< Leviticus 22 >

1 The Lord told Moses,
Korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
2 “Tell Aaron and his sons to be dedicated when dealing with the holy offerings that the Israelites have dedicated to me, so that they don't dishonor my holy character. I am the Lord.
Korero ki a Arona ratou ko ana tama kia wehea ratou i nga mea tapu a nga tama a Iharaira, e whakatapua ana e ratou maku kei noa toku ingoa tapu: ko Ihowa ahau.
3 Tell them: These rules apply for all future generations. If any of your descendants in an unclean state comes close to the holy offerings that the Israelites dedicate to honor the Lord, that person must be expelled from my presence. I am the Lord.
Mea atu ki a ratou, Ki te whakatata tetahi o o koutou uri katoa, puta noa i o koutou whakatupuranga, ki nga mea tapu e whakatapua ana e nga tama a Iharaira ma Ihowa, me te mau ano tona poke, ka hatepea atu taua wairua i toku aroaro: ko Ihowa ahau.
4 If one of Aaron's descendants has a skin disease or a discharge, he is not allowed to eat the holy offerings until he is clean. Anyone who touches anything made unclean by a dead body or by a man who has had a release of semen,
Ki te mea he repera tetahi o nga uri o Arona, ki te mea ranei he rere tona; kei kainga e ia nga mea tapu; kia kore ra ano ona poke. Ki te pa hoki tetahi ki te mea i poke i te tupapaku, ki te tangata ranei kua paheke atu tona purapura moenga;
5 or anyone who touches an unclean animal or an unclean person, (whatever the uncleanness is),
Ki te pa ranei tetahi ki te mea ngoki, e poke ai ia, ki te tangata ranei e poke ai ia, ahakoa he aha ranei, he aha ranei, tona poke:
6 anyone who touches anything like this will remain unclean until evening. He is not allowed to eat from the holy offerings unless he has washed himself with water.
Ka poke a ahiahi noa te tangata i pa ki taua mea, kaua ano hoki ia e kai i nga mea tapu, ki te kahore i horoia e ia tona kikokiko ki te wai.
7 At sunset he will become clean, and then he is allowed to eat from the holy offerings because they provide his food.
A, ka to te ra, ka kore ona poke; a muri iho, ka kai i nga mea tapu, no te mea ko tana kai tena:
8 He must not eat anything that's died, or killed by wild animals, because that would make him unclean. I am the Lord.
He mea mate maori, i haea ranei e te kirehe, kaua tena e kainga e ia, kei poke: ko Ihowa ahau.
9 The priests must do as I demand, so that they don't become guilty and die because they have not done so, treating my requirements with contempt. I am the Lord who makes them holy.
Ina, kia mau ratou ki taku i whakarite ai, kei whai hara, a ka mate ki te whakanoatia e ratou: ko Ihowa ahau te whakatapu nei i a ratou.
10 Anyone who isn't part of a priest's family is not allowed eat the holy offerings. This also applies to a priest's guest or his paid worker.
Kaua tetahi manene e kai i te mea tapu: kaua te tangata e noho ana ki te tohunga, te kaimahi ranei, e kai i te mea tapu.
11 However, if a priest uses his own money to buy a slave, or if a slave is born in the priest's household, then that slave is allowed to eat his food.
Otiia ki te hokona tetahi tangata e te tohunga ki tana moni, e kai ano ia; me nga tangata ano i whanau ki tona whare, e kai ano ratou i tana kai.
12 If the priest's daughter gets married to a man who isn't a priest, she is not allowed to eat the holy offerings.
He tamahine hoki na te tohunga kua riro i te tangata iwi ke, kaua ia e kai i te whakahere poipoi o nga mea tapu.
13 But if a priest's daughter without children is widowed or divorced and goes back to her father's house, she is allowed to eat her father's food as she did when she was growing up. But no one outside the priest's family can eat it.
Otiia ki te mea he pouaru te tamahine a te tohunga, i whakarerea atu ranei, a kahore ana tamariki, kua hoki mai ano ki te whare o tona papa, kua pera me ia i tona taitamahinetanga, e kai ano ia i te kai a tona papa; kaua ia te tangata ke e kai.
14 Anyone who eats a holy offering by mistake must pay compensation by adding a fifth to its value, and give it all to the priest.
A ki te kai pohehe te tangata i te mea tapu, me tapiri e ia te whakarima o taua mea, a ka homai tahi me te mea tapu ki te tohunga.
15 The priests must not make the holy offerings the Israelites present to the Lord unclean
Kei whakanoatia e ratou nga mea tapu a nga tama a Iharaira, e whakaherea ana ma Ihowa;
16 by allowing the people to eat them and in so doing take upon themselves the punishment for guilt. For I am the Lord who makes them holy.”
