< Matthew 25 >
1 The kingdom of heaven is like ten girls, who took their lamps with them to go and meet the bridegroom.
“Amo esoga, Gode Ea Hinadafa Hou da a: fini dunuga hame dawa: digi nabuane gala ilia hou agoane ba: mu. Ilia da gamali lale, uda lamu dunu fidimusa: asi.
2 Five were foolish, and five were wise.
A: fini biyale da gagaoui agoane, be biyale eno da bagade dawa: lai galu.
3 The foolish girls took their lamps but didn't take any oil with them,
Gagaoui a: fini biyale, ilia da gamali hano eno mae lale, gamali gaguli asi.
4 while the wise took jars of oil with them as well as their lamps.
Be bagade dawa: su a: fini biyale, ilia da gamali hano eno dili salawane, gamali gaguli asi.
5 The bridegroom took a long time and all the girls became drowsy and fell asleep.
Uda lamu dunu da hedolo hame doaga: beba: le, ilia da golaiwane dialu.
6 At midnight the shout came, ‘Look, the bridegroom's here! Come out and meet him!’
Amalalu, gasimogoa, ilia da wele sia: be bagade nabi. ‘Dawa: ma! Uda lamu dunu da manebe! E yosia: musa: masa!’
7 All the girls got up and trimmed the wicks of their lamps. The foolish girls said to the wise ones,
Amalalu, a:fini huluane da wa: legadole, ilia gamali ulagimusa: , wigi hahamoi.
8 ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.’ But the wise girls replied,
Gagaoui a: fini biyale, ilia bagade dawa: su a: fini biyale ilima amane sia: i, ‘Dilia gamali hano galea ninima ima. Ninia gamali da usimu galebe!’
9 ‘No, because otherwise there won't be enough for both you and for us. Go to the shopkeepers and buy some oil for yourselves.’
Be bagade dawa: su a: fini da bu adole i, ‘Hame mabu! Ninia gamali hano ebelesa: besa: le hame imunu. Dilia bidi lasu diasuga bidi lamusa: masa!’
10 While they went to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding, and the door was locked shut.
Gagaoui a: fini da bidi lamusa: ahoananoba, uda lamu dunu da doaga: i dagoi. Amalalu, bagade dawa: su a: fini amola uda lamu dunu, ilia diasu ganodini lolo manusa: asi. Amalalu, logo da ga: si dagoi ba: i.
11 The other girls came later. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they called, ‘Open the door for us!’
Fa: nowane, bidilai dagobeba: le, gagaoui a: fini da doaga: le, logoga lulufigili, amane sia: i, ‘Hina! Hina! Ninia golili misa: ne, logo doasima!’
12 But he answered, ‘I tell you the truth: I don't know you.’
Be e da bu adole i, ‘Hame mabu! Na da dafawane dilima sia: sa! Na da dili hame dawa: !’
13 So stay alert, for you don't know the day, or the hour.
Dilia huluane dawa: iwane ha: esaloma! Bai dilia Na bu misunu eso ilegesu hame dawa: !”
14 It's like a man who went away on a trip. He called in his servants and entrusted them with what he owned.
Dunu Egefe Ea bu misunu eso doaga: sea, Gode Ea Hinadafa hou da agoane ba: mu. Dunu afadafa, soge sedagaga masunuba: le, ea hawa: hamosu dunu gilisili, ilima ea liligi noga: le ouligima: ne sia: i. 5000
15 To one of them he gave five talents, to another he gave two, and to another one, according to their different abilities. Then he left.
E da hawa: hamosu dunu afadafa ema K5000 agoane i. Enoma e da K2000 agoane i. Enoma e da K1000 agoane i. Ilia gasa hou defele ilima ia dagoiba: le, e soge sedagaga doaga: musa: asi. 5000
16 Immediately the one with five talents went and invested them in a business, and made another five talents.
Gina5000 lai dunu da asili, bidi lale, hawa: hamone, K5000 eno lai dagoi.
17 In the same way the one with two talents made another two.
Gina 2000 lai amola, e da eno K2000 lai dagoi.
