< Lamentations 1 >

1 How desolate sits the city of Jerusalem, once filled with people! She has become like a widow, she who was once great among the nations. The queen of all the world has become a slave-laborer.
Taukiri e! noho mokemoke ana te pa i ki nei i te tangata! Ano tona rite he pouaru! kua waiho hei hoatu takoha te mea i nui nei i roto i nga iwi, te rangatira i roto i nga kawanatanga!
2 She cries bitterly through the night, tears rolling down her cheeks. Despite all her many lovers, no one comes to comfort her. Betrayed by all her friends, they are now her enemies.
Nui atu tana tangi i te po, a kei ona paparinga ona roimata: i roto i te hunga katoa i aroha ki a ia, kahore he kaiwhakamarie mona; kua tinihanga ona hoa ki a ia, kua meinga ratou hei hoariri mona.
3 Judah has been dragged off into captivity, suffering miserably under brutal slavery; she lives among the nations but has no place of her own where she can rest. Those chasing her have brought her down and she cannot escape.
Kua haere a Hura ki te whakarau, he tangi hoki, he whakamahinga nui; kei te noho ia i roto i nga tauiwi, kahore e kitea e ia he tanga manawa: kua hopukia ia e ona kaiwhai katoa i roto i nga wahi kuiti.
4 Even the roads to Zion are in mourning because no one travels on them to go to the religious festivals. All her gates are empty. Her priests groan in sadness. Her girls are suffering. She herself is in bitter distress.
Kei te tangi nga ara o Hiona, no te mea kahore he tangata e haere mai ana ki te huihuinga nui; kua ururuatia ona kuwaha katoa, e aue ana ana tohunga, ko ana wahine kei te pouri, a ko ia, kei roto ia i te mamae.
5 Those who hated her now control her; her enemies enjoy life, because the Lord has made her suffer due to all her sins of rebellion. Her children have been taken away as prisoners of the enemy.
Kua waiho ona hoariri hei upoko, kei te noho humarie ona hoa whawhai; no te mea kua whiua ia e Ihowa mo ona he maha: kua riro ana tamariki hei parau i te aroaro o te hoariri.
6 All the glory has left the Daughter of Zion. Her leaders are like deer that can't find any grass to eat. They don't even have the strength to run away when the hunter comes after them!
Kua wehe atu i te tamahine a Hiona tona nui katoa: kua rite ona rangatira ki nga hata kihai i pono ki te wahi kai, haere kahakore ana ratou i te aroaro o te kaiwhai.
7 As she wanders around in her misery, Jerusalem thinks back to all the wonderful things she once had in the old days. When her enemies conquered her people, she didn't receive any help. Her enemies gloated over her, and laughed at her downfall.
E mahara ana a Hiruharama i nga ra o tona tangi, o ona wherutanga, ki ana mea ahuareka katoa o nga ra o mua: i te takanga o tona iwi ki roto ki te ringa o te hoariri, a kahore he kaiawhina mona, ka kite nga hoariri i a ia, ka kata ki ona mutunga.
8 Jerusalem sinned terribly which is why she is now treated as someone unclean. Everyone who used to honor her now despise her, because they've seen her naked and ashamed. She herself groans as she turns away.
Nui atu te hara o Hiruharama; na reira ia i meinga ai, ano hei mea poke: ko te hunga katoa i whakahonore i a ia, whakahawea ana ki a ia, no te mea kua kite ratou i tona tahangatanga: ae ra, kei te aue ia, kei te hoki ki muri.
9 Her uncleanness contaminates her skirts. She didn't think about what would happen. Her fall was a shock, and no one was there to comfort her. “Please, Lord, see how much I'm suffering, because the enemy has won!” she says.
Kei ona kurupatu tona poke, kahore ona mahara ki tona whakamutunga; na reira he hanga whakamiharo tona tukunga iho ki raro: kahore he kaiwhakamarie mona: e Ihowa, titiro mai ki toku mate: kua whakahirahira hoki te hoariri i a ia.
10 The invader has stolen all her treasures. She even had to watch as heathen nations went into her sanctuary, people you had forbidden to enter.
Kua wherahia atu te ringa o te hoariri ki runga ki ana mea ahuareka katoa; kua kite nei ia i nga iwi e tomo mai ana ki tona wahi tapu, era i ako ra koe kia kaua ratou e uru ki tau whakaminenga.
11 All her people groan, looking for bread. They have spent what they value the most to buy food so they can stay alive. “Please, Lord, look and see what's happening to me,” she says. “It's as if I'm worthless!
Kei te aue tona iwi katoa; kei te rapu taro ratou: e hoatu ana e ratou a ratou mea ahuareka hei utu kai, hei whakahauora ake mo te wairua: titiro mai, e Ihowa, whakaaro mai, kua whakahouhou hoki ahau.
