< Nahum 3 >

1 What a disaster is coming upon this murderous city with all its treachery! It is full of wealth it has robbed, and always has plenty of victims.
Ⱪanliⱪ xǝⱨǝrgǝ way! U yalƣanqiliⱪ, zulum-zorawanliⱪ bilǝn tolƣan, U olja elixtin ⱨeq ⱪol üzgǝn ǝmǝs!
2 Listen to the noise: whips crack, wheels clatter, horses gallop, chariots rattle!
Aⱨ, ⱪamqining ⱪarsildaxliri! Qaⱪlirining daⱪangxiwatⱪan, Atlarning qapqiwatⱪan, Pingildap ketiwatⱪan jǝng ⱨarwilirining sadaliri!
3 Horsemen charge, swords flash, spears glitter! Many dead, piles of corpses, countless bodies—so many that people stumble over them.
Ⱪara, atliⱪ lǝxkǝrlǝrning ⱪangⱪixliri, Ⱪiliqlarning walildaxliri, Nǝyzilǝrning palildaxliri, Ɵltürülgǝnlǝrning kɵplüki, Ɵlüklǝr dɵwǝ-dɵwǝ! Jǝsǝtlǝrning sani yoⱪtur; Ular jǝsǝtlǝrgǝ putlixidu.
4 All this happens because the repeated prostitution of Nineveh the prostitute, the beautiful mistress with her deadly charms who seduces nations into slavery by her prostitution and her witchcraft.
— Seⱨirlǝrning piri u, — Əllǝrni paⱨixiwazliⱪi, Jǝmǝtlǝrni seⱨirliri bilǝn setiwetidu; Sǝn xerinsuhǝn paⱨixining nurƣun paⱨixilikliri tüpǝylidin,
5 Watch out! For I am against you, declares the Lord Almighty. I will lift your skirts over your face and let the nations see your nakedness, and kingdoms see your shame.
Mana, Mǝn sanga ⱪarxilixip qiⱪⱪanmǝn, — — dǝydu samawiy ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Pǝrwǝrdigar, Kɵnglikingning etikini ⱪayrip yüzünggǝ yepip, seni axkarilaymǝn, Əllǝrgǝ uyat yǝrliringni, Padixaⱨliⱪlarƣa nomusungni kɵrsitimǝn.
6 I will throw filth at you. I will treat you with contempt, and make a spectacle of you.
Üstünggǝ nijasǝtni taxlaymǝn, Seni xǝrmǝndiqiliktǝ ⱪaldurimǝn, Seni rǝswa ⱪilimǝn.
7 Then everyone who sees you will shun you saying, “Nineveh is ruined! But who is going to mourn your loss?” Where should I look to find anyone to comfort you?
Wǝ xundaⱪ boliduki, Seni kɵrgǝnlǝrning ⱨǝmmisi sǝndin ⱪeqip: — «Ninǝwǝ wǝyran ⱪilindi! Uning üqün kim ⱨaza tutidu?» — dǝydu; Mǝn sanga tǝsǝlli bǝrgüqilǝrni nǝdin tepip berimǝn?
8 Are you any better than the city of Thebes on the River Nile, surrounded by water? Water was its defense, water was its wall.
Sǝn dǝryalarning otturisida turƣan, Ətrapida sular bolƣan, Istiⱨkami dengiz bolƣan, Sepili dengiz bolƣan No-Amon xǝⱨiridin ǝwzǝlmusǝn?
9 The city ruled Egypt and Ethiopia. Put and Libya were its allies.
Efiopiyǝmu, Misirmu uning küq-ⱪudriti idi, Ularning küqi qǝksiz idi; Put ⱨǝm Liwiyǝliklǝr uningƣa yardǝmqi idi;
10 Yet its people were also taken away into exile, into captivity. Their babies were dashed to pieces in every street. Their nobles were bound in chains and taken away as servants, chosen by lot.
