< Leviticus 27 >

1 The Lord told Moses,
Hoe ty nitsara’ Iehovà amy Mosè:
2 “Tell the Israelites: When you make a special promise to dedicate someone to the Lord, these are the values you are to use.
Saontsio amo ana’ Israeleo ty hoe, Naho mitangèñe am’ Iehovà t’indaty, ty ami’ty fisafiria’o ho vilin’ai’ ondaty:
3 The value of a man aged twenty to sixty is fifty shekels of silver, (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
le zao ty hamolilia’o ty lahilahy roapolo taoñe pak’ amy faha’ enem-polo taoñey, ho sekele limampolo volafoty amy sekelen-toe-miavakey ty hamolilia’o aze.
4 The value of a woman is thirty shekels.
Naho rakemba, le ho telopolo sekele ty hamolilia’o aze;
5 The value of someone aged five to twenty is twenty shekels for a male and ten shekels for a female.
aa ie lime taoñe pake roapolo taoñe le sekele roapolo ty hamoliliañe ty lahilahy vaho sekele folo ty ampela;
6 The value of someone aged one month to five years is five shekels of silver for a male and three shekels of silver for a female.
ie vola’e raike pak’ami’ty halime tao’e, le amolilio sekele volafoty lime ty lahilahy vaho amolilio sekele volafoty telo ty ampela;
7 The value of someone aged sixty or older is fifteen shekels for a male and ten shekels of silver for a female.
ie enem-polo taoñe mañambone, naho ondaty, le amolilio sekele folo-lim’ amby, vaho folo sekele ty rakemba.
8 However, if when you fulfill your promise you are poorer than the fixed value, you are to present the person before the priest, who will then set the value depending on what you can afford.
Ie rarake te amy namolilia’o azey, le hampiatrefeñe amy mpisoroñey, vaho hampitsatohe’ i mpisoroñey ty ava’e; ty fahahenefa’ i nifantày ty hamolilia’ i mpisoroñey.
9 If when you fulfill your promise you bring an animal that is permitted as an offering to the Lord, the animal given to the Lord shall be considered holy.
Aa naho biby fañengà’ ondaty am’ Iehovà ty hengaeñe, le hiavake ze hene hare engae’ ondaty am’ Iehovà.
10 You are not allowed to replace it or swap it, either for one that is better or one that is worse. However, if you do replace it then both animals become holy.
Tsy hovae’e, tsy hatsalo’e ty raty hasolo ty soa ndra ty soa ty raty; aa naho toe ampitsalohe’e biby ty biby le songa hiavake i raikey naho i solo’ey.
11 If when you fulfill your promise you bring any unclean animal that is not permitted as an offering to the Lord, then you must show the animal to the priest.
Aa naho biby tsy malio, ie tsy fisoroñañe am’ Iehovà, le hasese’e aolo’ i mpisoroñey;
12 The priest will decide its value, whether high or low. Whatever value the priest places on it is final.
le ho volilie’ i mpisoroñey ty vili’e: ke t’ie soa he raty; ze amolilia’ i mpisoroñey aze, le izay ty ie.
13 If you then decide to buy the animal back, you have to add one fifth to its value in payment.
F’ie te hijebañe aze, le hatovo’e amy anjoanjo’e ty ampaha-lime’e.
14 If you dedicate your house as holy to the Lord, then the priest will decide its value, whether high or low. Whatever value the priest places on it remains final.
Aa naho havahe’ t’indaty ty anjomba’e hampiavaha’e am’ Iehovà, le hampitsatohe’ i mpisoroñey ty vili’e, ke t’ie soa ke raty, ze amolilia’ i mpisoroñey aze ty hijadoñe.
15 But if you want to buy back your house, you have to add one fifth to its value in payment. Then it will belong to you again.
Aa ie te hijebañe i anjomba navahe’ey, le tsy mahay tsy anovoña’e ty ampaha-lime’ i namoliliañe azey, vaho himpolia’e.
16 If you dedicate some of your land to the Lord, then its value shall be determined by the amount of seed required to sow it: fifty shekels of silver for every homer of barley seed used.
Aa naho añenga’ ondaty am’ Iehovà o tane fanaña’eo, le ho volilie’o amy tabiri’ey: hatao sekele volafoty limampolo ty homere’ tabirim-bare hordea.
17 If you dedicate your field during the Jubilee Year, the value will be the full amount calculated.
Aa naho boak’ an-taon-Jobily ty añenga’ ondaty ty tane’e, le ty amolilia’o aze ty mijadoñe.
18 But if you dedicate your field after the Jubilee, the priest will work out the value depending on the number of years left until the next Jubilee Year, so reducing the value.
