< Micah 5 >

1 Gather your troops together, Jerusalem! An enemy is besieging us. They will strike Israel's leader on the cheek with a rod.
Emdi özünglar qoshun-qoshun bolup yighilinglar, i qoshun qizi; Chünki birsi bizni muhasirige aldi; Ular Israilning hakim-soraqchisining mengzige hasa bilen uridu;
2 But from you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, (though you are only a small place in Judah), will come a ruler of Israel to do my will. His existence is from the ages of eternity past.
(Sen, i Beyt-Lehem-Efratah, Yehudadiki minglighan [sheher-yézilar] arisida intayin kichik bolghan bolsangmu, Sendin Men üchün Israilgha Hakim Bolghuchi chiqidu; Uning [huzurumdin] chiqishliri qedimdin, Yeni ezeldin bar idi)
3 So the Lord will give up on them until the woman in labor has given birth. Then the rest of his brothers will return to the people of Israel.
Shunga tolghaq tutqan ayal tughup bolghuche, U ularni [düshmenlirige] tashlap qoyidu; Shu chaghda Uning qérindashliri bolghan qaldisi Israillarning yénigha qaytip kélidu.
4 He will stand up and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. They will live in safety because his greatness is recognized all over the world.
U bolsa Perwerdigarning küchi bilen, Perwerdigar Xudasining namining heywitide padisini béqishqa ornidin turidu; Shundaq qilip ular mezmut turup qalidu; Chünki U shu chaghda yer yüzining qerilirigiche ulugh dep bilinidu.
5 He will be our source of peace when the Assyrians invade our land and destroy our fortresses. Then we will appoint many strong leaders,
We bu adem aram-xatirjemlikimiz bolidu; Asuriyelik zéminimizgha bösüp kirgende, Ordilirimizni dessep cheyligende, Biz uninggha qarshi yette xelq padichisini, Sekkiz qabiliyetlik yétekchini chiqirimiz;
6 and they will rule Assyria with their swords, the land of Nimrod with drawn swords. He shall rescue us from the Assyrians when they invade our land, marching across our borders.
Ular Asuriye zéminini qilich bilen, Nimrodning zéminini ötkelliride xarabe qilidu; We Asuriyelik zéminimizgha bösüp kirgende, Chégrimiz ichini cheyligende, U adem bizni uning qolidin qutquzidu.
7 Then those who are left of the people of Jacob shall be in the center of many nations, like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which wait for no one, and which no one can delay.
We Yaqupning qaldisi nurghun xelqler arisida Perwerdigardin chüshken shebnemdek bolidu, Chöp üstige yaghqan yamghurlardek bolidu; Bular insan üchün kéchikmeydu, Adem balilirining [ejrini] kütüp turmaydu.
8 Those who are left of the people of Jacob shall be among many nations, in the center of many peoples. They will be like a lion among the wild animals of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep, clawing and tearing as it passes through, with no one to come to the rescue.
Yaqupning qaldisi eller arisida, Yeni nurghun xelqler arisida ormandiki haywanlar arisidiki shirdek bolidu, Qoy padiliri arisidiki arslandek bolidu; Shir ötkende ularning arisidin, Héchkim qutquzup alalmighudek cheylep desseydu, Titma-tit qilip yirtiwétidu.
9 Lift your hand in triumph against your enemies; all of them will be destroyed.
Qolung küshendiliring üstige kötürülidu, Barliq düshmenliring üzüp tashlinidu.
10 On that day, says the Lord, I will kill your horses and break your chariots.
Shu künide shundaq boliduki, — deydu Perwerdigar, Men aranglardin barliq atliringni üzüp tashlaymen, Jeng harwiliringni halak qilimen.
11 I will tear down your city walls and demolish your fortresses.
Zéminingdiki sheherliringni yoqitimen, Barliq istihkamliringni ghulitimen.
12 I will stop the witchcraft you practice; there will be no more fortune-tellers for you.
Séhirlerni qolungdin üzüp tashlaymen; Silerde palchilar bolmaydu.
13 I will smash down the idols and stone pillars that stand among you: you shall not bow down and worship idols that you make with your own hands any more.
Men oyma mebudliringni, «But tüwrük»liringlarni otturungdin üzüp tashlaymen; Sen öz qolungning yasighinigha ikkinchi bash urmaysen.
14 I will pull up the Asherah poles that you have and destroy your pagan places.
Arangdin «Ashérah»liringni yuluwétimen, We sheherliringni halak qilimen;
15 In anger and fury I will execute vengeance on those nations that do not obey me.
We [Manga] qulaq salmighan ellerning üstige achchiq we derghezep bilen intiqamni yürgüzimen.

< Micah 5 >