< Mark 12 >
1 Then Jesus began to speak to them using illustrated stories. “Once there was a man who planted a vineyard. He put a fence around it, dug a pit for a winepress, and built a watchtower. Then he leased it to some farmers, and left on a journey.
anantara. m yii"su rd. r.s. taantena tebhya. h kathayitumaarebhe, ka"scideko draak. saak. setra. m vidhaaya taccaturdik. su vaara. nii. m k. rtvaa tanmadhye draak. saape. sa. naku. n.dam akhanat, tathaa tasya ga. damapi nirmmitavaan tatastatk. setra. m k. r.siivale. su samarpya duurade"sa. m jagaama|
2 When harvest-time came, he sent one of his servants to the tenant farmers to collect some of the grapes from the vineyard.
tadanantara. m phalakaale k. r.siivalebhyo draak. saak. setraphalaani praaptu. m te. saa. m savidhe bh. rtyam eka. m praahi. not|
3 But they grabbed hold of him, beat him up, and sent him away with nothing.
kintu k. r.siivalaasta. m dh. rtvaa prah. rtya riktahasta. m visas. rju. h|
4 So the man sent another servant. They hit him over the head and abused him.
tata. h sa punaranyameka. m bh. rtya. m pra. sayaamaasa, kintu te k. r.siivalaa. h paa. saa. naaghaataistasya "siro bha"nktvaa saapamaana. m ta. m vyasarjan|
5 He sent another servant, and this one they killed. He sent many other servants, and they beat some of them and killed others.
tata. h para. m sopara. m daasa. m praahi. not tadaa te ta. m jaghnu. h, evam aneke. saa. m kasyacit prahaara. h kasyacid vadha"sca tai. h k. rta. h|
6 In the end the only one left was his son whom he loved, and eventually he sent him, thinking ‘they will respect my son.’
tata. h para. m mayaa svaputre prahite te tamava"sya. m samma. msyante, ityuktvaava"se. se te. saa. m sannidhau nijapriyam advitiiya. m putra. m pre. sayaamaasa|
7 But the farmers said to themselves, ‘Here's the owner's heir—if we kill him, we can get what he would have inherited!’
kintu k. r.siivalaa. h paraspara. m jagadu. h, e. sa uttaraadhikaarii, aagacchata vayamena. m hanmastathaa k. rte. adhikaaroyam asmaaka. m bhavi. syati|
8 So they took him and killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard.
tatasta. m dh. rtvaa hatvaa draak. saak. setraad bahi. h praak. sipan|
9 Now what is the owner of the vineyard going to do? He will come and kill those farmers, and then he will lease the vineyard to others.
anenaasau draak. saak. setrapati. h ki. m kari. syati? sa etya taan k. r.siivalaan sa. mhatya tatk. setram anye. su k. r.siivale. su samarpayi. syati|
10 Haven't you even read this Scripture: ‘The stone rejected by the builders has become the chief cornerstone.
apara nca, "sthapataya. h kari. syanti graavaa. na. m yantu tucchaka. m| praadhaanaprastara. h ko. ne sa eva sa. mbhavi. syati|
11 This is from the Lord, and it's marvelous to see!’?”
etat karmma pare"sasyaa. mdbhuta. m no d. r.s. tito bhavet||" imaa. m "saastriiyaa. m lipi. m yuuya. m ki. m naapaa. thi. s.ta?
12 The Jewish leaders tried to have him arrested because they realized that the illustration was directed at them, but they were afraid of the crowd. So they left him alone and went away.
tadaanii. m sa taanuddi"sya taa. m d. r.s. taantakathaa. m kathitavaan, ta ittha. m budvvaa ta. m dharttaamudyataa. h, kintu lokebhyo bibhyu. h, tadanantara. m te ta. m vihaaya vavraju. h|
13 Later they sent some Pharisees with some of Herod's supporters to Jesus in an attempt to catch him out by what he said.
apara nca te tasya vaakyado. sa. m dharttaa. m katipayaan phiruu"sino herodiiyaa. m"sca lokaan tadantika. m pre. sayaamaasu. h|
14 They arrived and said, “Teacher, we know you are a truthful person and you don't look for approval, because you don't care about status or position. Instead you teach God's way in accordance with the truth. So is it right to pay tribute to Caesar or not?
ta aagatya tamavadan, he guro bhavaan tathyabhaa. sii kasyaapyanurodha. m na manyate, pak. sapaata nca na karoti, yathaarthata ii"svariiya. m maarga. m dar"sayati vayametat prajaaniima. h, kaisaraaya karo deyo na vaa. m? vaya. m daasyaamo na vaa?
