< Mark 8 >
1 Around this time there was another large crowd that had nothing to eat. Jesus called the disciples together and told them,
tadaa tatsamiipa. m bahavo lokaa aayaataa ataste. saa. m bhojyadravyaabhaavaad yii"su. h "si. syaanaahuuya jagaada, |
2 “I feel for the crowd because they have already stayed with me for three days and they have nothing to eat.
lokanivahe mama k. rpaa jaayate te dinatraya. m mayaa saarddha. m santi te. saa. m bhojya. m kimapi naasti|
3 If I send them home without food, they'll faint on the way. Some have come from a long way away.”
te. saa. m madhye. aneke duuraad aagataa. h, abhukte. su te. su mayaa svag. rhamabhiprahite. su te pathi klami. syanti|
4 “Where could anybody find enough bread to feed them here in this wilderness?” answered his disciples.
"si. syaa avaadi. su. h, etaavato lokaan tarpayitum atra prantare puupaan praaptu. m kena "sakyate?
5 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Seven,” they replied.
tata. h sa taan papraccha yu. smaaka. m kati puupaa. h santi? te. akathayan sapta|
6 He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves of bread, and gave thanks. He broke the bread and handed the pieces to his disciples to give to the crowd.
tata. h sa taallokaan bhuvi samupave. s.tum aadi"sya taan sapta puupaan dh. rtvaa ii"svaragu. naan anukiirttayaamaasa, bha. mktvaa parive. sayitu. m "si. syaan prati dadau, tataste lokebhya. h parive. sayaamaasu. h|
7 They had a few fish as well, so having blessed them, he said, “Take these and share them too.”
tathaa te. saa. m samiipe ye k. sudramatsyaa aasan taanapyaadaaya ii"svaragu. naan sa. mkiirtya parive. sayitum aadi. s.tavaan|
8 They ate until they were full, and then collected up seven baskets of leftovers.
tato lokaa bhuktvaa t. rpti. m gataa ava"si. s.takhaadyai. h puur. naa. h sapta. dallakaa g. rhiitaa"sca|
9 There were four thousand people there. After sending them on their way,
ete bhoktaara. h praaya"scatu. h sahasrapuru. saa aasan tata. h sa taan visasarja|
10 Jesus climbed into a boat with his disciples and went to the region of Dalmanutha.
atha sa "si. sya. h saha naavamaaruhya dalmaanuuthaasiimaamaagata. h|
11 The Pharisees arrived and began to argue with him, wanting him to give them a miraculous sign from heaven, trying to get him to prove himself.
tata. h para. m phiruu"sina aagatya tena saha vivadamaanaastasya pariik. saartham aakaa"siiyacihna. m dra. s.tu. m yaacitavanta. h|
12 Jesus sighed deeply, and asked, “Why do you people want a sign? I tell you the truth: I will not give you a sign.”
tadaa so. antardiirgha. m ni"svasyaakathayat, ete vidyamaananaraa. h kuta"scinha. m m. rgayante? yu. smaanaha. m yathaartha. m braviimi lokaanetaan kimapi cihna. m na dar"sayi. syate|
13 So he left them behind, climbed into the boat, and went back across the lake.
atha taan hitvaa puna rnaavam aaruhya paaramagaat|
14 But the disciples had forgotten to bring bread with them. All they had in the boat was one loaf.
etarhi "si. syai. h puupe. su vism. rte. su naavi te. saa. m sannidhau puupa ekaeva sthita. h|
15 “Watch out—beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod!” he warned them.
tadaanii. m yii"sustaan aadi. s.tavaan phiruu"sinaa. m heroda"sca ki. nva. m prati satarkaa. h saavadhaanaa"sca bhavata|
16 “He's saying that because we don't have any bread,” they concluded.
tataste. anyonya. m vivecana. m kartum aarebhire, asmaaka. m sannidhau puupo naastiiti hetorida. m kathayati|
17 Jesus knew what they were saying, and said, “Why are you talking about not having any bread? Are you still not thinking and not understanding? Have you closed your minds?
tad budvvaa yii"sustebhyo. akathayat yu. smaaka. m sthaane puupaabhaavaat kuta ittha. m vitarkayatha? yuuya. m kimadyaapi kimapi na jaaniitha? boddhu nca na "saknutha? yaavadadya ki. m yu. smaaka. m manaa. msi ka. thinaani santi?
18 You've got eyes to see, haven't you? And ears to hear?
satsu netre. su ki. m na pa"syatha? satsu kar. ne. su ki. m na "s. r.nutha? na smaratha ca?
19 Don't you remember when I shared five loaves among five thousand? How many basketfuls of leftovers did you pick up?” “Twelve,” they replied.
yadaaha. m pa ncapuupaan pa ncasahasraa. naa. m puru. saa. naa. m madhye bha. mktvaa dattavaan tadaanii. m yuuyam ava"si. s.tapuupai. h puur. naan kati. dallakaan g. rhiitavanta. h? te. akathayan dvaada"sa. dallakaan|
20 “And the seven loaves divided among four thousand. How many basketfuls of leftovers did you pick up?” “Seven,” they answered.
apara nca yadaa catu. hsahasraa. naa. m puru. saa. naa. m madhye puupaan bha. mktvaadadaa. m tadaa yuuyam atiriktapuupaanaa. m kati. dallakaan g. rhiitavanta. h? te kathayaamaasu. h sapta. dallakaan|
21 “Do you still not understand?” he asked them.
tadaa sa kathitavaan tarhi yuuyam adhunaapi kuto bodvvu. m na "saknutha?
