< Lamentations 2 >

1 How the Lord has spread a cloud of his anger over the Daughter of Zion! He has thrown down Israel's glory from heaven to earth. He has deserted his Temple from the time he became angry.
how? to becloud in/on/with face: anger his Lord [obj] daughter Zion to throw from heaven land: country/planet beauty Israel and not to remember footstool foot his in/on/with day face: anger his
2 The Lord has destroyed without mercy all the places where the descendants of Jacob lived. In his anger he has torn down the fortresses of the Daughter of Judah. He has demolished and degraded the kingdom and its leaders.
to swallow up Lord (and not *Q(K)*) to spare [obj] all habitation Jacob to overthrow in/on/with fury his fortification daughter Judah to touch to/for land: soil to profane/begin: profane kingdom and ruler her
3 In his fury he has destroyed all of Israel's power, refusing to help as the enemy attacked. He was like a fire blazing in the land of Jacob, burning everything up.
to cut down/off (in/on/with burning *L(abh)*) face: anger all horn Israel to return: return back right his from face: before enemy and to burn: burn in/on/with Jacob like/as fire flame to eat around
4 He has fired arrows from his bow as if he were their enemy; he has used his power against them like an attacker. He has killed all the beloved children; he has poured out his anger like fire on the tent of the Daughter of Zion.
to tread bow his like/as enemy to stand right his like/as enemy and to kill all desire eye in/on/with tent daughter Zion to pour: pour like/as fire rage his
5 The Lord has become like an enemy, completely destroying Israel and its palaces, demolishing its fortresses, making the Daughter of Judah cry and mourn more and more.
to be Lord like/as enemy to swallow up Israel to swallow up all citadel: palace her to ruin fortification his and to multiply in/on/with daughter Judah mourning and lamentation
6 He has torn down his Temple as if was a garden shed; he has destroyed his meeting place. The Lord has made Zion forget about her religious festivals and Sabbaths. In his fury he has disowned both king and priest.
and to injure like/as garden booth his to ruin meeting his to forget LORD in/on/with Zion meeting: festival and Sabbath and to spurn in/on/with indignation face: anger his king and priest
7 The Lord has discarded his altar; he has abandoned his Temple. He has handed it over to the enemy. They were shouting triumphantly in the Lord's Temple just as worshipers did on festival days.
to reject Lord altar his to disown sanctuary his to shut in/on/with hand: power enemy wall citadel: palace her voice: sound to give: cry out in/on/with house: temple LORD like/as day meeting: festival
8 The Lord was determined to destroy the defensive walls of the Daughter of Zion. He measured out what he would destroy, and didn't hesitate to do it. He made the battlements and walls weep; they both disintegrated.
to devise: devise LORD to/for to ruin wall daughter Zion to stretch line not to return: turn back hand his from to swallow up and to mourn rampart and wall together to weaken
9 Her gates have collapsed to the ground; he has destroyed their bars, breaking them apart. Her king and her princes have been exiled to other countries. No one follows the Law anymore, and even her prophets no longer receive visions from the Lord.
to sink in/on/with land: soil gate her to perish and to break bar her king her and ruler her in/on/with nation nothing instruction also prophet her not to find vision from LORD
10 The elders of the Daughter of Zion sit on the ground in silence. They have thrown dust over their heads and put on clothes made of sackcloth. The young women of Jerusalem have bowed down, their heads to the ground.
to dwell to/for land: soil to silence: silent old: elder daughter Zion to ascend: establish dust upon head their to gird sackcloth to go down to/for land: soil head their virgin Jerusalem
11 My eyes are worn out from crying; inside I am in turmoil. I'm sick and exhausted over the destruction of Jerusalem, the daughter of my people, because children and infants are fainting in the city streets.
to end: expend in/on/with tears eye my to aggitate belly my to pour: pour to/for land: soil liver my upon breaking daughter people my in/on/with to enfeeble infant and to suckle in/on/with street/plaza town
12 They cry out to their mothers, “We need food and drink!” fainting in the city streets as if they're wounded, their lives fading away in their mothers' arms.
