< Luke 20 >
1 Once when Jesus was teaching the people in the Temple, telling them the good news, some of the chief priests and religious teachers came with the elders.
Ikatula luhiku lung'wi, u Yesu naukuamanyisa eantu mihekalu nukuaela ulukani, Eatongeli neakulu nealimu ailagilo ekalongola palung'wi neanyampala.
2 They asked him, “Tell us: by whose authority are you doing what you do? Who gave you the right to do this?”
Aaligitilye, Ekumuela, kuele kwa utawalake ukitumae makani aya?”
3 “Let me ask you a question too,” Jesus replied. “Tell me:
Nung'wenso wikaasukilya akaaela, Nunene ga kumukolya iswali mbeli,
4 the baptism of John—was it from heaven, or was it just human?”
ubatizo wang'wa Yohana ite aupumie kilundene kang'wi muantu?
5 They talked about it among themselves: “If we say it was from heaven, he'll ask, ‘Then why didn't you believe him?’
Lakini akakikolya eenso kwa enso, ekalunga, anyakulunge, lepumie kilunde, ukukolya, ite mbona shungamumukue?
6 And if we say it was just human, everybody will stone us for they're sure John was a prophet.”
Anga kulunge aupumie kwanadamu eantu ehe akukua imagwe, kundogoelyo ehi amuhue kina u Yohana ae munyakidagu.”
7 So they answered, “We don't know where it came from.”
Ite ekamuela kina shangaaine kuna upumie.
8 Jesus replied, “Then I won't tell you by whose authority I do what I do.”
U Yesu wikaaela, “Wala unene singa kumuila unyenyu kwa utawalake kituma emakani aya.
9 Then he began to tell the people a story: “Once there was a man who planted a vineyard, leased it to some farmers, and went to live in another country for a long while.
Auoe eantu mpyani eye, “Muntu ung'wi autemee mugunda wamezabibu, wikalekodisha kwa alemi amezabibu nawikalongola kesale kengeza kwa matungo ulepu.
10 At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenant farmers to collect his share of the crop, but the farmers beat the servant and sent him away with nothing.
Kumatungo naapangilwe, aeumutumile umitumi kumitumi wamezabibu, kina amupe esehemu ankali yamugunda wa mizabibu, lakini ealemi neamugunda wazabibu ekamuhita, ekamususha mekono metile.
11 So the owner sent another servant, but they beat him too and treated him shamefully, and sent him away with nothing.
Kuite akamutuma hange umitumi mungiza nung'wenso ekamuhita, akamutenda ibee nukumususha mekono metile.
12 So he sent a third servant, but they wounded him and threw him out.
Wikamutuma hange nuakatatu nenso ekamubepya nukumuguma kunzi.
13 The owner of the vineyard asked himself, ‘What shall I do? I know, I'll send my son whom I love. Perhaps they will respect him.’
Kuite umukola mugunda wikalunga, kutenda ule? Kumutuma ung'wane nenumuloilwe kuite akumuheshimu.
14 But when they saw him coming, the farmers said to themselves, ‘This is the owner's heir. Let's kill him! That way we can take his inheritance.’
Lakini ealemi amizabibu naamuine, aeikoile eenso kwa enso ekalunga uyu yuyu musali, kumubulage kuite usali wakwe utule witu.
15 They threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. Now what will the owner of the vineyard do to them?
Ekamupumya kunzi amugunda wazabibu nukumubulaga ite umukola mugunda ukutenda ule?
16 He will come and kill these farmers and let others have the vineyard.” When they heard the story, they said, “May this never happen!”
Uzile uzeangameza ealemi amugunda wazabibu, naukuapa antu angiza umugunda nuanso.
17 But Jesus looked at them and said, “Then why is it written in the Scriptures, ‘The stone the builders rejected has now become the chief cornerstone’?
Lakini u Yesu wikaagoza, wekalunga, ite ulukani uluite lukete ndogoelyo ke? Igwe naalehile eazengi latula lamumpelompelo?
18 Anyone who falls on that stone will be broken in pieces; anyone it falls upon will be crushed.”
Kela umuntu nukugwa migulya igwe nelanso ukuunangwa ipande, ipande, lakini uyu nuekagwelwa lekumutula.”
19 Immediately the religious teachers and the chief priests wanted to arrest him because they realized that the story Jesus told was aimed at them, but they were afraid of what the people would do.
Kuite eandeki neakulu amakuhani aeadumile nzela akumuamba matungo yayo yayo, alengile kina alungile empyani eye kunsoko ao. Lakini aeaogopile antu.
20 Watching for an opportunity they sent spies who pretended to be sincere. They tried to catch Jesus out in something he said so they could hand him over to the power and authority of the governor.
Ae amugozee nunda, ekatuma eakoelyi naeitendya kina antu neatai, ite alenge kulija ikosa kuhetubaakwe.
21 They said, “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is good and right, and that you're not swayed by the opinions of others. You truly teach the way of God.
Neenso ekamukolya ekalunga, mwalimu, kuine kina ukutambula, nukumanyisa imakani atai nashanga akuilwa numtu wehi, lakini uewe wemanyisa etai kukeela Itunda.
