< Luke 4 >
1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River and was led by the Spirit into the desert,
Nani Yesu, na iwa kullo ghe nin Uruhu Ulau, akpilla unuzu kurawan Yahudiya, Uruhu nya ninghe udu nanya kusho
2 where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. He didn't eat anything during that whole time, so at the end he was starving.
nanya nayiri akut anas shetan. Wa di dumunghe kikane, nanya na leli ayire, na awa lii imon ba, udu nimalin nkoni kubi alanza kukpon.
3 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”
Shetan ghe woroghe, “Andi fe gono Kutelle ari taah atala ale aso uborodi.”
4 “It is written in Scripture, ‘You shall not live on bread alone,’” Jesus answered.
Yesu kauwa ghe ina nyertin, “Na unit ba so ninlai bara uborodi cas ba.”
5 The devil led him up to a high place, and in a rapid view showed him all the kingdoms of the world.
Nin nani shetan dofino nunghe udu kiti kizalan, adi durso ghe vat kipin tigo nanya inye na nin kubi ba.
6 Then the devil said to Jesus, “I will give you authority over all of them, and their glory. This authority has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want.
Shetan ghe woro ghe, “Meng ba nifi likara asu tigo nanya kipin tigone nin ngongon vat, meng wan su nsu nani bara ina nii nsu tigowe kitene, tutun nwansa nnah ko ghaku ulenge na ndinin nsuwe.
7 Bow down and worship me and you can have it all.”
Bara nani asa uba tumunu nbun nighe unii ngongon, vat nilele ba so infe.”
8 “It is written in Scripture, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve only him,’” Jesus replied.
Bara nani Yesu kauwa a wono ghe, “Udi nanya ninyerte uba tumuzunu Cikilari Kutelle fe amere cas uba nighe ngongon.”
9 The devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, set him on the top of the Temple, and told him, “If you are the Son of God, then jump!
Udu nbune shetan dofino nin Yesu udu Urushelima adi cio ghe kiiti kizalang kuttyi nliran a woro ghe, “Andi fe gono Kutelle ari nyinna kikane.
10 For it is written in Scripture, ‘He will order his angels to care for you,
Bara inyerte na bellin abati nono kadura mye iminfi, ikese fi.
11 holding you up to protect you from stumbling over a stone.’”
Inung ba ghantinfi nin nacara mine, bara uwa tiro kitene litala.”
12 “It is written in Scripture, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God,’” Jesus replied.
Yesu kauwa a woroghe. “Ina bellin na uwa dumun Cikilari Kutelle fe ba.
13 When the devil had completed all his temptations, he waited for another opportunity.
Kubi na shetan nmala udumuzunu Yesu ku, a nya a sunghe udu nkon kubi.
14 Jesus returned to Galilee, full of the Spirit's power. News about him spread everywhere.
Nani Yesu kpilla udu Ugalili nin likara Uruhu, uliru kitene mye malla kiti vat nkilinu ligan nmyino.
15 Jesus taught in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
A dursuzo nani nanya kutyi nliran ko gha wa sughe liru.
16 When he arrived in Nazareth, where he had grown up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day as usual.
Nlon liri adah Unazaret, kagbir kanga na ana kunjoku, nafo ile imon na amene nsuzuwe, a pira kutyi nliran liri nasabar, a fita ayisa a karanta inyerte.
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Jesus unrolled the scroll and found the place where it's written:
Kufah nnan nliru nin nuu Kutelle Ishaya ri iwa nighe a puno kufe, asa kiti kaa na inyerte ule duku,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to announce good news to the destitute. He has sent me to proclaim that prisoners will be released, the blind will see, the oppressed will be freed,
“Uruhu Kutelle di nin mye, Bara unashipai nbellu uliru ucine kiti nakimon. Ana tuuyi nbellin ibunku alenge na idi licin, nin npunu niyisi nale na idi aduu,
19 and to proclaim the time of the Lord's favor.”
Nin nbellu likus nse nyinnu Ncikilari.”
20 He rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant. Then he sat down. Everybody in the synagogue was staring at him.
Na atursu kuffe, akpilla mun ana unan kutuwa kutyi nlirane, atina aso, iyizi na nite vat nanya kutyi nliran kpilla kitimye.
21 “This Scripture you've just heard has been fulfilled today!” he told them.
A cizina uliru nanghinu, “Kitimone nkullo nanya nlanzu mine.”
22 Everybody expressed their approval of him, amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn't this Joseph's son?” they wondered.
Ko gha wanso iyizi inba nanya nimon vat na awa bellin nanuu itunna ikiffo tinu, bara tigbulang timang na ti di nnucu nnu mye. I wa din du “Kaane gonon Yusufu ari, sa na nani ba?”
23 Jesus replied, “I'm sure you'll repeat this proverb to me, ‘Physician, heal yourself!’ and ask, ‘Why don't you do here in your own hometown what we heard you did in Capernaum?’
Yesu woro nani, “Kiden nari iba belle to tinan kugoldo, kabere shinno nin litife, vat nile imon na tina lanza au una su Ukafarnahum su inin kikane kagbirfe.”
