< Leviticus 7 >

1 “These are the regulations for the guilt offering, it is most holy.
“‘Ndị a bụ usoro iwu banyere aja ikpe ọmụma, bụ nke dịkarịsịrị nsọ.
2 The guilt offering is to be killed where the burnt offering is killed, and the priest shall sprinkle its blood on all sides of the altar.
A ga-egbu anụ aja ikpe ọmụma ahụ nʼebe a na-egbu anụ aja nsure ọkụ, were ọbara ya fesaa nʼakụkụ niile nke ebe ịchụ aja.
3 All the fat from it shall be offered: the fat tail, the fat that covers the insides,
Abụba ya niile ka a ga-enye dịka onyinye: abụba dị nʼọdụdụ ya, na abụba niile kpuchiri ihe dị nʼime afọ ya,
4 both kidneys with the fat on them by the loins, and the best part of the liver, which the priest is to remove together with the kidneys.
na akụrụ abụọ ya, na abụba nke dị nʼelu ha, ruo nʼakụkụ ukwu ya, na umeju ya, na abụba kpuchiri ya.
5 He shall burn them on the altar as a food offering to the Lord; it is a guilt offering.
Onye nchụaja ga-akpọ ha ọkụ nʼelu ebe ịchụ aja dịka onyinye nsure ọkụ nye Onyenwe anyị. Ọ bụ aja ikpe ọmụma.
6 Any male among the priests may eat it. It must be eaten in a holy place, it is most holy.
Nwoke ọbụla a mụrụ nʼezinaụlọ ndị nchụaja nwere ike iri anụ fọdụrụ na ya, maọbụ nʼebe nsọ ka aghaghị ịnọ rie ya. Ọ bụ ihe dịkarịsịrị nsọ.
7 The guilt offering is like the sin offering; the regulations are the same for both. The priest who presents the offering that ‘makes things right’ is to have it.
“‘Otu iwu a metụtakwara aja ikpe ọmụma na aja mmehie. Anụ ọbụla fọdụrụ ga-abụ nke onye nchụaja ahụ nke ji ha chụọ aja mkpuchi mmehie. Oke ya ka ọ bụ.
8 In the case of ordinary burnt offerings, the priest shall have the animal's skin.
Onye nchụaja nke chụrụ aja nsure ọkụ nʼisi onye ọbụla, ka ọ dịrị iwere akpụkpọ niile si nʼanụ ahụ o ji chụọ aja nye onwe ya.
9 In the same way all grain offerings that are baked in an oven or cooked in a pan or on a griddle is for the priest who presents it,
A ga-ebunye onye nchụaja chụrụ aja mkpụrụ ọka nke e ji ụtụ ọka chụọ, ụtụ ọka fọdụrụ. Otu a ka ọ ga-adịkwa nʼaja achịcha ọbụla a nụrụ anụ, maọbụ nke e siri esi, maọbụ nke e ghere eghe. Ihe ọbụla fọdụrụ ga-abụ nke onye nchụaja ahụ.
10 and all grain offerings, whether they mixed with olive oil or dry, are for all of Aaron descendants.
Aja mkpụrụ ọka ọbụla, ma nke e tinyere mmanụ, ma nke a na-etinyeghị mmanụ, nke fọdụrụ ga-abụ nke ụmụ ndị ikom Erọn.
11 These are the regulations for the peace offering that you may present to the Lord.
“‘Ndị a bụ usoro iwu gbasara aja udo nke mmadụ ọbụla nwere ike chụọrọ Onyenwe anyị nʼaja:
12 If you offer it in a spirit of thanks, then along with the sacrifice of thanksgiving, you must offer bread, wafers, and well-kneaded cakes of the best flour all made without yeast and mixed or coated with olive oil.
“‘Ọ bụrụ na ha enye ya dịka aja ekele, tinyere aja ekele a ha ga-eweta ogbe achịcha a na-ejighị ihe na-eko achịcha mee, nke a gwakọtara ya na mmanụ oliv, na mbadamba achịcha a na-ejighị ihe na-eko achịcha mee, nke e tere mmanụ nʼelu ya, nakwa achịcha e ji ọka a kwọrọ nke ọma a gwakọtara ya na mmanụ nʼime ya.
