< Mark 4 >

1 Jesus began teaching beside the Sea again. So many people came to listen to him that he climbed into a boat and sat in it on the water while the crowd listened from the shore.
Jesu akatanga kudzidzisazve ari pagungwa. Vanhu vakanga vakaungana vakamukomberedza vari vazhinji zhinji zvokuti akabva apinda mugwa akagara mariri ari mugungwa, asi vanhu vose vari kumahombekombe.
2 He illustrated his teachings using many stories.
Akavadzidzisa zvinhu zvizhinji nemifananidzo, uye mukudzidzisa kwake akati,
3 “Listen,” he said. “A sower went out to sow.
“Teererai! Murimi akabuda kundokusha mbeu yake.
4 Now as he was scattering the seeds, some fell on the path, and birds came and ate them up.
Paakanga achikusha mbeu, dzimwe dzakawira munzira, uye shiri dzakasvika dzikadzidya.
5 Other seeds fell on stony ground where there wasn't much earth. In the shallow soil the plants started growing quickly, but because the soil wasn't deep
Dzimwe dzakawira murukangarabwe, madzisina kuwana ivhu rakawanda. Dzakakurumidza kumera, nokuti ivhu rakanga riri shoma.
6 they were scorched when the sun came up. Since they didn't have any real roots, they soon withered.
Asi zuva rakati rabuda, mbeu dzakapiswa nezuva, uye dzikaoma nokuti dzakanga dzisina midzi.
7 Other seeds fell among thorns. The thorns grew up and choked the sprouting seeds, so they produced nothing.
Dzimwe dzakawira pakati peminzwa, minzwa ikakura ikavhunga mbeu, nokudaro hadzina kubereka zvibereko.
8 Other seeds fell on good soil where they sprouted and grew. They produced a harvest of some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred times what was planted.
Uye dzimwe dzakawira pavhu rakanaka. Dzakamera dzikakura uye dzikabereka kakapetwa makumi matatu, makumi matanhatu, kana kunyange zana.”
9 If you have ears to hear, listen to what I'm saying.”
Ipapo Jesu akati, “Ane nzeve dzokunzwa, ngaanzwe.”
10 When he was by himself, his twelve disciples and the others who were with him asked him what the illustrations meant.
Paakanga ava oga, vane gumi navaviri uye navamwe vakanga vakamukomberedza vakamubvunza pamusoro pomufananidzo uyu.
11 He told them, “The mystery of God's kingdom has been given to you to understand. But outsiders only have the stories,
Akati kwavari, “Chakavanzika choumambo hwaMwari chakapiwa kwamuri. Asi kuna avo vari kunze, zvinhu zvose zvinotaurwa nemifananidzo
12 so that even though they see, they don't really ‘see,’ and even though they hear, they don't understand, otherwise they might turn to me and be forgiven.”
kuitira kuti, “‘zvimwe vangaramba vachiona, asi varege kuonesesa; uye vachinzwa, asi varege kunzwisisa; kana kuti vangatendeuka uye vakaregererwa!’”
13 “Don't you understand this story?” Jesus asked them. “If you can't, how are you going to understand all the other stories?
Ipapo Jesu akati kwavari, “Hamunzwisisi mufananidzo uyu here? Munganzwisisa seiko mufananidzo upi zvawo?
14 The sower sows the word.
Murimi anokusha shoko.
15 The seeds on the path where the word is sown illustrate those who hear the message, but then Satan immediately comes along and takes away the word that's been sown in them.
Vamwe vanhu vakaita setsanga yakawira munzira, munokushwa shoko. Pavanongorinzwa, Satani anouya otora shoko rakushwa mukati mavo.
16 Likewise the seeds on the rocky ground illustrate those who hear the word, and happily accept it right away.
Vamwe vakaita setsanga yakawira parukangarahwe, vanonzwa shoko uye nokukurumidza vorigamuchira nomufaro.
17 But since they have no real roots, they only last for a while until trouble or persecution comes, and then they quickly fall away.
Asi sezvo vasina midzi, vanongotsungirira kwenguva pfupi. Panongosvika nhamo kana kutambudzwa nokuda kweshoko, vanokurumidza kuwa.
18 Those sown among the thorns illustrate those who hear the word,
Uye vamwe, setsanga yakawira pakati peminzwa, vanonzwa shoko;
19 but worries of this world, the temptation of wealth, and other distractions choke the growth of the word, and it becomes unproductive. (aiōn g165)
asi kufunganya nezvoupenyu huno, kunyengera kwoupfumi uye zvishuvo zvezvimwe zvinhu zvinopinda zvigovhunga shoko, zvichirishayisa zvibereko. (aiōn g165)
20 But the seeds sown on good soil illustrate those who hear the word, accept it, and are productive—producing thirty, sixty, and hundred times what was originally sown.
Vamwe vakaita setsanga yakawira pavhu rakanaka, vanonzwa shoko, vorigamuchira, uye vobereka zvibereko, kakapetwa makumi matatu, makumi matanhatu kana kunyange zana pane zvinenge zvakushwa.”
