< Lamentations 4 >

1 How gold has tarnished! Even pure gold has lost its shine! Jewels from the Temple have been scattered on every street corner.
Mano kaka dhahabu osewito berne, dhahabu maberie moloyo obedo marach! Kite maler okere e akerkeke mag yore duto.
2 Look at how the precious people of Zion, worth their weight in gold, are now valued like cheap clay jars made by a potter!
Mano kaka yawuot Sayun mabeyo, ma yande bergi ne romre gi pek mar dhahabu, tinde ipimo mana gi agulni mag lowo, ma en tich lwedo mar jachwe aguch lowo!
3 Even jackals nurse their young at their breasts, but the women of my people have become cruel, like an ostrich in the desert.
Kata mana ondiegi chiwo thundegi mondo nyithindgi odhodhi, to joga osebedo jogo maonge chuny, gichalo udo manie thim.
4 The nursing babies are so thirsty that their tongues stick to the roof of their mouths. Little children beg for food, but nobody gives them anything.
Nikech riyo oloyo nyathi madhoth mi koro lewe omoko e dande; kendo nyithindo kwayo chiemo, to onge ngʼama migi.
5 Those who used to eat gourmet food now die starving in the streets. Those who dressed in fine clothes from their childhood now live in heaps of rubbish.
Joma yande chamo chiemo mamit, koro gin jokwecho mojwangʼ e wangʼ yore; to jogo ma yande odak e ngima maber koro nindo e pidh yugi.
6 Jerusalem's punishment is worse than sinful Sodom's, which was destroyed in a brief moment, without the help of human hands.
Kum mar joga duongʼ moloyo mano mar Sodom, mane lochne okethi mapiyo piyo nono maonge ngʼama nobiro mondo okonye.
7 Her leaders were purer than snow, whiter than milk; their bodies were a healthier red than coral, and they shone like lapis lazuli.
Jotendgi ne ler marieny moloyo pe kendo rachar maloyo chak, dendgi ne pichni moloyo mo; kendo nenruok margi ne chalo gi kidi ma nengone tek.
8 But now they look blacker than soot; no one recognizes them in the street. Their skin has shrunk to their bones and is as dry as wood.
To koro gin rotenge moloyo oyare ma kata irom kodgi e wangʼ yore to ok nyal ngʼegi, nimar pien ringregi osejowore kuom chokegi; kendo osebedo motwo ka yien.
9 Those killed by the sword are better off than those who die of hunger, who slowly waste away in agony because the fields produce no crops.
Joma notho e lweny ber moloyo jogo ma kech onego; kech chamogi ma gidhero nikech cham onge e puothe.
10 The hands of loving women have cooked their own children to eat during the destruction of Jerusalem.
Mon madhoth notedo nyithindgi giwegi, mobedo chiembgi ka joga ne inego itieko.
11 The Lord has given full expression to his anger. He has poured out his fury. He has started a fire in Zion, and it has burned down her very foundations.
Jehova Nyasaye oseolo mirimbe mangʼeny ka iye owangʼ. Osemoko mach Sayun moketho mise mage.
12 No king on earth—in fact nobody in all the world—thought that an enemy or attacker could enter the gates of Jerusalem.
Ruodhi mag piny ne ok oyie, kata ji mag piny bende ne ok oyie, ni wasigu kod jolweny nyalo donjo e dhorangeye mag Jerusalem.
13 But this happened because of the sins of her prophets and the wickedness of her priests, who shed the blood of the innocent right there in the city.
To mano notimore nikech richo mag jonabi mage, kod kethruok mag jodolo mage mane ochwero remb joma kare.
14 They wandered like blind men through the streets, made unclean by this blood, so no one would touch their clothes.
Koro gidigni e wangʼ yore ka joma muofni. Gidwanyore gi remo maonge ngʼato madihedhre mulo lepgi.
15 “Go away! You're unclean!” people would shout at them, “Go away, go away! Don't touch us!” So they ran away and wandered from country to country, but the people there told them, “You can't stay here!”
Ji ywak kagoyonegi koko niya, “Dhiuru kucha! Ok uler!” Mabor kucha, mabor kucha! Kik umulwa! Ka giringo giaa kendo gibayo abaya, ji mag ogendini wacho ni, “Ok ginyal dak kodwa kendo.”
16 The Lord himself has scattered them; he doesn't bother with them anymore. Nobody respects the priests, and nobody admires the leaders.
Jehova Nyasaye owuon osekeyogi e pinje; kendo koro ok odewgi. Jodolo ok yud duongʼ, kendo jodongo ok mi luor.
17 We wore out our eyes pointlessly looking for help the whole time; we watched from our towers for a nation to come that couldn't save us.
Kata kamano, wengewa nojony, ka warango gima dikonywa; to oganda mane wageno kuome ni nyalo konyowa ne ok nyal konyowa.
18 The enemy tracked our every movement so we couldn't walk through our streets. Our end approached. Our time was up because our end had come.
Ji ne manyowa kamoro amora mawaluwo, omiyo ne ok wanyal wuotho e wangʼ yorewa. Luoro nomakowa nikech ndalowa nosechopo machiegni kendo thowa ne osekayo.
19 Our pursuers were faster than eagles in the sky. They chased us across the mountains and ambushed us in the desert.
Jogo mane lawowa ne ringo mapiyo maloyo ongo mafuyo e kor polo; negilawowa e kor gode madongo kendo negibutonwa e thim.
20 The king, the Lord's anointed, our country's “life-breath,” was trapped and captured by them. We had said about him, “Under his protection we will live among the nations.”
Ngʼatno mowir mar Jehova Nyasaye, mane wakwano kaka ngimawa, nomaki e obadho mane gichiko. Ne waparo ni e bwo tipone wanyalo bedo mangima e dier ogendini.
21 Celebrate and be happy while you can, people of Edom, you who live in the land of Uz, because this cup will be passed to you too. You will get drunk and strip yourself naked.
Moruru kendo beduru moil, yaye Nyar Edom, un jogo modak e piny Uz. To un bende, kikombeno ibiro miyou; kendo ubiro mer mi udongʼ duge.
22 People of Zion, your punishment is coming to an end—he won't continue your exile for long. But he is going to punish your sins, people of Edom; he will reveal your sins.
Yaye jo-Sayun, kum mane okumugo biro rumo; bende ok nochak omed ndalou mar twech. To un jo-Edom, obiro kumou nikech richou kendo timbeu mamono obiro elo e lela.

< Lamentations 4 >