13 In addition your peace offering of thanksgiving of breads made without yeast, you shall present an offering of breads made with yeast.
Ọ ga-ewetakwa onyinye achịcha ọzọ nke e ji ihe na-eko achịcha, ya bụ, yiist mee, tinyere aja udo nke ekele ha.
14 Present one of each kind of bread of the offering as a contribution to the Lord. It is for the priest who sprinkles the blood of the peace offering.
Ha ga-esikwa na ya weta otu nʼime onyinye ọbụla, chee nʼihu Onyenwe anyị, dịka onyinye. Ọ bụ nke ndị nchụaja ahụ na-efesa ọbara anụ e ji chụọ aja udo nʼelu ebe ịchụ aja.
15 The meat of the sacrifice of your peace offering of thanksgiving must be eaten the same day you offer it. Don't leave any of it until the morning.
Ma anụ ahụ eji chụọ aja onyinye udo nke ekele, ka a ga-eri nʼotu ụbọchị ahụ e ji ha chụọ aja. O nweghị nke a ga-ahapụ ka ọ bọọ chi.
16 If the sacrifice you're offering is to pay a vow or a freewill offering, it shall be eaten on the day you present your sacrifice, but what's left can be eaten the next day.
“‘Ma ọ bụrụ na onyinye mmadụ wetara bụ onyinye afọ ofufu, maọbụ onyinye o wetara nʼihi nkwa o kwere, a ga-eri anụ aja ahụ nʼụbọchị ahụ a chụrụ ya, nweekwa ike rie nke fọdụrụ ma chi bọọ.
17 However, any meat of the sacrifice still remaining on the third day must be burned.
Ma anụ ọbụla fọdụrụ nʼime anụ aja ahụ, nke a na-erichapụghị nʼụbọchị nke abụọ ahụ ka a ga-akpọ ọkụ.
18 If you eat any of the meat from your peace offering on the third day, it won't be accepted. You won't receive credit for offering it. In fact it will be treated as something disgusting, and anyone who eats it will bear responsibility for their guilt.
Ọ bụrụ na e rie anụ aja udo ahụ nʼụbọchị nke atọ, a gaghị anabata ya. A gaghị agụnyere ya onye ahụ wetara ya nʼihi na ihe rụrụ arụ ka ọ bụ. Onye ọbụla riri ya ga-abụ onye ikpe mara.
19 If this meat touches anything unclean it must not be eaten; it must be burned. This meat may be eaten by those who are ceremonially clean.
“‘Anụ ọbụla nke metụrụ ihe rụrụ arụ aghọọla ihe na-adịghị ọcha. A gaghị eri ya. A ga-akpọ ya ọkụ. Ma nʼebe anụ ndị ọzọ dị, onye ọbụla e mere ka ọ dị ọcha nwere ike iri ya.
20 If anyone who is unclean eats meat from the peace offering given to the Lord, they must be expelled from their people.
A ga-esite nʼetiti ndị m kewapụ onye ọbụla riri anụ e ji chụọ aja udo nye Onyenwe anyị mgbe onye ahụ nọ nʼọnọdụ adịghị ọcha.
21 Anyone who touches anything unclean, whether it's from a person, an unclean animal, or an unclean revolting thing, and then eats meat from the peace offering given to the Lord, they must be expelled from their people.”
Onye ọbụla metụrụ ihe ọbụla rụrụ arụ aka, ma ịrụ arụ ahụ o si na mmadụ, ma o si nʼanụ ọhịa, ma o si nʼihe ọbụla ọzọ, a ga-esite nʼetiti ndị ya kewapụ ya ma ọ bụrụ na onye ahụ anọrọ nʼọnọdụ ahụ rie anụ e ji chụọ aja udo nye Onyenwe anyị.’”
22 The Lord told Moses,
Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis sị,
23 “Give these instructions to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘You must not eat any of the fat of a bull, a sheep, or a goat.
“Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘Unu erila abụba ehi, maọbụ nke ewu, maọbụ nke atụrụ.
24 You can use the fat of an animal found dead or killed by wild beasts for whatever purpose you want, but you must not eat it.