Umu elip ketilip, ǝsirlikkǝ qüxkǝn; Barliⱪ koqa bexida bowaⱪliri qɵrüp taxliwetildi; Ular uning mɵtiwǝrliri üqün qǝk taxlidi, Uning barliⱪ ǝrbabliri zǝnjirdǝ baƣlanƣanidi.
11 You too will behave like a drunk. You will hide in fear, trying to find a place safe from the enemy.
Sǝnmu mǝst bolisǝn; Sǝn mɵkünüwalisǝn; Sǝn düxmǝndin ⱨimayǝ izdǝp yürisǝn;
12 All your fortresses are like fig trees ripe with fruit—they fall when they are shaken into the mouth of the one eating.
Sening barliⱪ istiⱨkamliring huddi tunji mewigǝ kirgǝn ǝnjür dǝrihining ǝnjürlirigǝ ohxaydu; Birla silkisǝ, ular yegüqining aƣziƣa qüxidu.
13 Look! Your soldiers are women among you. The gates of your land are wide open to your enemies; the bars of the gates will be set on fire.
Mana, hǝlⱪing xǝⱨiringdǝ ⱪiz-ayallardǝk bolup ⱪaldi; Zeminingning ⱪowuⱪliri düxmǝnliringgǝ kǝng iqilidu; Ot tɵmür taⱪaⱪliringni yǝp ketidu.
14 Store water to prepare for a siege! Strengthen your fortresses! Go to the clay pits to tread it well, mix the cement, get your brick molds ready!
Əmdi muⱨasirigǝ tǝyyarliⱪ ⱪilip su tartip ⱪoy! Ⱪorƣanliringni mustǝⱨkǝmlǝ! Seƣiz topidin lay etip, Ⱨak layni qǝylǝp ⱪoy! Humdanni raslap ⱪoy!
15 But even so, there the fire will consume you, you will be cut down by the sword. You will be destroyed as if you were devoured by a swarm of locusts. So multiply yourselves like locusts, like a swarm of locusts.
Ot seni xu yǝrdǝ yǝp ketidu; Ⱪiliq seni üzüp taxlaydu; U seni qekǝtkǝ liqinkisidǝk yǝwatidu; Əmdi ɵzüngni qekǝtkǝ liqinkiliridǝk kɵp ⱪil, Qekǝtkidǝk ɵzüngni zor kɵp ⱪil!
16 You increased your merchants so that there are more of them than the stars of heaven. But like locusts they strip everything and then fly away.
Sǝn sodigǝrliringni asmandiki yultuzlardin kɵp ⱪilding; Mana, qekǝtkǝ liqinkisi ⱪanat qiⱪirip, uqup ketidu!
17 Your leaders are like locusts, your officials like a swarm of locusts. They rest on walls on a cold day, but when the sun rises they fly away, and no one knows where they've gone.
Sening ǝrbabliring qekǝtkilǝrdǝk, Sǝrdarliring mijir-mijir qaⱪqiⱪizlardǝk bolidu; Mana ular soƣuⱪ künidǝ qitlar iqigǝ kiriwelip makan ⱪilidu; Ⱪuyax qiⱪⱪanda, ular ⱪeqip ketidu, Barƣan yerini tapⱪili bolmaydu.
18 King of Assyria, your shepherds are asleep, your princes are slumbering. Your people are scattered across the mountains and no one can gather them.
Qopanliring mügdǝp ⱪaldi, i Asuriyǝning padixaⱨi; Sening aⱪsɵngǝkliring jim yatidu; Hǝlⱪing taƣlar üstigǝ tarⱪilip kǝtti, Ⱨeqkim ularni yiƣmaydu;
19 There is no way to heal your injuries, you are too badly wounded. Everyone who hears this news will applaud what has happened to you, for was there anyone who escaped your continuous cruelty?
Sening yarang dawasiz, Sening zǝhming eƣirdur; Hǝwiringni angliƣanlarning ⱨǝmmisi üstüngdin qawak qalidu; Qünki tohtawsiz rǝzilliking kimning bexiƣa kǝlmigǝndu?

< Nahum 3 >