22 So should we pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
He taine usese kulepa ekodi kung'wa Kaisali ang'wi aa?
23 But Jesus saw through their trickery, and said to them,
Lakini uyesu wikalenga umuntego wao, wekaaila,
24 “Show me a coin—a denarius. Whose image and inscription is on it?” “Caesar's,” they answered.
Ndagele edinali. Sula ang'wa nyenyu ekole migulya akwa? Ekalunga, ''Ang'wa Kaisali.''
25 “Then give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give back to God what belongs to God,” he told them.
Nung'wenso wekaaela, kuite, mupi ukaisali, ni Tunda nakwe mupii.
26 They weren't able to trap him by what he told the people. They were stunned at his reply, and fell silent.
Eandeki neakulu neakuhani aeagila anga uhumi wa kukosela eke nuketambue ntongeela aantu. Ekakuelwa emasukilyo akwe, nashaatambue lehi.
27 Then some of the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, came to Jesus with this question:
Ang'wi amasadukayo ekamendela, awa kina etambula kina kutile anga uiuki.
28 “Teacher,” they began, “Moses gave us a law that if a married man dies leaving a wife without children, then his brother should marry the widow and have children for his dead brother.
Ekamukolya, ekalunga, ''Mwalimu umusa aukuandekie kina umuntu angawashilwe numunyandugu nukete umusungu nemugila anga ng'wana ite uhumile kumuhola umusungu wamunyandugu wakwe nukutuga nung'wenso kunso ang'wa kaka akwe.
29 Once there were seven brothers. The first had a wife, and died without having children.
Aakole anya ndugu saba nung'wandyo wekatena, akasha bila kuleka anga ng'wana,
31 and then the third brother also married her. In the end all seven brothers married her, and then died without having children.
Nukatatu akamuhola uu, uuuu nuasaba shanga aulikile anga ana wikasha.
32 Finally the wife died too.
Baadae umusungu nuanso, nung'wenso wikasha.
33 Now whose wife will she be in the resurrection, since all seven brothers had married her?”
Kuite kuiiuki ukutula musungu wang'wa nyenyu? kundogoelyoehi saba amutenile
34 “Here in this age people marry and are given in marriage,” Jesus explained. (aiōn )
Uyesu wikaaela, ''Eana aunkumbigulu etena nukutenwa. (aiōn )
35 “But those who are considered worthy to share in the age to come and the resurrection from the dead don't marry or are given in marriage. (aiōn )
Awa neagombigwe kupokela uiiuki nuashi nukingila muupanga wakalenakale shangaitena nukutenwa. (aiōn )
36 They can't die any longer; they're like the angels and are children of God since they're children of the resurrection.
Kuite shanga ahumile kusha hange, kunso etula kina esawasawa neamalaeka na ana ang'wi Tunda, Ana auiki.
37 But on the question of whether the dead are raised, even Moses proved this when he wrote about the burning bush, when he calls the Lord, ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’
Lakini kuite eashi eiiuka, kuite Umusa aulagie pangwanso ku habali akehaka, pangwanso aumitangile Bwana kina Itunda wang'wa Ibrahimu ni Tunda wang'wa Isaka ni Tunda wang'wa yakobo.
38 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him they all are alive.”
Apa nuanso singa Itunda waashi, inge wa awa neapanga, kunso ehi iikie kung'wakwe.
39 Some of the religious teachers responded, “That was a good answer, Teacher.”
Baadhi aantu ang'wamwalimu ilago akamusukilya, mwalimu, wasukilya Iza.
40 After this no one dared to ask him any more questions.
Shanga aeagemile kumukolya emaswale nemangiza, lukulu.
41 Then Jesus asked them, “Why is it said that Christ is the son of David?
Uyesu aakaela, ''kuneke eantu elunga kina ukristo ng'wa Daudi?
42 For David himself says in the book of Psalms: The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand
Kundogoelyo Udaudi ung'wenso welunga muzabuli: Bwana aumuee ubwana ane: Ikie kumukono wane nuwakulela.
43 until I make all your enemies a footstool for your feet.’
Kuite nuaeke hanza eabe ane pihe amigulu anko.
44 David calls him ‘Lord,’ so how can he be David's son?”
Udaudi wikamitanga kristo, 'Bwana', Ite ikutuleka ule ng'wana wang'wa Daudi?
45 While everyone was paying attention, he said to his disciples,
Eantu ehe naamutegeeye wekaaela emanyisigwa akwe,
46 “Watch out for religious leaders who like to go around in long robes, and love to be greeted with respect in the markets, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets.
Ihugushi neaandiki, Nelowa kugenda nukutugala eng'wenda nealepu, naelowa kilamusha maaluku misoko nematuntu aheshima mumatekeelo, nemaeneo aeshima mukalamu.
47 They cheat widows out of what they own, and cover up the kind of people they really are with long-winded prayers. They will receive severe condemnation in the judgment.”
Nenso ga eleza inyumba ya jane, niafanya elompa matungo malepu. Awa akusengilya ehukumu nkulu kukila.