24 But I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
Ame tutun woro, “Kidegenari ndi nbellu munu, na iwasa iyina nin nan nliru nin nnu Kutelle kipin mye ba.
25 I guarantee that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah when there was a drought for three and a half years, causing a great famine throughout the country.
Kidegen meng di nbellu munu, awani alenge na ales mine wa kuzu wa diku gbardang kubon Iiya, kubi na kitene kani wa tursu, sa uwuru udu akus atat nin tipwui kutocin kubi na kukpon wandi vat kipine.
26 Yet Elijah wasn't sent to any of them. He was sent to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon!
Bara nani na iwa tuu Iliya ku kiti nmong nanya mine ba, bara cas udu kiti nmong uwani na ules mye na kuu, kupo kipin Sidon.
27 Even though there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha, the only one who was healed was Naaman the Syrian!”
Tutun akuturu wa duku gbardang kubin Alisha unan nliru nin nuu Kutelle, bara nani na iwa shinn nin nmong ba se Naaman kunan Suriya.”
28 When they heard this everyone in the synagogue became furious.
Vat nanite nanya kutyi nliran lanza ileli imone ayi mine nana.
29 They jumped to their feet and threw him out of the town. Then they dragged him to the top of the hill on which the town was built in order to throw him off the cliff.
Inung fita inutunghe nanya kagbire nin likara, inya ninghe udu kitene likup longo na iwa ke kagbir mine ku, bara itununghe udak kutyin.
30 But he walked right through them and went on his way.
Ame tunna anya dert kiyitik mine libau mye.
31 Jesus went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee. On Sabbath he started teaching them.
A tolo udu Ukafarnahum kagbir nanya ngalili, namon asabar awandi ndursuzu nanit nanya kutyin nliran.
32 They were amazed at what he taught them for he spoke with authority.
Inung wa kiffo tinu nin ndursuzu mye, bara awa liru nin likarra.
33 In the synagogue there was a man who was possessed by a demon. He cried out,
Nene nanya kutyin nliran umong wa duku ulenge na awa dinin Nruhu nagbergenu, asu kuculu komg,
34 “So, what do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: God's Holy One!”
Iyaghari arike basu ninfi Yesu kunan Nazarat? Udah kikane uda molu nari? Meng yiru sa fe ghari, fere Ulau un Kutelle!”
35 Jesus interrupted him, saying. “Be quiet!” Then he ordered the demon, “Come out of him!” Throwing him to the ground right before them, the demon left the man without injuring him.
Yesu kpada agbergenu a woro, “Taan tik inuzu nanya mine!” Kubi na agbergenu liinghe kutyen kiyitik mine, anuzu nanya mye sa uworu ataghe ukul.
36 They were all amazed and asked each other, “What is this teaching? With power and authority he orders evil spirits to leave—and they do!”
Vat nanite kiffo tinu, itunna nliru nanya nati mine, i woro, “Imusin ntime tigbulan ghari tine? A kpada agbergenu ananzang nin likara inanai inuzu wa?”
37 News about Jesus spread throughout the nearby region.
Uliru we kitene mye tunna umala kiti nanyan nkilinu kipine.
38 Leaving the synagogue, Jesus went to Simon's house. Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a high fever and those who were there asked Jesus to help.
Na Yesu nsuna kutyin nlira, apira kilari Simon, nene unan nwani simo ne awadi nniu nin nkonu, inung foghe acara nmemuku mye.
39 Jesus went and stood over her. He told the fever to leave her—which it did. She got up right away and prepared a meal for them.
Bara nani a fita ayisina kitime akpada ukone, atinna ashino, deddei atina a fita acizina asu nani katuwa.
40 When the sun set, they brought to him all who were sick, suffering from various diseases. Jesus placed his hands on them, one after the other, and he healed them.
Kubi ndiu nwui, anite da nin na nan tikonu gbardang kitin Yesu, Ame tarda nani acara itino itinna ishino.
41 Demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are the Son of God.” But Jesus stopped them and refused to let them speak because they knew he was the Christ.
Agbergenu nuzu kiti nani gbardang, nin kuculu i woro, “Fe gono Kutelle Yesu kpada agbergenu a wantina nani uliru. Bara iwa yinin au ame Kristi ari.
42 Early the following morning Jesus left to find some peace and quiet. But the crowds went out looking for him, and finally found him. They tried to stop him leaving because they did not want him to go.
Nin nshantu kiti ada, anya udu kiti kah na unit duku ba, ligozi nanit wadi npiziru ghe ida kiti kah na aduku, isu inda na iba wantinghe asun nani.
43 But he told them, “I have to go to other towns to tell them the good news of the kingdom of God too, because that is what I was sent to do.”
Baara nani, aworo nani, “Usoyi gbasari tutun nbellin ulinu ucine kitene kipin tigo Kutelle nanya nigbir gbardang, bara nanere iwa tuuyi kikane.”
44 So Jesus went on traveling around, teaching the good news in the synagogues of Judea.
Nin nani atina aleo ubun nbellu nliru nlai nanya natyi nlira, nin vatt ligan Yahudiya.