< Luke 17 >
1 Jesus said to his disciples, “Temptations are unavoidable, but it will be a disaster for those through whom they come!
ita. h para. m yii"su. h "si. syaan uvaaca, vighnairava"syam aagantavya. m kintu vighnaa yena gha. ti. syante tasya durgati rbhavi. syati|
2 For such people it would be better to have a millstone hung around the neck and be thrown into the sea than to cause these little ones to sin.
ete. saa. m k. sudrapraa. ninaam ekasyaapi vighnajananaat ka. n.thabaddhape. sa. niikasya tasya saagaraagaadhajale majjana. m bhadra. m|
3 So take care what you do. If your brother sins, warn him; and if he repents, forgive him.
yuuya. m sve. su saavadhaanaasti. s.thata; tava bhraataa yadi tava ki ncid aparaadhyati tarhi ta. m tarjaya, tena yadi mana. h parivarttayati tarhi ta. m k. samasva|
4 Even if he sins against you seven times a day, and seven times comes back and tells you, ‘I'm really sorry,’ forgive him.”
punarekadinamadhye yadi sa tava saptak. rtvo. aparaadhyati kintu saptak. rtva aagatya mana. h parivartya mayaaparaaddham iti vadati tarhi ta. m k. samasva|
5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Help us to have more trust!”
tadaa preritaa. h prabhum avadan asmaaka. m vi"svaasa. m varddhaya|
6 The Lord replied, “Even if your trust was as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Uproot yourself, and plant yourself in the sea,’ and it would obey you.
prabhuruvaaca, yadi yu. smaaka. m sar. sapaikapramaa. no vi"svaasosti tarhi tva. m samuulamutpaa. tito bhuutvaa samudre ropito bhava kathaayaam etasyaam etadu. dumbaraaya kathitaayaa. m sa yu. smaakamaaj naavaho bhavi. syati|
7 Say you have a servant who does plowing or shepherding. When he comes in from work, do you say to him, ‘Come in and sit down now for a meal’?
apara. m svadaase hala. m vaahayitvaa vaa pa"suun caarayitvaa k. setraad aagate sati ta. m vadati, ehi bhoktumupavi"sa, yu. smaakam etaad. r"sa. h kosti?
8 No. You say to him, ‘Prepare a meal for me, get yourself dressed, and serve me until I've finished my meal. After that you can have your meal.’
vara nca puurvva. m mama khaadyamaasaadya yaavad bhu nje pivaami ca taavad baddhaka. ti. h paricara pa"scaat tvamapi bhok. syase paasyasi ca kathaamiid. r"sii. m ki. m na vak. syati?
9 And do you thank the servant for doing what you told him? No.
tena daasena prabhoraaj naanuruupe karmma. ni k. rte prabhu. h ki. m tasmin baadhito jaata. h? nettha. m budhyate mayaa|
10 Likewise once you've done everything you were told, you should simply say, ‘We are undeserving servants. We just did our duty.’”
ittha. m niruupite. su sarvvakarmmasu k. rte. su satmu yuuyamapiida. m vaakya. m vadatha, vayam anupakaari. no daasaa asmaabhiryadyatkarttavya. m tanmaatrameva k. rta. m|
11 As Jesus continued on his way to Jerusalem, he passed along the border between Samaria and Galilee.
sa yiruu"saalami yaatraa. m kurvvan "somiro. ngaaliilprade"samadhyena gacchati,
12 As he entered a particular village, ten lepers met him, standing at a distance.
etarhi kutracid graame prave"samaatre da"saku. s.thinasta. m saak. saat k. rtvaa
13 They called out, “Jesus, Master, please have mercy on us.”
duure ti. s.thanata uccai rvaktumaarebhire, he prabho yii"so dayasvaasmaan|
14 When Jesus saw them, he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” On their way there, they were healed.
tata. h sa taan d. r.s. tvaa jagaada, yuuya. m yaajakaanaa. m samiipe svaan dar"sayata, tataste gacchanto rogaat pari. sk. rtaa. h|
15 One of them when he saw that he was healed, returned to Jesus, shouting praises to God.
tadaa te. saameka. h sva. m svastha. m d. r.s. tvaa proccairii"svara. m dhanya. m vadan vyaaghu. tyaayaato yii"so rgu. naananuvadan taccara. naadhobhuumau papaata;
16 He fell down at Jesus' feet, thanking him. He was a Samaritan.
sa caasiit "somiro. nii|
17 “Weren't ten lepers healed?” Jesus asked. “Where are the other nine?
tadaa yii"suravadat, da"sajanaa. h ki. m na pari. sk. rtaa. h? tahyanye navajanaa. h kutra?
