< Matthew 7 >

1 Don't judge others, so that you won't be judged.
“Lingahluleli funa lani lahlulelwe.
2 For whatever standard you use to judge others will be used to judge you, and whatever measurement you use to measure others will be used to measure you.
Ngoba ngaleyondlela elahlulela ngayo abanye lani lizakwahlulelwa ngayo, langalesosilinganiso elisisebenzisayo lani lizalinganiselwa ngaso.
3 Why do you see the speck that's in your brother's eye? Don't you notice the plank that's in your own eye?
Kungani ukhangela uvava lokhuni oluselihlweni lomfowenu unganqinekeli ukhuni olukwelakho ilihlo na?
4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take out that speck from your eye’ when you have a plank in your own eye?
Ungatsho kanjani kumfowenu ukuthi, ‘Wothi ngikukhuphe uvava oluselihlweni lakho,’ wena ulokhu ulokhuni kwelakho ilihlo?
5 You're being hypocritical! First get rid of the plank that's in your own eye. Then you'll be able to see clearly to take out the speck from your brother's eye.
Wena mzenzisi, qala ukhuphe ukhuni oluselihlweni lakho ukuze ubone kuhle nxa usukhupha uvava oluselihlweni lomfowenu.
6 Don't give dogs what's holy. Don't throw your pearls to pigs. That way the pigs won't trample them underfoot, and the dogs won't turn and attack you.
Linganiki izinja okungcwele, lingaphoseli imiceciso ezingulubeni, ngoba lingakwenza lokhu zizayinyathela ngezinyawo ziphinde ziphenduke ziyidabudabule.”
7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.
“Celani lizaphiwa; dingani lizafumana; qoqodani lizavulelwa.
8 Everyone who asks, receives; everyone who seeks, finds; and everyone who knocks has the door opened for them.
Ngoba wonke ocelayo uyaphiwa; odingayo uyafumana; lalowo oqoqodayo uzavulelwa umnyango.
9 Would any of you give your son a stone if he asked for bread?
Ngubani kini bobaba okuthi nxa indodana yakhe icela isinkwa ayiphe ilitshe na?
10 Or if he asked for fish, would you give him a snake?
Loba ithi icela inhlanzi yena ayiphe inyoka?
11 So if even you who are evil know to give good things to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.
Nxa lina elibabi likwazi ukupha abantwabenu izipho ezilungileyo, pho uYihlo osezulwini uzabapha kangakanani izipho ezinhle labo abacela kuye!
12 Treat others the way you want them to treat you. This sums up the law and the prophets.
Kuzozonke izinto, yenzani kwabanye lokho elifuna bakwenze kini, ngoba lokhu yikho okugoqela uMthetho labaPhrofethi.”
13 Enter by the narrow entrance. For the entrance is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many travel that way.
“Ngenani ngesango elincinyane ngoba isango elikhulu lendlela ebanzi iholela ekubhujisweni njalo abanengi bangena ngalo.
14 But the entrance is narrow, and the way is difficult that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Kodwa isango elincinyane lendlela yalo encinyane iholela ekuphileni, njalo balutshwana abayifumanayo.”
15 Watch out for false prophets who come wearing sheep's clothing, but who on the inside are vicious wolves.
“Qaphelani abaphrofethi bamanga abeza kini bezigqokise isikhumba semvu kodwa ngaphakathi bezimpisi ezifohlozayo.
16 You can recognize them by their fruits. Do people harvest grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
Lizabazi ngezithelo zabo. Abantu bayawakha na amavini esihlahleni sameva kumbe amakhiwane edolofiyeni na?
17 So every good tree produces good fruit, while a bad tree produces bad fruit.
Kanjalo-ke, sonke isihlahla esihle sithela izithelo ezinhle kodwa isihlahla esibi sithela ezimbi.
18 A good tree can't produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can't produce good fruit.
Isihlahla esihle ngeke sithele izithelo ezimbi njalo lesihlahla esibi kasingethele izithelo ezinhle.
19 Every tree that doesn't produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire.
Zonke izihlahla ezingatheli izithelo ezinhle ziyaganyulwa ziphoselwe emlilweni.
20 So you'll recognize them by their fruits.
Ngakho-ke, lizabazi ngezithelo zabo.”
21 Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven—only those who do the will of my Father in heaven.
“Kakusibo bonke abathi kimi, ‘Nkosi, Nkosi’ abazangena embusweni wezulu, kodwa ngulowo kuphela owenza intando kaBaba osezulwini.
22 Many will say to me at the Day of Judgment, ‘Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name and drive out demons in your name, and perform many miracles in your name?’
Abanengi bazakuthi kimi ngalolosuku, ‘Nkosi, Nkosi, kasiphrofithanga ngebizo lakho, njalo ngebizo lakho sakhupha amadimoni, senza lezimangaliso na?’
23 Then I will tell them, ‘I never knew you. Leave me, you people who practice wickedness!’
Lapho-ke, ngizabatshela kakuhle ngithi, ‘Ngivele kangilazi. Sudulukani kimi, lina benzi bobubi!’”
24 Everyone that hears the words I say, and follows them, is like a wise man who built his house on solid rock.
“Ngakho lowo owezwayo amazwi ami la awenze unjengendoda ehlakaniphileyo eyakhela indlu yayo edwaleni.
25 The rain poured down, and the floods rose, and the winds blew hard against the house, but it didn't fall down, because its foundations were on solid rock.
Latheleka izulu, izifula zagcwala, wavunguza umoya watshaya phezu kwaleyondlu; kodwa kayiwanga ngoba yayigxiliswe isisekelo sayo edwaleni.
26 Everyone that hears the words I say, and doesn't follow them, is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.
Kodwa lowo owezwayo amazwi ami la angawenzi unjengendoda eyisiwula eyakhela indlu yayo etshebetshebeni.
27 The rain poured down, and the floods rose, and the winds blew hard against the house, and it fell down—it totally collapsed.”
Latheleka izulu, izifula zagcwala, umoya wavunguza watshaya phezu kwendlu leyo yawa yabhidlika.”
28 When Jesus finished explaining these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching,
UJesu eseqedile ukukhuluma lezizinto, amaxuku abantu amangaliswa yikufundisa kwakhe,
29 for he taught like someone with authority, and not like their religious teachers.
ngoba wafundisa njengomuntu olamandla, hatshi njengabafundisi babo bomthetho.

< Matthew 7 >