< Judges 2 >

1 The angel of the Lord went from Gilgal to Bokim and told the people, “I led you out of the land of Egypt and brought you to this land that I promised to your forefathers, and I said I would never break the agreement I made with you.
Mutumwa waJehovha akakwidza achibva kuGirigari akaenda kuBhokimi akati, “Ndakakubudisai kubva muIjipiti uye ndikakutungamirirai munyika yandakapikira madzitateguru enyu. Ndakati, ‘Handichazomboputsi sungano yangu nemi,
2 I also told you not to make any agreements with the people living in the land and to tear down their altars. But you refused to obey what I said. Why did you do this?
uye imi musazoita sungano navanhu venyika ino, asi munofanira kuputsa aritari dzavo.’ Asi hamuna kunditeerera. Makaitireiko izvozvo?
3 I also warned you, ‘I will not drive them out before you, and they will be snares for you, and their gods will be traps for you.’”
Naizvozvo zvino ndinokuudzai kuti handichazovadzingi pamberi penyu, vachava minzwa kumativi enyu uye vamwe vavo vachava musungo kwamuri.”
4 After the angel of the Lord had explained this to all the Israelites, the people wept out loud.
Mutumwa waJehovha akati ataura zvinhu izvi kuvaIsraeri vose, vanhu vakachema kwazvo,
5 That's why they named the place Bokim, and they presented sacrifices there to the Lord.
uye vakatumidza nzvimbo iyo kuti Bhokimi. Ipapo, vakabayira zvipiriso kuna Jehovha.
6 After Joshua had dismissed the people, the Israelites went to take possession of the land, each to their allotted land.
Shure kwokunge Joshua ati vaIsraeri vaende, vakaenda vakandotora nyika, mumwe nomumwe kunhaka yake.
7 The people continued to worship the Lord throughout Joshua's life, and throughout the lifetimes of the elders who outlived him, those who had seen all the wonderful things that the Lord had done for Israel.
Vanhu vakashumira mazuva ose okurarama kwaJoshua uye napamazuva avakuru vakasara vari vapenyu uye vakanga vaona zvinhu zvikuru zvose zvakanga zvaitirwa Israeri naJehovha.
8 Joshua, son of Nun, servant of the Lord, died at the age of one hundred and ten.
Joshua mwanakomana waNuni, muranda waJehovha, akafa ava namakore zana negumi rimwe chete.
9 They buried him in Timnath-heres in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash, the land he had been allocated.
Uye vakamuviga munyika yenhaka yake, paTiminati Heresi munyika yezvikomo yeEfuremu, kumusoro kweGomo reGaashi.
10 Once that generation had passed away, the generation that followed did not know the Lord, or what he had done for Israel.
Mushure mokunge chizvarwa chake chose chasanganiswa namadzibaba acho, chimwe chizvarwa chakanga chisingazivi Jehovha kana zvaakanga aitira Israeri chakamuka.
11 The Israelites did what was evil in the Lord's sight, and they worshiped the Baals.
Ipapo vaIsraeri vakaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha uye vakashumira vanaBhaari.
12 They deserted the Lord, the God of their forefathers, who had led them out of Egypt. They followed other gods, bowing down in worship to the gods of the peoples around them, making the Lord angry.
Vakarasa Jehovha, Mwari wamadzibaba avo, akanga avabudisa kubva muIjipiti. Vakatevera uye vakanamata vamwari vakasiyana-siyana vendudzi dzakanga dzakavapoteredza. Vakatsamwisa Jehovha,
13 They deserted the Lord and worshiped Baal and Ashtaroth idols.
nokuti vakamurasa uye vakashumira Bhaari navaAshitoreti.
14 Because the Lord was angry with Israel he handed them over to invaders who plundered them. He sold them to their enemies all around—enemies they could no longer resist.
Mukutsamwira kwake vaIsraeri, Jehovha akavaisa mumaoko avapambi avo vakazovapamba. Akavatengesa kuvavengi vavo vakanga vakavapoteredza, avo vavakanga vasisagoni kudzivisa.
15 Whenever Israel went into battle, the Lord fought against them and defeated them, just as he had warned them and as he had vowed he would do. They were in a great deal of trouble.
Pose paienda Israeri kundorwa, ruoko rwaJehovha rwairwa navo kuti ruvakunde, sezvaakanga apika kwavari. Vakanga vari munhamo huru.
16 Then the Lord provided them with judges, who saved them from their invaders.
Ipapo Jehovha akavamutsira vatongi vakavaponesa kubva mumaoko avapambi ava.
17 But even so, they refused to listen to their judges, and prostituted themselves by following other gods, bowing down in worship to them. They quickly abandoned the way their forefathers had followed, and they did not obey the Lord's commandments as their forefathers had.
Kunyange zvakadaro havana kuzoteerera kuvatongi vavo asi vakaita ufeve navamwe vamwari uye vakavanamata. Havana kuita samadzibaba avo, nokuti vakakurumidza kutsauka munzira yaifamba madzibaba avo, nzira yokuteerera kumirayiro yaJehovha.
18 When the Lord provided Israel with judges over Israel, he was with each judge and saved the people from their enemies during that judge's lifetime, because the Lord felt sorry for his people, who groaned under their oppressors and persecutors.
Pose pavaimutsirwa mutongi naJehovha, iye aiva nomutongi uyo, uye aivaponesa kubva mumaoko avavengi vavo, mutongi paainge achiri mupenyu; nokuti Jehovha ainge avanzwira ngoni pavaigomera vari pasi pavaya vaivadzvinyirira uye vachivarwadzisa.
19 But when the judge died, the people relapsed, and did worse things even than their forefathers, following other gods and worshiping them. They refused to give up what they were doing and held to their stubborn ways.
Asi mutongi paainge afa, vanhu vaidzokera kunzira dzakaipisisa kupinda dziya dzamadzibaba avo, vachitevera vamwe vamwari, vachivashandira uye vachivanamata. Vakaramba kusiya mabasa avo akaipa nokusindimara kwemwoyo yavo.
20 As a result the Lord became angry with Israel and he told them, “Because this nation has broken the agreement I ordered their forefathers to obey, and has not paid attention to what I said,
Naizvozvo Jehovha akavatsamwira zvikuru akati, “Nemhaka yokuti rudzi urwu rwakaputsa sungano yangu yandakaita namadzitateguru avo uye vakasanditeerera,
21 from now on I won't drive out before them any of the nations Joshua left when he died.
handichadzingizve pamberi pavo rudzi rupi zvarwo rwedzimwe ndudzi dzakasiyiwa naJoshua pakufa kwake.
22 This is in order to use them to test Israel to see if they will keep the way of the Lord and follow it as their forefathers did.”
Ndichavashandisa kuti vaedze vaIsraeri, kuti ndione kuti vachachengeta here nzira yaJehovha vagofamba mairi sezvakaitwa namadzitateguru avo.”
23 This is the reason why the Lord allowed those nations to remain, and didn't immediately drive them out by handing them over to Joshua.
Jehovha akatendera ndudzi idzo kuti dzisare; haana kudzidzinga pakarepo uye haana kudziisa mumaoko aJoshua.

< Judges 2 >