18 Didn't anyone else come back to praise God—only this foreigner?”
ii"svara. m dhanya. m vadantam ena. m vide"sina. m vinaa kopyanyo na praapyata|
19 Jesus told the man, “Get up and go on your way. Your trust has healed you.”
tadaa sa tamuvaaca, tvamutthaaya yaahi vi"svaasaste tvaa. m svastha. m k. rtavaan|
20 Once, when the Pharisees came and asked him when God's kingdom would come, Jesus replied, “God's kingdom doesn't come with visible signs that you can observe.
atha kade"svarasya raajatva. m bhavi. syatiiti phiruu"sibhi. h p. r.s. te sa pratyuvaaca, ii"svarasya raajatvam ai"svaryyadar"sanena na bhavi. syati|
21 People won't be saying, ‘Look, it's here’ or ‘Look, it's there,’ for God's kingdom is among you.”
ata etasmin pa"sya tasmin vaa pa"sya, iti vaakya. m lokaa vaktu. m na "sak. syanti, ii"svarasya raajatva. m yu. smaakam antarevaaste|
22 Then Jesus told the disciples, “The time is coming when you'll long to see the day when the Son of man comes, but you won't see it.
tata. h sa "si. syaan jagaada, yadaa yu. smaabhi rmanujasutasya dinameka. m dra. s.tum vaa nchi. syate kintu na dar"si. syate, iid. rkkaala aayaati|
23 They'll be telling you, ‘Look, there he is,’ or ‘Look, here he is,’ but don't go running off after them.
tadaatra pa"sya vaa tatra pa"syeti vaakya. m lokaa vak. syanti, kintu te. saa. m pa"scaat maa yaata, maanugacchata ca|
24 The day when the Son of man comes will be just like lightning that flashes, lighting up the sky from one side to the other.
yatasta. did yathaakaa"saikadi"syudiya tadanyaamapi di"sa. m vyaapya prakaa"sate tadvat nijadine manujasuunu. h prakaa"si. syate|
25 But first he will have to suffer many things, and be rejected by this generation.
kintu tatpuurvva. m tenaanekaani du. hkhaani bhoktavyaanyetadvarttamaanalokai"sca so. avaj naatavya. h|
26 The time when the Son of man comes will be like it was in Noah's day.
nohasya vidyamaanakaale yathaabhavat manu. syasuuno. h kaalepi tathaa bhavi. syati|
27 People went on eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day Noah went into the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
yaavatkaala. m noho mahaapota. m naarohad aaplaavivaaryyetya sarvva. m naanaa"sayacca taavatkaala. m yathaa lokaa abhu njataapivan vyavahan vyavaahaya. m"sca;
28 It will be like it was in Lot's day. People went on eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.
ittha. m lo. to varttamaanakaalepi yathaa lokaa bhojanapaanakrayavikrayaropa. nag. rhanirmmaa. nakarmmasu praavarttanta,
29 But on the day Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
kintu yadaa lo. t sidomo nirjagaama tadaa nabhasa. h sagandhakaagniv. r.s. ti rbhuutvaa sarvva. m vyanaa"sayat
30 The day when the Son of man appears will be just like that.
tadvan maanavaputraprakaa"sadinepi bhavi. syati|
31 If you're up on the roof that day don't go down and get your things; and if you're out in the fields don't go back home either.
tadaa yadi ka"scid g. rhopari ti. s.thati tarhi sa g. rhamadhyaat kimapi dravyamaanetum avaruhya naitu; ya"sca k. setre ti. s.thati sopi vyaaghu. tya naayaatu|
lo. ta. h patnii. m smarata|
33 If you try to hold on to your life you'll lose it; but if you lose your life you'll save it.
ya. h praa. naan rak. situ. m ce. s.ti. syate sa praa. naan haarayi. syati yastu praa. naan haarayi. syati saeva praa. naan rak. si. syati|
34 I tell you, at that time two will be in bed at night; one will be taken and the other left.
yu. smaanaha. m vacmi tasyaa. m raatrau "sayyaikagatayo rlokayoreko dhaari. syate parastyak. syate|
35 Two women will be grinding grain, one will be taken; and the other left.”
striyau yugapat pe. sa. nii. m vyaavarttayi. syatastayorekaa dhaari. syate paraatyak. syate|
puru. sau k. setre sthaasyatastayoreko dhaari. syate parastyak. syate|
37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. “Where the carcass is, that's where the vultures gather,” Jesus replied.
tadaa te papracchu. h, he prabho kutrettha. m bhavi. syati? tata. h sa uvaaca, yatra "savasti. s.thati tatra g. rdhraa milanti|