< Malachi 2 >

1 Now this command is for you priests!
И ныне заповедь сия к вам, священницы:
2 If you will not listen and if you will not take it to heart to honor me, says the Lord Almighty, then I will place a curse on you and I will curse your blessings—in fact I have already cursed them because you haven't taken what I said to heart.
аще не услышите и аще не положите на сердцах ваших, еже дати славу имени Моему, глаголет Господь Вседержитель, то послю на вы клятву и проклену благословение ваше и оклену е: и разорю благословение ваше, и не будет в вас, зане вы не влагаете в сердца ваша.
3 Watch out! I am going to penalize your descendants. I will spread manure on your faces from the animals you sacrifice, the manure from your religious festivals, and you will be thrown out with it.
Се, Аз отлучу вам рамо, и раскидаю требухи на лица ваша, требухи праздников ваших, и прииму вы вкупе:
4 Then you will know that I sent you this command so that my agreement with Levi can continue, says the Lord Almighty.
и уразумеете, яко Аз Господь послах к вам заповедь сию, еже быти завету Моему к Левитом, глаголет Господь Вседержитель.
5 My agreement with him was one of life and peace, which I gave to him, and respect—he respected me. He stood in awe of me.
Завет Мой бе с ним жизни и мира, и дах ему боязнию боятися Мене и от лица имене Моего устрашатися ему.
6 He taught the people the truth; nothing in his teaching was false. He walked with me in peace and did what was right, and he helped many to turn way from sin.
Закон истины бе во устех его, и неправда не обретеся во устнах его: в мире исправляяй иде со Мною и многи обрати от неправды.
7 A priest should explain the truth about God, they should go to him to be taught, for he is the Lord Almighty's messenger.
Понеже устне иереовы сохранят разум, и закона взыщут от уст его: яко ангел Господа Вседержителя есть.
8 But you have turned from my way. You have made many people to fall into sin. By your teaching you have broken the agreement with Levi, says the Lord Almighty.
Вы же уклонистеся от пути и изнемоществисте многих в законе, растлисте завет Левиин, глаголет Господь Вседержитель.
9 So I have destroyed any respect you had, and humiliated you before all the people. For you have not kept my ways, and have shown favoritism in what you teach.
И Аз дах вы уничижены и отвержены во вся языки, зане вы не сохранисте путий Моих, но лиц обинустеся в законе.
10 Don't we all have one Father? Didn't one God create us? So why are we unfaithful to each other, violating the agreement made by our forefathers?
Не Отец ли един всем вам? Не Бог ли един созда вас? Что яко остависте кийждо брата своего, осквернити завет отец ваших?
11 The people of Judah have been unfaithful and have committed a disgusting sin in Israel and Jerusalem. For the men of Judah have defiled the Lord's Temple (which he loves) by marrying women who worship idols.
Оставлен бысть Иуда, и мерзость бысть во Израили и во Иерусалиме: зане оскверни Иуда святая Господня, яже возлюби, и прейде к богом чуждим.
12 May the Lord expel the family of any man who does this from the nation of Israel! May there be no one left to bring an offering to the Lord Almighty!
Потребит Господь человека творящаго сия, дондеже смирится от селений Иаковлих и от приносящих жертву Господу Вседержителю.
13 Something else you do is to pour out your tears on the Lord's altar weeping and moaning because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or doesn't want to accept them.
И сия, яже ненавидех, твористе: покрывасте слезами олтарь Господень, и плачем и воздыханием от трудов: еще ли достойно призрети на жертву (вашу), или прияти приятно из рук ваших?
14 “Why not?” you ask. Because the Lord witnessed the vows you and your wife exchanged when you were young. You were unfaithful to her, your wife and partner joined to you by marriage contract.
И ресте: чесо ради? Яко Господь засвидетелствова между тобою и между женою юности твоея, юже оставил еси, и та общница твоя и жена завета твоего:
15 Did he not make you one, and give some of his Spirit to you? And what does he want? Children of God. So watch what you do, and don't be unfaithful to the wife you married when you were young.
и не добро ли сотвори, и останок духа его? И ресте: что ино кроме семене ищет Бог? И сохраните духом вашим и жены юности твоея да не оставиши:
16 For I hate divorce, says the Lord God of Israel, for it's a violent attack on the wife, says the Lord Almighty. So watch what you do, and don't be unfaithful.
но аще возненавидев отпустиши ю, глаголет Господь Бог Израилев, и покрыет нечестие помышления твоя, глаголет Господь Вседержитель: и сохраните духом вашим и не оставите.
17 You have worn the Lord out with your words. “How have we worn him out?” you ask. By saying everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord and he is happy with them, or by asking, where is the Lord's justice?
Прогневляющии Бога словесы вашими, и ресте: о чесом прогневахом Его? Зане ресте: всяк творяй зло добр пред Господем, и в них Сам благоволи: и где есть Бог правды?

< Malachi 2 >