Kei meinga ratou kia whakawaha i te kino o te he, ina kai i a ratou mea tapu: ko Ihowa hoki ahau te whakatapu nei i a ratou.
17 The Lord told Moses,
I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
18 “Tell Aaron, his sons and all the Israelites: If you or foreigner living with you wants to make a gift as a burnt offering to the Lord, whether it's to fulfill a promise or as a freewill offering, this is what you are to do.
Korero ki a Arona, ki ana tama, ki nga tama katoa ano a Iharaira, mea atu ki a ratou, Ko te tangata o te whare o Iharaira, o nga manene ranei i roto i a Iharaira, e mea ana ki te tapae i tana whakahere, he ki taurangi, he mea tuku noa ranei nana, ta ratou e tapae ai ki a Ihowa hei tahunga tinana;
19 If it is to be accepted on your behalf you must offer a male without defects from the herds of cattle, sheep, or goats.
Kia manakohia ai koutou, ko ta koutou e tapae ai hei te toa kohakore, no roto i nga kau, i nga hipi ranei, i nga koati ranei.
20 Don't present anything with a defect because it won't be accepted on your behalf.
Kaua rawa ia e whakaherea tetahi mea he koha tona: no te mea e kore e manakohia hei mea ma koutou.
21 If you want to present a peace offering to the Lord from the herd or flock to fulfill a promise or as a freewill offering, in order to be acceptable the animal must be perfect, completely without defects.
Ki te whakaherea ano hoki e tetahi he patunga mo te pai ki a Ihowa, hei whakamana mo te ki taurangi, hei whakahere tuku noa ake ranei, he kau, he hipi ranei, hei te mea kohakore, kia manakohia ai: kei whai koha.
22 Don't present to the Lord an animal that is blind, injured, or damaged in some way, or has warts, skin sores, or scabs. Don't place any animal that has these on the altar as a food offering to the Lord.
He matapo, he whati, he kopa, kua whai puku, he papaka, he mea hakihaki ranei, kaua ena e whakaherea ma Ihowa, kaua ano e homai hei whakahere ahi ki runga ki te aata ma Ihowa.
23 However, you can present a freewill offering of a bull or sheep that has a leg that is too long or too short, but not if it is a sacrifice to fulfill a promise.
He puru, he reme ranei, e hira ake ana, kua kore ranei tetahi wahi ona, e whakaherea ano tena e koe hei whakahere noa ake; otiia e kore e manakohia mo te ki taurangi.
24 Don't present to the Lord an animal with testicles that are accidentally or deliberately damaged. You are not allowed to sacrifice any of these damaged animals in your land.
Kaua e whakaherea ma Ihowa te mea i romia, te mea ranei i kurua, i unuhia ranei, i pokaia ranei; kaua ano hoki e pena i to koutou whenua.
25 Nor are you allowed to accept such animals from a foreigner to be damaged and defective.”
Kaua ano hoki tetahi o enei e tapaea hei kai ma to koutou Atua, ina homai e te tangata iwi ke; he whakahe hoki kei roto, he koha kei roto: e kore enei e manakohia hei mea ma koutou.
26 The Lord told Moses,
I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
27 “When a bull, a sheep, or a goat is born, it must stay with its mother for seven days. After eight days it can be accepted as a food offering to the Lord.
Ka whanau he kau, he hipi, he koati ranei, kia whitu nga ra e waiho, ai ki tona whaea; a i te waru o nga ra, i o muri iho hoki, ka manakohia hei whakahere ahi ma Ihowa.
28 However, don't kill a bull or a sheep and its young on the same day.
Otiia ahakoa he kau, he hipi ranei, kaua raua ko tana kuao e patua i te rangi kotahi.
29 When you present a thank offering to the Lord, make sure to do so in a way that it will be accepted on your behalf.
Ka patua ano e koutou he patunga whakawhetai ki a Ihowa, hei te patunga e manakohia ai koutou.
30 It has to be eaten on the same day. Don't leave any of it until morning. I am the Lord.
Me kai i taua rangi ano; kaua e waiho tetahi wahi ki te ata: ko Ihowa ahau.
31 Keep my rules and put them into practice. I am the Lord.
Na, kia mau ki aku whakahau, mahia hoki; ko Ihowa ahau.
32 Don't disgrace my holy character. I must be accepted as holy by you. I am the Lord who makes you holy.
Kaua ano e whakanoatia toku ingoa tapu; engari me whakatapu ahau i roto i nga tama a Iharaira: ko Ihowa ahau te whakatapu nei i a koutou,
33 I am the one who led you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord.”
I whakaputa mai nei hoki i a koutou i te whenua o Ihipa, kia waiho ai hei Atua mo koutou: ko Ihowa ahau.

< Leviticus 22 >