< Nahum 2 >

1 The one who scatters has come to attack you! Guard the fortresses! Watch the roads! Get yourselves ready! Call every soldier out!
Murwisi anouya kuzokurwisa iwe, Ninevhe; rindai nhare, tarirai kunzira, sungai zviuno zvenyu, unganidzai simba renyu rose!
2 (For the Lord will restore the splendor of the people of Jacob as he will restore the splendor of Israel, for invaders have plundered them, and destroyed their land.)
Jehovha achadzosa kurumbidzwa kwaJakobho sokurumbidzwa kwaIsraeri, kunyange vaparadzi vakavaparadza uye vakaparadza mizambiringa yavo.
3 The shields of his chief soldiers are red; the warriors wear scarlet. His chariots flash like fire in the sunlight as he prepares for battle. Spears with their wooden shafts are held up and shaken.
Nhoo dzavarwi vake dzatsvuka; mhare dzokurwa dzapfeka nguo tsvuku. Matare engoro ovaima pazuva rokugadzirirwa kwadzo; mapfumo omupaini anovheyeswa-vheyeswa.
4 Chariots race madly through the streets, rushing back and forth across the town squares. Bright as torches, they dash like lightning flashes.
Ngoro dzovirima mumigwagwa, dzinomhanya dzichienda nokudzoka muchivara. Dzinoita samazhenje omoto; dzinomhanya-mhanya semheni.
5 He shouts orders to his officers. They stumble as they rush to attack the wall. The battering ram is set up.
Anodana mauto ake akasarudzwa, asi vanogumburwa panzira yavo. Vanomhanyira kurusvingo rweguta; nhoo yokuzvidzivirira yaiswa panzvimbo payo.
6 The river gates are opened; the palace washes away.
Masuo enzizi azarurwa uye muzinda wamambo wakoromoka.
7 “Queen” Nineveh is stripped, and led away into exile, with her servant girls mourning like doves, and beating their breasts.
Shoko ratemwa rokuti guta ritapwe, uye riendeswe kure. Varandakadzi varo vanochema senjiva uye vanorova zvipfuva zvavo.
8 Nineveh is a leaky pool—its population is like water running away. “Stop! Stop” people shout, but nobody turns back.
Ninevhe rakafanana nedziva, uye mvura yaro iri kuerera ichipera. Vanochema vachiti, “Mirai! Mirai!” asi hapana anocheuka.
9 Loot the silver! Loot the gold! There's an endless supply—an abundance of everything you could ever want.
Pambai sirivha! Pambai goridhe! Kuwanda kwazvo hakuperi, ihwo upfumi hunobva pamhando dzose dzepfuma yaro!
10 Deserted, destroyed, devastated! Hearts faint, knees tremble, stomachs ache. Everyone's faces turn pale.
Rabirwa, rapambwa, ratorerwa zvose! Mwoyo yanyungudika, mabvi odedera, miviri yobvunda, zviso zvose zvachenuruka.
11 Where now is the lion's den? Where is the place where the young lions used to feed? Where is the lion, and the lioness, and the lion cub that were afraid of no one?
Riripiko bako reshumba, nzvimbo yadzaipira vana vadzo zvokudya, kwaienda shumba nehadzi yayo, uye navana, pasina chokutya.
12 The lion tears apart meat for his cubs, and strangles prey for his lionesses. He fills his den with prey, his lair with carcasses.
Shumba yaiuraya zvaikwanira vana vayo uye yakadzipira hadzi yayo nyama, ichizadza mapako ayo nezvayakauraya uye mapako ayo nenyama.
13 Watch out! For I am against you, declares the Lord Almighty. I will set fire to your chariots and they will go up in smoke. Your strong young men will be killed by the sword. I will stop you plundering other peoples. The demands of your ambassadors will no longer be heard.
“Ndine mhaka newe,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha Wamasimba Ose. “Ndichapisa ngoro dzenyu dzive utsi, uye munondo uchaparadza shumba dzenyu duku. Ndichakusiyai musina nyama panyika. Mazwi enhume dzako haangazonzwikazve.”

< Nahum 2 >