21 Who puts a lamp under a bucket, or beneath a bed?” Jesus asked them. “No, you put a lamp up on a lamp-stand.
Akati kwavari, “Munouya nomwenje kuzouisa pasi pedengu here kana pasi pomubhedha? Handiti munouisa pachigadziko chawo here?
22 Everything that is hidden will be revealed, and everything that is secret will be brought out into the open.
Nokuti hapana chakavigwa chisingazooneswi, uye hapana chakavanzika chisingazobudi pachena.
23 If you have ears to hear, listen to what I'm saying!
Munhu ane nzeve dzokunzwa ngaanzwe.”
24 Pay attention to what you're hearing,” he told them, “for you will be given according to how much you want to receive, measure for measure.
Akaenderera mberi achiti, “Chenjererai kwazvo zvamunonzwa. Chiyero chamunoshandisa, ndicho chamuchayerwawo nacho kunyange zvakapfuurisa.
25 More will be given to those who already have understanding, but those who don't want to know will have what little understanding they have taken from them.
Ani naani anazvo achapiwa zvimwe; ani naani asina, achatorerwa kunyange nezvaanazvo.”
26 God's kingdom is like a man sowing seed in the ground,” Jesus said.
Akatizve, “Umambo hwaMwari hwakafanana nomunhu anokusha mbeu muvhu.
27 “He goes to bed and gets up, day after day, but the man has no knowledge of how the seeds sprout and grow.
Usiku namasikati, kunyange akavata kana akamuka, mbeu inomera igokura, kunyange zvazvo asingazivi kuti zvinoitika sei.
28 The earth produces a harvest by itself. First a shoot appears, then the heads of grain, and then the heads of grain ripen.
Ivhu riri roga rinobereka zviyo, kutanga chipande, kwozoti hura, kwozoitawo tsanga dzakakora muhura.
29 When the grain is ripe, the farmer reaps it with a sickle, because the harvest is ready.
Panongoibva zviyo, anozvicheka nejeko, nokuti kukohwa kwasvika.”
30 What can we compare God's kingdom to? What illustration shall we use?” he asked.
Akatizve, “Umambo hwaMwari tingahufananidza neiko kana kuti tingaita mufananidzo upiko kuti tihutsanangure?
31 “It's like a mustard seed, the tiniest seed of all.
Hwakafanana netsanga yemasitadhi, inova tsanga duku duku yaunodyara muvhu.
32 But when it's sown it grows into a plant that's larger than other plants. It has branches big enough that birds can roost in its shade.”
Asi kana yadyarwa, inokura igova muti mukuru kupfuura miti yose yomubindu, una matavi makuru zvokuti shiri dzedenga dzinogona kugara mumumvuri wawo.”
33 Jesus used many of these illustrated stories when he spoke to the people so they would understand as much as they could.
Nemimwe mifananidzo yakadai, Jesu akataura shoko kwavari, zvose sezvavaigona kunzwisisa.
34 In fact, when he spoke publicly, he only used stories; however in private he explained everything to his disciples.
Haana kutaura chinhu chimwe kwavari asingashandisi mufananidzo. Asi paainge ari oga navadzidzi vake, aivatsanangurira zvose.
35 Later that day, in the evening, he said to his disciples, “Let's go across to the other side of the Sea.”
Zuva iroro ava madekwana, akati kuvadzidzi vake, “Ngatiyambukirei kuno rumwe rutivi.”
36 Leaving the crowd behind, the disciples went with Jesus and got into a boat. Other boats went with them.
Vakasiya vanhu vazhinji, vakaenda naye mugwa, sezvaakanga ari. Pakanga pane mamwewo magwa aaiva nawo.
37 Soon a terrible storm started blowing, and waves crashed against the boat, filling it with water.
Dutu rinotyisa rakauya, uye mafungu akarova igwa, zvokuti rakanga rava pedyo nokunyura.
38 Jesus was asleep in the stern, resting his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting at him, “Teacher, don't you care that we're about to drown?”
Jesu akanga ari mushure megwa, avete pamutsago. Vadzidzi vake vakamumutsa vakati kwaari, “Mudzidzisi, hamuna hanya here kana tikanyura?”
39 Jesus woke up. He told the wind to die down and told the waves, “Be quiet! Be still.” The wind stopped, and the water became completely calm.
Akamuka, akarayira mhepo uye akati kumafungu, “Nyarara! Dzikama!” Ipapo mhepo yakapera uye kukadzikama zvikuru.
40 “Why are you so frightened? Haven't you learned to trust me?” he asked them.
Akati kuvadzidzi vake, “Munotyireiko zvakadai? Hamusati mava nokutenda here?”
41 They were stunned and terrified. They asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
Vakatya uye vakabvunzana vachiti, “Ndianiko uyu? Kunyange mhepo namafungu zvinomuteerera!”

< Mark 4 >