to/for mother their to say where? grain and wine in/on/with to enfeeble they like/as slain: wounded in/on/with street/plaza city in/on/with to pour: pour soul: life their to(wards) bosom: embrace mother their
13 What can I tell you? What shall I compare you to, Daughter of Jerusalem? What can I say you're like in order to comfort you, virgin Daughter of Zion? For your wound gapes as wide as the sea—who could ever heal you?
what? to testify you what? to resemble to/for you [the] daughter Jerusalem what? be like to/for you and to be sorry: comfort you virgin daughter Zion for great: large like/as sea breaking your who? to heal to/for you
14 The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they didn't point out your guilt to prevent you being taken into captivity. Instead they presented to you visions that were false and deceptive.
prophet your to see to/for you vanity: false and insipid and not to reveal: uncover upon iniquity: crime your to/for to return: rescue (captivity your *Q(k)*) and to see to/for you oracle vanity: false and enticement
15 Everyone who passes by mock you, clapping their hands, hissing and shaking their heads in scorn at the Daughter of Jerusalem. “Is this really the city that people called the perfection of beauty, the joy of all the earth?” they ask.
to slap upon you palm all to pass way: road to whistle and to shake head their upon daughter Jerusalem this [the] city which/that to say entire beauty rejoicing to/for all [the] land: country/planet
16 All your enemies open their mouths at you, hissing and gnashing their teeth, “We've swallowed her up! This is the day we've been waiting for. Now it's here and we've seen it happen!”
to open upon you lip their all enemy your to whistle and to grind tooth to say to swallow up surely this [the] day which/that to await him to find to see: see
17 The Lord has achieved what he decided; he has done what he warned he would. Just as he determined to do long ago, he has destroyed you, showing no mercy. He has allowed the enemy gloat over your defeat, and he has given power to those who attack you.
to make: do LORD which to plan to cut off: to gain threat his which to command from day front: old to overthrow and not to spare and to rejoice upon you enemy to exalt horn enemy your
18 The people cry out to the Lord from the bottom of their hearts. Daughter of Zion, let your walls stream down with tears like a river all day and night. Don't stop, go on crying!
to cry heart their to(wards) Lord wall daughter Zion to go down like/as torrent: river tears by day and night not to give: give cessation to/for you not to silence: stationary daughter eye your
19 Get up and cry out as the night begins. Pour out your sad thoughts like water before the Lord. Hold up your hands to him in prayer for the lives of your children who are fainting from hunger at every street corner.
to arise: rise to sing (in/on/with night *Q(K)*) to/for head: top watch to pour: pour like/as water heart your before face Lord to lift: vow to(wards) him palm your upon soul: life infant your [the] to enfeeble in/on/with famine in/on/with head: top all outside
20 Lord, please think about it! Who have you ever treated this way? Should women have to eat their children, the little ones they love? Should priests and prophets be killed in the Lord's Temple?
to see: see LORD and to look [emph?] to/for who? to abuse thus if: surely no to eat woman fruit their infant tender care if: surely no to kill in/on/with sanctuary Lord priest and prophet
21 The dead, young and old, lie together in the dust of the streets. My young men and young women, have been killed by the sword. You killed them when you were angry; you have slaughtered them without mercy.
to lie down: lay down to/for land: soil outside youth and old virgin my and youth my to fall: fall in/on/with sword to kill in/on/with day face: anger your to slaughter not to spare
22 You invited enemies to attack me from every direction like you were inviting them to a religious festival. At the time when the Lord was angry nobody escaped, nobody survived. My enemy has destroyed the children I looked after and loved.
to call: call to like/as day meeting: festival terror my from around: side and not to be in/on/with day face: anger LORD survivor and survivor which to extend and to multiply enemy my to end: destroy them

< Lamentations 2 >