18 But the man who'd received the one talent went off and dug a hole and hid his master's money.
Be K1000 lai dunu da asili, osobo ulidogone, ea hina ea muni wamolegei dagoi.
19 A long time later the master of those servants returned, and settled accounts with them.
Eso bagohame asili, ilia hina da ea bidi lamusa: bu misi.
20 The one with five talents came and presented the other five talents. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘You gave me five talents. Look, I've made a profit of five talents.’
Dunu da K5000 lai amola eno K5000 lai da misini, amane sia: i, ‘Hina! Di da nama K5000 i. Ba: ma! Na da dima imunusa: , K5000 eno lai dagoi,’
21 His master said to him, ‘You've done well—you are a good, faithful servant. You have proved yourself trustworthy over small things, so now I'm placing you in charge over many things. Be happy because I'm really pleased with you!’
Hina da bu adole i, ‘Defea mabu! Dia hou da ida: iwane amola nabawane hamoi. Di da fonobahadi liligi noga: le ouligibiba: le, wali liligi bagade ouligima: ne na dima olemu. Misa! Di ani da hahawane gilisili esalumu.’
22 The one with two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘You gave me two talents. Look, I've made a profit of two talents.’
Gina 2000 lai dunu da ema misini, amane sia: i, ‘Hina! Di da K2000 nama i. Ba: ma! Na da K2000 eno lai dagoi,’
23 His master said to him, ‘You've done well—you are a good, faithful servant. You have proved trustworthy over small things, so now I'm placing you in charge over many things. Be happy because I'm really pleased with you!’
Hina da bu adole i, ‘Defea mabu! Dia hou da ida: iwane amola nabawane. Di da fonobahadi liligi noga: le ouligibiba: le, wali di da liligi bagade ouligimu. Misa! Di da ani hahawane gilisili esalumu,’
24 Then the man with one talent came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I know that you're a hard man. You reap where you didn't sow, and you harvest crops that you didn't plant.
Be K1000 fawane lai dunu, ema misini, amane sia: i, ‘Hina! Dia hou na dawa: i galu. Di da gasa bagade fi dunu. Di da ifabi dia hame bugi amogawane faisa.
25 So since I was afraid of you I went and buried your talent in the ground. Look, you can have back what belongs to you.’
Na beda: iba: le, dia K1000 osoboga wamolegei. Ba: ma! Dia K1000 da goea,’
26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant! If you think I reap where I don't sow, and harvest crops I didn't plant,
Ea hina da ema ougili amane adole i, ‘Di da wadela: i amola hihini hawa: hamosu dunu. Na da hame bugi liligi faisa, di dawa: bela: ?
27 then you should have deposited my silver in the bank so that when I returned I could have had my money with interest.
Amaiba: le na K1000 dia da abuliga muni salasu diasu ganodini muni eno lama: ne hame salibala: ?’
28 Take the talent away from him, and give it to the one with ten talents.
E da ea fidisu dunuma amane sia: i, ‘Amo ea K1000 lale, K5000 gagui dunu ema ima.
29 For everyone who has will be given even more; and everyone who doesn't have anything, even what they have will be taken away from them.
Nowa dunu da lai galea, na da ema bu imunu galebe. E da baligili gagumu. Be hame lai dunuma, ea fonobahadi gagui amo huluane na da bu samogemu.
30 Now throw this useless servant out into the darkness where there'll be crying and gnashing of teeth.’
Be wadela: i hawa: hamosu dunu gaguli, gadili gasiga ha: digima. E da bese ini dinanebe ba: mu,’
31 But when the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his majestic throne.
“Dunu Egefe E da Hina Bagadedafa hamoiwane, Ea a: igele dunu oule masea, E da Ea hadigi fisuga fimu.
32 Everyone will be brought before him. He will separate them from one another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
Dunu fifi asi gala huluane da Ema gilisibiba: le, E da ili afafamu. Sibi ouligisu dunu da sibi amola goudi afafasa, amo defele E da dunu afafamu.
33 He'll place the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left.
Sibi da Ea lobo dafadili amola goudi da Ea lobo fofadidili masa: ne, E da sia: mu.
34 Then the king will say to the ones on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, and inherit the kingdom that's been prepared for you from the beginning of the world.
