< Leviticus 21 >

1 The Lord told Moses, “Tell Aaron's sons, the priests: A priest is not to make himself unclean by touching the dead body of any of his relatives.
Dijo Yahvé a Moisés: “Habla a los sacerdotes, hijos de Aarón, y diles: Nadie se haga impuro si muere uno de su pueblo,
2 The only exceptions are for his immediate family. This includes his mother, father, son, daughter, or brother,
a no ser un consanguíneo cercano suyo, como su madre, su padre, su hijo, su hija, su hermano,
3 or his unmarried sister since she is a close relative because she doesn't have a husband.
o una hermana suya, virgen, que viva con él y no haya sido desposada aún. Por esa puede contaminarse.
4 He must not make himself unclean for those only related to him by marriage—he is not to make himself ceremonially impure.
Pues siendo él un jefe en medio de su pueblo no debe contaminarse, haciéndose profano.
5 Priests are not to shave bald spots on their heads, trim the sides of their beards, or cut their bodies.
(Los sacerdotes) no se raparán la cabeza, ni se cortarán los bordes de su barba, ni se harán sajaduras en su carne.
6 They must be holy to their God and not disgrace their God's reputation. They are the one who present the food offerings to the Lord, the food of their God. Consequently they must be holy.
Santos han de ser para su Dios y no profanarán el nombre de su Dios; pues son ellos los que presentan los sacrificios que se queman en honor de Yahvé, el pan de su Dios; han de ser santos.
7 A priest is not to marry a woman made unclean through prostitution or who is divorced by her husband, for the priest must be holy to his God.
No tomarán mujer prostituta ni deshonrada, ni tampoco tomarán mujer repudiada de su marido; porque (el sacerdote) está consagrado a su Dios.
8 You shall consider him holy because he presents the food offerings to your God. He shall be holy to you, because I am holy. I am the Lord, and I chose you as my special people.
Lo tendrás por santo, porque él es quien presenta el pan de tu Dios; por tanto será santo para ti; pues santo soy Yo, Yahvé, que os santifico.
9 A priest's daughter who makes herself unclean through prostitution makes her father unclean. She must be executed by burning.
Si la hija de un sacerdote se deshonra, prostituyéndose, a su padre deshonra; será entregada al fuego.
10 The high priest has the highest place among the other priests. He has been anointed with olive oil poured on his head and has been ordained to wear the priestly clothing. He must not leave his hair uncombed or tear his clothes.
El Sumo Sacerdote entre sus hermanos, sobre cuya cabeza fue derramado el óleo de la unción y que ha sido consagrado para vestir las vestiduras, no desgreñará sus cabellos ni rasgará sus vestidos.
11 He is not to go near any dead body. He must not make himself unclean, even it is for his own father or mother.
Tampoco se acercará a ningún muerto; ni siquiera por su padre o por su madre ha de contaminarse.
12 He must not leave to deal with someone who has died or make the sanctuary of his God unclean because he has been dedicated by the anointing oil of his God. I am the Lord.
No saldrá del Santuario ni profanará el Santuario de su Dios; pues la consagración del óleo de la unción de su Dios está sobre él. Yo soy Yahvé.
13 He can only marry a virgin.
Tomará por esposa una virgen.
14 He must not marry a widow, a divorced woman, or one made unclean through prostitution. He has to marry a virgin from his own people,
No se casará con viuda, ni repudiada, ni deshonrada, ni prostituida, sino que tomará por esposa una virgen de entre su pueblo.
15 so that he doesn't make his children unclean among his people, for I am the Lord who makes him holy.”
Así no deshonrará su descendencia en medio de su pueblo, pues soy Yo Yahvé quien le santifico.”
16 The Lord told Moses,
Y habló Yahvé a Moisés y dijo:
17 “Tell Aaron: These rules apply for all future generations. If any of your descendants has a physical defect, he is not allowed to come and present the food offerings of his God.
“Habla a Aarón y dile: Ninguno de tu descendencia, durante (todas) sus generaciones, que tenga un defecto corporal, se acercará a presentar el pan de su Dios;
18 No man is allowed to do this if he has any defects, including anyone who is blind, crippled, facially disfigured, or has deformities,
porque ningún hombre que tenga defecto corporal, ha de acercarse; ni ciego, ni cojo, ni mutilado, ni desproporcionado,
19 anyone who has a broken foot or arm,
ni hombre que tenga quebrado el pie o la mano;
20 anyone who is a hunchback or dwarf, or who has cataracts, skin sores or scabs, or a damaged testicle.
ni jorobado, ni débil, ni enfermo de los ojos, ni sarnoso, ni tiñoso, ni eunuco.
21 No descendant of Aaron the priest who has a defect is allowed to come and present the food offerings to the Lord. Because he has a defect, he must not come and offer the food of his God.
Ninguno de la estirpe de Aarón que tenga un defecto corporal puede acercarse para ofrecer los sacrificios que se queman en honor de Yahvé. Tiene un defecto corporal, y por eso no puede acercarse para ofrecer el pan de su Dios.
22 He is still allowed to eat the food from the Most Holy Place of his God and also from the sanctuary,
Sin embargo podrá comer del pan de su Dios, de las cosas santísimas y de las santas,
23 but because he has a defect, he is not allowed to go near the curtain or the altar, so that my sanctuary and everything in it are not made unclean, because I am the Lord who makes them holy.”
mas no penetrará hasta el velo ni se llegará al altar, porque tiene defecto, no sea que profane mis cosas santas; pues Yo soy Yahvé, que los santifico.”
24 Moses repeated this to Aaron and his sons, and to all the Israelites.
Moisés dijo esto a Aarón y a sus hijos, y a todos los hijos de Israel.

< Leviticus 21 >