15 Should we pay up, or should we refuse?” Jesus, realizing how hypocritical they were, asked them, “Why are you trying to catch me out? Bring me a coin to look at.”
kintu sa te. saa. m kapa. ta. m j naatvaa jagaada, kuto maa. m pariik. sadhve? eka. m mudraapaada. m samaaniiya maa. m dar"sayata|
16 They gave him a coin. “Whose is this image, and whose inscription?” Jesus asked them. “Caesar's,” they replied.
tadaa tairekasmin mudraapaade samaaniite sa taan papraccha, atra likhita. m naama muurtti rvaa kasya? te pratyuucu. h, kaisarasya|
17 “Then give back to Caesar what belongs to him, and give back to God what belongs to him,” Jesus told them. They were amazed at his reply.
tadaa yii"suravadat tarhi kaisarasya dravyaa. ni kaisaraaya datta, ii"svarasya dravyaa. ni tu ii"svaraaya datta; tataste vismaya. m menire|
18 Then the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, came and asked a question:
atha m. rtaanaamutthaana. m ye na manyante te siduukino yii"so. h samiipamaagatya ta. m papracchu. h;
19 “Teacher, Moses instructed us that if a man dies, leaving his widow childless, then his brother should marry his wife, and have children by her on his behalf.
he guro ka"scijjano yadi ni. hsantati. h san bhaaryyaayaa. m satyaa. m mriyate tarhi tasya bhraataa tasya bhaaryyaa. m g. rhiitvaa bhraatu rva. m"sotpatti. m kari. syati, vyavasthaamimaa. m muusaa asmaan prati vyalikhat|
20 Once there were seven brothers. The first one got married, and then died without having children.
kintu kecit sapta bhraatara aasan, tataste. saa. m jye. s.thabhraataa vivahya ni. hsantati. h san amriyata|
21 The second married his widow, and then died, childless. The third did the same.
tato dvitiiyo bhraataa taa. m striyamag. rha. nat kintu sopi ni. hsantati. h san amriyata; atha t. rtiiyopi bhraataa taad. r"sobhavat|
22 In fact all seven died without having children. In the end the woman died too.
ittha. m saptaiva bhraatarastaa. m striya. m g. rhiitvaa ni. hsantaanaa. h santo. amriyanta, sarvva"se. se saapi strii mriyate sma|
23 In the resurrection, whose wife will she be, because she was the wife of all seven brothers?”
atha m. rtaanaamutthaanakaale yadaa ta utthaasyanti tadaa te. saa. m kasya bhaaryyaa saa bhavi. syati? yataste saptaiva taa. m vyavahan|
24 Jesus told them, “This proves you're mistaken, and that you don't know the Scriptures or the power of God.
tato yii"su. h pratyuvaaca "saastram ii"svara"sakti nca yuuyamaj naatvaa kimabhraamyata na?
25 When the dead rise, they don't marry, and aren't given in marriage. They're like the angels in heaven.
m. rtalokaanaamutthaana. m sati te na vivahanti vaagdattaa api na bhavanti, kintu svargiiyaduutaanaa. m sad. r"saa bhavanti|
26 But concerning the resurrection, haven't you read in Moses' writings the story of the burning bush, where God spoke to Moses and told him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?’
puna"sca "aham ibraahiima ii"svara ishaaka ii"svaro yaakuuba"sce"svara. h" yaamimaa. m kathaa. m stambamadhye ti. s.than ii"svaro muusaamavaadiit m. rtaanaamutthaanaarthe saa kathaa muusaalikhite pustake ki. m yu. smaabhi rnaapaa. thi?
27 He's not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are completely mistaken!”
ii"svaro jiivataa. m prabhu. h kintu m. rtaanaa. m prabhu rna bhavati, tasmaaddheto ryuuya. m mahaabhrame. na ti. s.thatha|
28 One of the religious teachers came and heard them arguing. He recognized that Jesus had given them a good answer. So he asked him, “Which is the most important commandment of all?”
etarhi ekodhyaapaka etya te. saamittha. m vicaara. m "su"sraava; yii"suste. saa. m vaakyasya saduttara. m dattavaan iti budvvaa ta. m p. r.s. tavaan sarvvaasaam aaj naanaa. m kaa "sre. s.thaa? tato yii"su. h pratyuvaaca,
29 Jesus replied, “The first commandment is, ‘Hear, Israel, the Lord our God is one.
"he israayellokaa avadhatta, asmaaka. m prabhu. h parame"svara eka eva,
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your spirit, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’
yuuya. m sarvvanta. hkara. nai. h sarvvapraa. nai. h sarvvacittai. h sarvva"saktibhi"sca tasmin prabhau parame"svare priiyadhva. m," ityaaj naa "sre. s.thaa|
31 The second is ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There's no more important commandment than these.”
tathaa "svaprativaasini svavat prema kurudhva. m," e. saa yaa dvitiiyaaj naa saa taad. r"sii; etaabhyaa. m dvaabhyaam aaj naabhyaam anyaa kaapyaaj naa "sre. s.thaa naasti|
32 “That's right, Teacher,” the man replied. “It's true as you said that God is one, and there is no other.