Amasea, dunu ea lobo dafadili asi ilima Hina Bagadedafa da amane sia: mu, ‘Na Ada Ea hahawane fidisu lai mano. Dilia misa! Gode Ea Hinadafa Hou, Gode da osobo bagade muni hemosu esoga hamoi, amo dilia hahawane lama.
35 For I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Na da ha: i nababeba: le, dilia ha: i manu Nama i. Na da hano hanaiba: le, dilia da Nama hano dili i. Na da ga fi defele dilia diasuga doaga: loba, dilia da Nama yosia: nanu aowasu.
36 I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me.’
Na da da: i nabadoba: le, dilia da abula Nama idiniginisima: ne i. Na da olo madelaiba: le, dilia da Nama asigiba: le, Nama ouligimusa: doaga: i. Na da se iasu diasu ganodini sali dagoiba: beba: le, dilia da Na ba: la misi.’
37 Then those who are right will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and fed you, or thirsty and gave you a drink?
Amasea, hou ida: iwane hamosu dunu da Dunu Egefema amane adole ba: mu, ‘Hina Gode! Ninia habogala Di ha: i nababeba: le, ha: i manu ibela: ? Ninia habogala Di hano hanaiba: le, Dima hano dili ibela: ?
38 When did we see you as a stranger and invite you in, or naked and clothe you?
Ninia habogala Di ninia diasuga golama: ne sia: bela: ? Ninia habogala Di da: i nabado ba: beba: le, abula Dima ibala: ?
39 When did we see you sick, or in prison, and visit you?’
Ninia habogala Di oloiba: le o se iasu diasuga saliba: le, ninia habogala Dima asigiba: le, ba: la misibala: ?’
40 The king will tell them, ‘I tell you the truth: whatever you did for one of these of least importance you did for me.’
Amasea Hina Bagadedafa da ilima amane bu adole imunu, ‘Na dafawane sia: sa! Dilia da adi hou amo Na fi dunu mimogo hamedei gala, ilima fidimusa: hamoi galea, dilia da amo hou Nama hamoi dagoi.’
41 He'll also say to those on his left, ‘Go away from me, you who are doomed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels! (aiōnios )
Amasea dunu Ea lobo fofadidili esala, ilima E da amane sia: mu, ‘Dilia Gode Ea gagabusu aligima: ne lai dunu! Masa! Eso huluane nenanumu lalu, Sa: ida: ne amola ea a: igele dunu se iasu ima: ne Gode hamoi, amoga masa! (aiōnios )
42 For I was hungry and you didn't give me anything to eat. I was thirsty and you didn't give me a drink.
Na da ha: iba: le, dilia da Nama ha: i manu hame i. Na da hano hanaiba: le, dilia da hano Nama hame dili i.
43 I was a stranger and you didn't invite me in. I was naked and you didn't clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you didn't visit me.’
Na da ga fi agoane dilima doaga: loba, dilia da golasu Nama hame olelei. Na da: i nabadoba: le, dilia da Nama abula idiniginisima: ne hame i. Na da oloiwane se iasu diasuga sali dagoi ba: loba, dilia da Na hame ba: la misi.’
44 Then they will also answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and didn't look after you?’
Amalalu, ilia da bu adole ba: mu, ‘Hina Gode! Ninia habogala Di ha: i nabawane, o hano hanai o hame gaguiwane, o da: i nabado o olo o se iasu ganodini sali, ninia habogala amo ba: loba, Di hame fidibela: ?’
45 Then he will tell them, ‘I tell you the truth: whatever you didn't do for one of these of least importance you didn't do for me.’
Amalalu, Hina Bagadedafa da ilima amane bu adole imunu, ‘Na dafawane sia: sa! Dilia da adi hame fidisu hou amo Na fi dunu hamedei gala, ilima hamoi galea, dilia da amo hou Nama hamoi dagoi.’
46 They will go away into eternal condemnation, but those who are good will enter eternal life.” (aiōnios )
Amalalu, ilia da eso huluane mae dagole se iasu ba: lalumu. Be hou ida: iwane dunu da eso huluane mae bogole Fifi Ahoanusu lamu.” (aiōnios )