12 Don't you care anything about it, all you people passing by? Take a look and see! Is there any suffering as bad as mine, punished by the Lord when he became angry?
He kahore noa iho tenei ki a koutou, e koutou e haere nei i te ara? Whakaaro mai, titiro mai, e rite ana ranei tetahi mamae ki toku mamae, e mahia nei moku, ki ta Ihowa nei whiu moku i te ra i mura ai tona riri?
13 He sent down fire from heaven that destroyed my bones. He spread out a net to catch my feet, tripping me over. He abandoned me, leaving me sick all day long.
Kua tukua iho nei e ia i runga, he ahi ki oku wheua, a e wera ana i tera: kua horahia e ia he kupenga mo oku waewae, kua whakahokia ahau ki muri; kua tukua ahau e ia ki te kahore, ki te whakaruhi, a pau noa te ra.
14 He took my rebellious sins and twisted them together into a yoke that he tied to my neck. He took away all my strength, and handed me over defenseless to my enemies.
Ko te ioka o oku he herea iho e tona ringa, whiri rawa, kua eke ake ki runga ki toku kaki: kua he i a ia toku kaha, kua tukua ahau e te Ariki ki te ringa tangata, a kahore oku kaha ki te whakatika ake.
15 The Lord brushed aside all my strong soldiers defending me. He called up an army to attack me, to crush my young men. The Lord has trampled down the virgin Daughter of Judah like grapes in a winepress.
Kua kore noa iho i te Ariki oku marohirohi katoa i roto i ahau; kua karangatia e ia he huihui ki ahau hei wawahi i aku taitama: kua takatakahia e te Ariki te tamahine wahine a Hura, ano he takahanga waina.
16 This is why I'm weeping, tears flowing from my eyes, because there's is no one here to comfort me, no one to make me feel better. There's nothing left for my children because the enemy has conquered us.”
Na enei mea ahau i tangi ai: ko toku kanohi, tarere ana te wai o toku kanohi: no te mea kei tawhiti atu i ahau te kaiwhakamarie hei whakahauora ake i toku wairua: ko aku tamariki kei te noho kau noa iho, no te mea kua kaha te hoariri.
17 Zion holds out her hands in distress, but there's no one to comfort her. The Lord issued orders against Jacob, and his neighbors became his enemies. Jerusalem is to them something disgusting.
Kua wherahia e Hiona ona ringa; kahore he kaiwhakamarie mona; na Ihowa te whakahau mo Hakopa, hei hoariri mona te hunga e karapoti ana i a ia: kua rite a Hiruharama i roto i a ratou ki te wahine e paheke ana.
18 “The Lord has done what's right, because I rebelled against his instructions. Listen, everyone everywhere; look at what I'm suffering. My young women and young men have been taken off into captivity.
He tika hoki a Ihowa; i whakakeke hoki ahau ki tana kupu: tena whakarongo mai, e nga iwi katoa, titiro mai hoki ki toku mamae; kua riro aku wahine, aku taitama, i te whakarau.
19 I called out for help to my lovers, but they betrayed me. My priests and elders starved to death in the city as they tried to find food to keep themselves alive.
I karanga ahau ki te hunga i aroha ki ahau, heoi kei te tinihanga ki ahau; ko oku tohunga, ko oku kaumatua, hemo noa iho ratou i roto i te pa, i a ratou e rapu kai ana ma ratou hei whakahauora ake i o ratou wairua.
20 Can't you see, Lord, how upset I am? inside I am in turmoil; my heart is breaking because I've been so rebellious. Outside, the sword kills those I love; inside, it's like I'm living in the house of death.
Titiro mai, e Ihowa, he mamae hoki toku, e ohooho ana oku whekau; ko toku ngakau hurikiko ana i roto i ahau: he nui noa atu hoki toku whakakeke: i waho ko te hoari ki te whakamoti, i roto kei te mate te rite.
21 People hear me groaning, but no one comes to comfort me. All my enemies have heard about the bad things that have happened to me, and they're delighted that it was you who did it. Please bring about the day of judgment that you promised so they can end up like me.
Kua rongo ratou kei te aue ahau, te ai he kaiwhakamarie moku: kua rongo oku hoariri katoa ki toku matenga, koa ana ratou ki tau i mea ai: ka kawea mai e koe te ra i karangatia e koe, a ka rite ratou ki ahau.
22 May you see all the evil things they've done! Treat them the same way as you've treated me as a result of all my rebellious sins, for I'm groaning all the time, and I'm sick at heart.”
Kia tae to ratou kino katoa ki tou aroaro: meatia ano ki a ratou tau i mea mai ai ki ahau mo oku he katoa: ka maha nei hoki oku auetanga; ko toku ngakau whakaruhi rawa.

< Lamentations 1 >