa Baana n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyali kiriraanyeewo.
5 Next were the Tekoites, but their nobles refused to do manual work under a supervisor.
Abasajja Abatekowa ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira, naye abakungu baabwe ne bagaana okukolera wansi waabwe.
6 The Old Gate was repaired by Joiada, son of Paseah and Meshullam, son of Besodeiah. They laid its beams and set up its doors, together with its bolts and bars.
Ne Yoyada mutabani wa Paseya ne Mesullamu mutabani wa Besodeya ne baddaabiriza Omulyango ogw’Edda, ne bazaamu emyango n’enzigi zaagwo, n’eminyolo n’ebyuma byagwo.
7 Next were Melatiah the Gibeonite, Jadon the Meronothite, and the men of Gibeon and Mizpah, who were under the jurisdiction of the governor of the province west of the Euphrates.
Ekifo ekyaddirira kyaddaabirizibwa Meratiya Omugibyoni n’abasajja ab’e Gibyoni ne Yadoni Omumeronoosi n’abasajja ab’e Mizupa. Ebyo by’ebifo ebyafugibwanga ow’essaza eriri emitala w’omugga Fulaati.
8 Next was Uzziel, son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths; and next to him was Hananiah, son of the perfumer. They strengthened Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.
Wuziyeeri mutabani wa Kalukaya, omuweesi wa zaabu n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira, ne Kananiya omukozi w’obuwoowo, n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira, era abo ne baddaabiririza ddala Yerusaalemi okutuuka ku Bbugwe Omugazi.
9 Next was Rephaiah, son of Hur, ruler of a Jerusalem half-district.
Lefaya mutabani wa Kuuli eyafuganga ekitundu ky’eggombolola ya Yerusaalemi n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira.
10 Next was Jedaiah, son of Harumaph, who made repairs opposite his house. Next was Hattush, son of Hashabneiah.
Ekitundu ekyaddirira kyali kiriraanye ennyumba ya Yedaya mutabani wa Kalunafu, era ekyo kye yaddaabiriza; n’ekitundu ekyaddako Kattusi mutabani wa Kasabuneya n’akiddaabiriza.
11 Malchijah, son of Harim, and Hasshub, son of Pahath-moab, worked on another section, as well as the Tower of the Ovens.
Malukiya mutabani wa Kalimu ne Kassubu mutabani wa Pakasumowaabu ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekirala ekya bbugwe n’Omunaala ogw’Ekikoomi.
12 Next was Shallum, son of Hallohesh, ruler of a Jerusalem half-district, helped by his daughters.
Eyaddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira yali Sallumu mutabani wa Kallokesi ne bawala be, eyafuganga ekitundu ky’eggombolola ya Yerusaalemi ne bawala be.
13 The Valley Gate was repaired by Hanun and the people who lived in Zanoah. They rebuilt it, set up its doors, together with its bolts and bars, and repaired a thousand cubits of the wall up to the Refuse Gate.
Kanuni n’abatuuze b’e Zanowa ne baddaabiriza Omulyango ogw’omu Kiwonvu, ne bazzaamu enzigi zaagwo, n’eminyolo gyagwo n’ebyuma byagwo mu bifo byabyo; ate era ne baddaabiriza n’ekitundu ekirala ekya bbugwe, olugendo lwa mita nga kikumi obuwanvu, okutuuka ku Mulyango ogw’Obusa.
14 The Refuse Gate was repaired by Malchijah, son of Rechab, ruler of the district of Beth-haccherem, He rebuilt it and set up its doors, together with its bolts and bars.
Malukiya mutabani wa Lekabu ow’eggombolola y’e Besukakkeremu n’addaabiriza Omulyango ogw’Obusa, n’azzaamu enzigi zaagwo, n’eminyolo gyagwo n’ebyuma byagwo mu bifo byabyo.
15 The Fountain Gate was repaired by Shallun, son of Col-hozeh, ruler of the Mizpah district. He rebuilt it, put a roof on it, set up its doors, together with its bolts and bars. He rebuilt the wall of the Pool of Shelah by the king's garden, as far as the steps that go down from the City of David.
Salluni mutabani wa Kolukoze ow’eggombolola y’e Mizupa n’addaabiriza Omulyango ogw’Oluzzi, n’azzaamu enzigi zaagwo n’emiryango gyagwo n’ebyuma byagwo. N’addaabiriza n’ekisenge eky’Ekidiba kya Seera ekiriraanye ennimiro ya kabaka, okutuuka ku madaala agaserengeta okuva mu kibuga kya Dawudi.
16 Past him, Nehemiah, son of Azbuk, ruler of a Beth-zur half-district, repaired up to a point opposite David's cemetery, as far as the man-made pool and the House of the Mighty Warriors.
Nekkemiya mutabani wa Azubuki eyafuganga ekitundu ky’eggombolola y’e Besuzuli n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira okutuuka ku kifo ekyolekera ebiggya bya Dawudi, n’okutuuka ku kidiba ekyasimibwa, n’okutuuka ku Nnyumba y’Abalwanyi Abazira.
17 Next were the Levites under Rehum son of Bani, and next was Hashabiah, ruler of Keilah half-district, who made repairs on behalf of his district.