Aa ie añe i Jobiliy te añenga’ ondaty i tete’ey, le ho volilie’ i mpisoroñey ty vili’e amo taoñe tsy ri’e am-para’ i taon-Jobiliio le haketrake amy amolilia’oy.
19 But if you want to buy your field back, you have to add one fifth to its value in payment. Then it will belong to you again.
Aa naho te hañavake i tane’ey i nañenga azey, le tsy mete tsy tovoña’e ty ampaha-limem-bili’e vaho hibalik’ ama’e.
20 But if you don't buy the field back, or if you've already sold it to someone else, it can't ever be bought back.
Fa naho tsy hijebañe i tane’ey re, ke t’ie naletak’ ama’ ondaty, le tsy ho mete jebañeñe ka,
21 When the Jubilee comes, the field will become holy, in the same way as a field devoted to the Lord. It will become the property of the priests.
f’ie votso­tse amy Jobiliy i tetekey, hiavake ho am’ Iehovà i taney ho tane miavake; le a’ i mpisoroñey izay ho fanaña’e.
22 If you dedicate to the Lord a field you've bought that was not part of your original property,
Aa ie avi’e am’ Iehovà ty teteke vinili’e fa tsy ty tane linova’e,
23 the priest will work out the value until the next Jubilee Year. You will pay on that day the exact value, giving it as a holy offering to the Lord.
le ho volilie’ i mpisoroñey o taoñe tsy ri’e ampara’ ty Jobilio, ho vili’e, le hatolo’e amy àndro zay i vinolili’oy ho enga miavake am’ Iehovà.
24 In the Jubilee Year, ownership the field shall revert back to the person you bought it from—to the original owner of the land.
Himpoly amy nikaloañ’ azey, toe amy mpandova i taneiy, i tetekey ami’ty taon-Jobily.
25 (All values will use the sanctuary shekel standard of twenty gerahs to the shekel.)
Fonga an-tsekele’ i toe-miavakey o famolilia’oo: gerà roapolo ty ho sekele raike.
26 No one is allowed to dedicate the firstborn of the livestock, because the firstborn belong to the Lord. Whether they are cattle, sheep, or goats, they are the Lord's.
Aa ty amo valohan’ anan-kàreo, a Iehovà izay kanao terake valohan’ anake, le tsy hengae’ ondaty; ke t’ie añombe hera añondry, a Iehovà.
27 But if it is an unclean animal, then you can buy it back according to its value, adding on one fifth extra. If it's not bought back, then it is to be sold according to its value.
Aa naho biby tsy malio, le ho jebañe’e amy namo­lilia’oy, vaho hitovoña’e ty ampaha-lime’e; naho tsy jebañeñe izay le haletak’ amy namolilia’oy.
28 Anything that you specially dedicate to the Lord from what you own, whether it's a person, an animal, or your land, can't be sold or bought back. Anything specially dedicated if most holy to the Lord.
Ie amy zao, tsy azo aletake o raha navìkeo, ze havì’ ondaty ho am’ Iehovà boak’ amy ze hene vara’e; ke ondaty he biby, ke tetek’ an-tane’e ao, le tsy mete aletake tsy mete jebañeñe; fa miava-do’e am’ Iehovà ze hene raha navìke.
29 No one who is specially dedicated to destruction can be bought back. They must be killed.
Tsy mete jebañeñe t’indaty navaheñe, fa nafatse ho vonoeñe, le toe havetrake.
30 Tithe from your crops or fruit belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.
A Iehovà ze hene faha-folo’ i taney, ke ty tabiri’ i taney, ke ty voan-­katae; miavake ho am’ Iehovà izay;
31 If you want to buy back some of your tithe, you must add on one fifth to its value.
aa naho te hijebañe i faha-folo’ey t’indaty, le hatovo’e ama’e ty ampaha-lime’e.
32 When you count your herds and flocks, every tenth animal that passes under the shepherd's rod is holy to the Lord.
Ze fahafolo’ o añombeo ndra o mpirai-liao, ze miranga ambane’ i kobaiy, le songa miavake ho am’ Iehovà i faha-folo’ey.
33 You must not examine it to see if it's good or bad, and you must not replace it. However, if you do replace it then both animals become holy; they can't be bought back.”
Tsy ho darè’e ke soa he raty, tsy ho soloa’e; ie soloa’e le songa hiavake i solo’ey naho i sinoloy fa tsy mete jebañeñe.
34 These are the laws the Lord gave to Moses for the Israelites on Mount Sinai.
I lily rezay ro nandilia’ ­Iehovà amy Mosè ambohi-Sinay añe ho a o ana’ Israeleo.

< Leviticus 27 >