tadaa sodhyaapakastamavadat, he guro satya. m bhavaan yathaartha. m proktavaan yata ekasmaad ii"svaraad anyo dvitiiya ii"svaro naasti;
33 We are to love him with all our heart, all our understanding, and all our strength, and we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. This is far more important than offerings and sacrifices.”
apara. m sarvvaanta. hkara. nai. h sarvvapraa. nai. h sarvvacittai. h sarvva"saktibhi"sca ii"svare premakara. na. m tathaa svamiipavaasini svavat premakara. na nca sarvvebhyo homabalidaanaadibhya. h "sra. s.tha. m bhavati|
34 Jesus saw that he gave a thoughtful answer, and said, “You're not far from the kingdom of God.” After this no one was brave enough to ask him any more questions.
tato yii"su. h subuddheriva tasyedam uttara. m "srutvaa ta. m bhaa. sitavaan tvamii"svarasya raajyaanna duurosi|ita. h para. m tena saha kasyaapi vaakyasya vicaara. m karttaa. m kasyaapi pragalbhataa na jaataa|
35 While Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he asked, “Why do the religious teachers state that Christ is the son of David?
anantara. m madhyemandiram upadi"san yii"surima. m pra"sna. m cakaara, adhyaapakaa abhi. sikta. m (taaraka. m) kuto daayuuda. h santaana. m vadanti?
36 As David himself declared, inspired by the Holy Spirit, that the Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.’
svaya. m daayuud pavitrasyaatmana aave"seneda. m kathayaamaasa| yathaa| "mama prabhumida. m vaakyavadat parame"svara. h| tava "satruunaha. m yaavat paadapii. tha. m karomi na| taavat kaala. m madiiye tva. m dak. sapaar"sv upaavi"sa|"
37 Since David himself calls him Lord, how can he be David's son?” The large crowd listened to what Jesus said with great delight.
yadi daayuud ta. m prabhuu. m vadati tarhi katha. m sa tasya santaano bhavitumarhati? itare lokaastatkathaa. m "srutvaananandu. h|
38 Jesus continued to teach them, saying, “Beware of religious leaders! They love to walk around in long robes, to be greeted respectfully in the marketplaces.
tadaanii. m sa taanupadi"sya kathitavaan ye naraa diirghaparidheyaani ha. t.te vipanau ca
39 They love to have the most important seats in the synagogues, and the best places at banquets.
lokak. rtanamaskaaraan bhajanag. rhe pradhaanaasanaani bhojanakaale pradhaanasthaanaani ca kaa"nk. sante;
40 They cheat widows out of what they own, and cover up the kind of people they really are with long-winded prayers. They will receive severe condemnation in the judgment.”
vidhavaanaa. m sarvvasva. m grasitvaa chalaad diirghakaala. m praarthayante tebhya upaadhyaayebhya. h saavadhaanaa bhavata; te. adhikataraan da. n.daan praapsyanti|
41 Jesus sat down opposite the treasury collection box, watching people tossing in coins. Many of the rich were extravagantly throwing in a lot of money.
tadanantara. m lokaa bhaa. n.daagaare mudraa yathaa nik. sipanti bhaa. n.daagaarasya sammukhe samupavi"sya yii"sustadavaluloka; tadaanii. m bahavo dhaninastasya madhye bahuuni dhanaani nirak. sipan|
42 Then a poor widow came along and put in just two small coins.
pa"scaad ekaa daridraa vidhavaa samaagatya dvipa. namuulyaa. m mudraikaa. m tatra nirak. sipat|
43 He called his disciples together and told them, “I tell you the truth: this poor widow has put in more than all the rest together.
tadaa yii"su. h "si. syaan aahuuya kathitavaan yu. smaanaha. m yathaartha. m vadaami ye ye bhaa. n.daagaare. asmina dhanaani ni. hk. sipanti sma tebhya. h sarvvebhya iya. m vidhavaa daridraadhikam ni. hk. sipati sma|
44 All of them gave from their wealth what they had, but she gave from her poverty what she didn't have. She put in all she had to live on.”
yataste prabhuutadhanasya ki ncit nirak. sipan kintu diineya. m svadinayaapanayogya. m ki ncidapi na sthaapayitvaa sarvvasva. m nirak. sipat|