Abụba anụ ọbụla nwụrụ anwụ maọbụ nke anụ ọhịa gburu adịghị mma oriri. E nwere ike jiri ha mee ihe ọzọ.
25 Anyone who eats the fat of an animal from a food offering presented to the Lord must be expelled from their people.
A ga-ekewapụ mmadụ ọbụla site nʼetiti ndị ya, bụ onye na-eri abụba anụmanụ nke a ga-esite na ya chee onyinye nsure ọkụ nye Onyenwe anyị.
26 You must not eat the blood of any bird or animal in any of your homes.
Ọzọkwa, unu erila ọbara nnụnụ maọbụ nke anụmanụ nʼebe ọbụla unu bi.
27 Anyone who eats blood must be expelled from their people.’”
Onye ọbụla riri ọbara ka a ga-ekewapụ site nʼetiti ndị ya.’”
28 The Lord told Moses,
Onyenwe anyị gwakwara Mosis sị,
29 “Give these instructions to the Israelites. Tell them that if you present a peace offering to the Lord you must bring part of it as a special gift to the Lord.
“Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘Onye ọbụla wetaara Onyenwe anyị onyinye aja udo aghaghị iweta ụfọdụ nʼime onyinye ahụ dịka onyinye pụrụ iche nye Onyenwe anyị.
30 You must personally bring the food offerings to the Lord; bring the fat as well as the breast, and wave the breast as a wave offering before the Lord.
Ha ga-eji aka ha chee onyinye nsure ọkụ ahụ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị. Ha ga-eweta abụba ahụ, ya na obi anụ, fufee obi anụ ahụ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị dịka aja mfufe.
31 The priest shall burn the fat on the altar, but the breast is for Aaron and his sons.
Onye nchụaja ga-akpọ abụba ahụ ọkụ nʼebe ịchụ aja, ma obi anụ ahụ ga-abụ nke Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom.
32 Give the right thigh to the priest as a contribution from your peace offering.
Unu ga-enye onye nchụaja apata aka nri nke anụ aja udo ahụ, dịka onyinye.
33 The priest as a descendant of Aaron who offers the blood and fat of the peace offering has the right thigh as his share.
Nwa Erọn, onye ji ọbara na abụba chụọ aja udo ahụ ga-ewere apata aka nri ya dịka oke ruuru ya.
34 I have required from the Israelites the breast of the wave offering and the contribution of the thigh from their peace offerings, and I have given them to Aaron the priest and his sons as their share from the Israelites for all time.”
Site nʼonyinye ụmụ Izrel na-enye nʼoge aja udo, ewerela m obi anụ ahụ a na-efufe efufe, na apata anụ a na-eche nʼihu m nye Erọn, onye nchụaja na ụmụ ya ndị ikom ka ha bụrụ oke ruuru ha mgbe ọbụla ụmụ Izrel na-achụ aja udo.’”
35 This is the share of the food offerings given to the Lord that belongs to Aaron and his sons since the day they were appointed to serve the Lord as priests.
Nke a bụ akụkụ anụ ahụ e ji chụọ aja nsure ọkụ nye Onyenwe anyị, nke e nyekwara Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom nʼụbọchị ahụ e chere ha nʼihu Onyenwe anyị ijere ya ozi dịka ndị nchụaja.
36 From the time they were anointed, the Lord ordered that this be given them by the sons of Israel. It is their share for future generations.
Nʼihi na nʼụbọchị ahụ e tere ha mmanụ ka Onyenwe anyị nyere ụmụ Izrel iwu sị ha nye Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom oke ndị a oge niile, site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ.
37 These are the regulations regarding of the burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering, the ordination offering, and the peace offering.
Ndị a bụ usoro iwu metụtara aja nsure ọkụ, na aja mkpụrụ ọka, na aja mmehie, na aja ikpe ọmụma, na onyinye ido nsọ, na aja udo.
38 The Lord gave these to Moses on Mount Sinai at the time he ordered the Israelites to give their offerings to him in the Wilderness of Sinai.
Onyenwe anyị nyere Mosis iwu ndị a nʼugwu Saịnaị nʼụbọchị ahụ o nyere ụmụ Izrel iwu sị ha, wetara Onyenwe anyị onyinye nʼọzara Saịnaị.

< Leviticus 7 >