22 They went to Bethsaida where some people brought a blind man to Jesus. They begged Jesus to touch him and heal him.
anantara. m tasmin baitsaidaanagare praapte lokaa andhameka. m nara. m tatsamiipamaaniiya ta. m spra. s.tu. m ta. m praarthayaa ncakrire|
23 Jesus took the blind man by the hand and took him outside the village. Jesus spat on the man's eyes and touched him with his hands. Then Jesus asked him, “Can you see anything?”
tadaa tasyaandhasya karau g. rhiitvaa nagaraad bahirde"sa. m ta. m niitavaan; tannetre ni. s.thiiva. m dattvaa tadgaatre hastaavarpayitvaa ta. m papraccha, kimapi pa"syasi?
24 The man looked around, and said, “I can see people, but they look like trees walking.”
sa netre unmiilya jagaada, v. rk. savat manujaan gacchato niriik. se|
25 So Jesus touched the man's eyes again. He could see properly—he was cured and his sight was clear.
tato yii"su. h punastasya nayanayo rhastaavarpayitvaa tasya netre unmiilayaamaasa; tasmaat sa svastho bhuutvaa spa. s.taruupa. m sarvvalokaan dadar"sa|
26 Jesus sent the man home, and told him, “Don't go back through the village.”
tata. h para. m tva. m graama. m maa gaccha graamastha. m kamapi ca kimapyanuktvaa nijag. rha. m yaahiityaadi"sya yii"susta. m nijag. rha. m prahitavaan|
27 Jesus and his disciples left to go to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say I am?”
anantara. m "si. syai. h sahito yii"su. h kaisariiyaaphilipipura. m jagaama, pathi gacchan taanap. rcchat ko. aham atra lokaa. h ki. m vadanti?
28 “Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, others say one of the prophets,” they replied.
te pratyuucu. h tvaa. m yohana. m majjaka. m vadanti kintu kepi kepi eliya. m vadanti; apare kepi kepi bhavi. syadvaadinaam eko jana iti vadanti|
29 “But who do you say I am?” he asked them. “You are the Messiah!” Peter answered.
atha sa taanap. rcchat kintu koham? ityatra yuuya. m ki. m vadatha? tadaa pitara. h pratyavadat bhavaan abhi. siktastraataa|
30 Jesus warned them not to tell anybody about him.
tata. h sa taan gaa. dhamaadi"sad yuuya. m mama kathaa kasmaicidapi maa kathayata|
31 Then Jesus began to explain to them that the Son of man would suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and religious teachers. He would be killed, but three days later would rise again.
manu. syaputre. naava"sya. m bahavo yaatanaa bhoktavyaa. h praaciinalokai. h pradhaanayaajakairadhyaapakai"sca sa nindita. h san ghaatayi. syate t. rtiiyadine utthaasyati ca, yii"su. h "si. syaanupade. s.tumaarabhya kathaamimaa. m spa. s.tamaaca. s.ta|
32 Jesus explained this to them very clearly. But Peter took Jesus aside and started to reprimand him for what he said.
tasmaat pitarastasya hastau dh. rtvaa ta. m tarjjitavaan|
33 Jesus turned around and looking at his disciples, reprimanded Peter. “Get away from me, Satan,” he said. “You're not thinking as God thinks, but as human beings do.”
kintu sa mukha. m paraavartya "si. syaga. na. m niriik. sya pitara. m tarjayitvaavaadiid duuriibhava vighnakaarin ii"svariiyakaaryyaadapi manu. syakaaryya. m tubhya. m rocatataraa. m|
34 Jesus called the crowd and his disciples over to him, and told them, “If you want to follow me, you must give up on yourselves, pick up your cross and follow me.
atha sa lokaan "si. syaa. m"scaahuuya jagaada ya. h ka"scin maamanugantum icchati sa aatmaana. m daamyatu, svakru"sa. m g. rhiitvaa matpa"scaad aayaatu|
35 If you want to save your life you will lose it, but if you lose your life because of me and the good news you will save it.
yato ya. h ka"scit svapraa. na. m rak. situmicchati sa ta. m haarayi. syati, kintu ya. h ka"scin madartha. m susa. mvaadaartha nca praa. na. m haarayati sa ta. m rak. si. syati|
36 What use is it for you to gain everything in the whole world, and lose your life?
apara nca manuja. h sarvva. m jagat praapya yadi svapraa. na. m haarayati tarhi tasya ko laabha. h?
37 What would you give in exchange for your life?
nara. h svapraa. navinimayena ki. m daatu. m "saknoti?
38 If you're ashamed to acknowledge me and what I say among this unfaithful and sinful people, then the Son of man will be ashamed to acknowledge you when he comes with his Father's glory with the holy angels.”
ete. saa. m vyabhicaari. naa. m paapinaa nca lokaanaa. m saak. saad yadi kopi maa. m matkathaa nca lajjaaspada. m jaanaati tarhi manujaputro yadaa dharmmaduutai. h saha pitu. h prabhaave. naagami. syati tadaa sopi ta. m lajjaaspada. m j naasyati|