Abaleevi nga bakulemberwamu Lekumu mutabani wa Baani ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira, ne Kasabiya eyafuganga ekitundu ky’eggombolola ly’e Keyira n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddako ku lw’eggombolola ye.
18 Next to them were their neighbors under Binnui, son of Henadad, ruler of the other Keilah half-district.
Baganda baabwe nga bakulemberwamu Bavvayi mutabani wa Kenadadi eyafuganga ekitundu ekyokubiri eky’egombolola ly’e Keyira ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira.
19 Next was Ezer, son of Jeshua, ruler of Mizpah, who repaired another section opposite Armory Hill, where the wall turns.
Ezeri mutabani wa Yesuwa, omukulembeze w’e Mizupa n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira, n’atuuka ku nsonda ya bbugwe, kye kitundu ekyolekedde awaakumirwanga ebyokulwanyisa.
20 Next was Baruch, son of Zabbai, who worked hard repairing another section, from where the wall turns to the entrance of Eliashib the high priest's house.
Baluki mutabani wa Zabbayi n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira n’obunyiikivu bungi, okuva ku nsonda ya bbugwe okutuuka ku mulyango gw’ennyumba ya Eriyasibu kabona asinga obukulu.
21 Next was Meremoth, son of Uriah, ton of Hakkoz, who repaired another section, from the entrance of Eliashib the high priest's house to its end.
Meremoosi mutabani wa Uliya, muzzukulu wa Kakkozi n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira okuva ku mulyango gw’ennyumba ya Eriyasibu okutuuka ku nkomerero yaayo.
22 Next were the priests from the area around made repairs.
Bakabona ab’omu lusenyi ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira.
23 Past them were Benjamin and Hasshub who made repairs in front of their house, and next to them, Azariah, son of Maaseiah, son of Ananiah, made repairs beside his house.
Ekitundu ekyaddirira ne kibuukibwa, Benyamini ne Kassubu ne baddaabiriza okwolekera ennyumba yaabwe, Azaliya mutabani wa Maaseya muzzukulu wa Ananiya naye n’addaabiriza ekifo ekiriraanye ennyumba ye.
24 Next was Binnui, son of Henadad, who repaired another section, from Azariah's house to where the wall turns and the corner.
Binnuyi mutabani wa Kenadadi n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira okuva ku nnyumba ya Azaliya okutuuka ku nsonda ya bbugwe,
25 Palal, son of Uzai, worked opposite where the wall turns and the tower that extends from the upper palace, near the court of the guard. Next were Pedaiah, son of Parosh
Palali mutabani wa Uzayi n’addaabiriza ekitundu kya bbugwe ku nsonda ya bbugwe, ekyolekedde omunaala ogwazimbibwa ku lubiri lwa kabaka olw’ekyengulu okuliraana oluggya lw’abambowa. Pedaya mutabani wa Palosi
26 and the Temple servants that lived on the hill of Ophel who made repairs opposite the Water Gate toward the east and the tower that extends.
n’abakozi ba yeekaalu abaabeeranga ku lusozi Oferi ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira okutuuka ku Mulyango gw’Amazzi ng’agenda ebuvanjuba ne ku munaala ogwazimbibwa.
27 Next were the Tekoites who repaired to another section opposite the great tower that extends to the wall of Ophel.
Abasajja b’e Tekowa ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira, okuva ku munaala omunene ogwazimbibwa okutuuka ku bbugwe w’e Oferi.
28 Above the Horse Gate, each of the priests made repairs opposite his own house.
Bakabona ne baddaabiriza ekyengulu w’Omulyango ogw’Embalaasi buli muntu okwolekera ennyumba ye.
29 Next was Zadok, son of Immer, who worked opposite his house, and next was Shemaiah, son of Shecaniah, the guard at the East Gate.
Zadooki mutabani wa Immeri n’addaabiriza ekifo ekyolekedde ennyumba ye, ne Semaaya mutabani wa Sekaniya omukuumi w’omulyango gw’ebuvanjuba n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira.
30 Next were Hananiah, son of Shelemiah, as well as Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, who repaired. Next was Meshullam, son of Berechiah, who made repairs opposite where he lived.
Kananiya mutabani wa Seremiya ne Kanuni mutabani wa Zalafu ow’omukaaga n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira. Mesullamu mutabani wa Berekiya n’addaabiriza ekitundu ekyaddirira okwolekera amaka ge.
31 Next was Malchijah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs as far as the house of the Temple servants and the merchants, opposite the Inspection Gate, and as far as the room above the corner.
Malukiya omu ku baweesi ba zaabu n’addaabiriza ekitundu okutuuka ku nnyumba y’abaweereza ba yeekaalu, ne ku nnyumba ya basuubuzi okwolekera Omulyango Awaakeberebwanga Ebyamaguzi, n’okutuuka ku kisenge ekya waggulu ku nsonda.
32 The goldsmiths and merchants made repairs between the room above the corner and the Sheep Gate,
Abaweesi ba zaabu n’abasuubuzi ne baddaabiriza ekitundu ekiri wakati w’ekisenge ekya waggulu ku nsonda n’Omulyango gw’Endiga.

< Nehemiah 3 >