< Judges 14 >

1 One day Samson went to Timnah, where a young Philistine woman attracted his attention.
Sansón bajó a Timná, donde vio a una mujer de las hijas de los filisteos.
2 He went back home and told his father and mother, “A Philistine woman in Timnah caught my attention. Now get her for me because I want to marry her.”
Cuando subió (a su casa) habló a su padre y a su madre, diciendo: “He visto en Timná a una mujer de las hijas de los filisteos; ahora pues, tomádmela por mujer.”
3 But his father and mother replied, “Can't you find a young woman from our tribe or from our own people? Do you have to go to the heathen Philistines to get a wife?” But Samson told his father, “Just get her for me, because she's the one I find her attractive.”
Dijéronle su padre y su madre: “¿Acaso no hay mujer entre las hijas de tus hermanos, ni entre todo mi pueblo, para que tú vayas a tomar mujer de entre los incircuncisos filisteos?” Pero Sansón contestó a su padre: “Tómame a esa porque me gusta.”
4 (His father and mother didn't realize that this was in the Lord's plans, who was looking for an opportunity to deal with the Philistines; because at that time the Philistines ruled over Israel.)
Su padre y su madre no sabían que esto venía de Yahvé, por cuanto buscaba ocasión contra los filisteos, pues los filisteos dominaban a la sazón a Israel.
5 Samson went to Timnah with his father and mother. When they passed the Timnah vineyards, all of a sudden young lion came roaring out to attack him.
Bajó Sansón con su padre y su madre a Timná, y cuando llegaron a las viñas de Timná, he aquí que un leoncillo salió rugiendo a su encuentro.
6 The Spirit of the Lord swept over him, and he ripped the lion apart with his bare hands as easily as ripping apart a young goat. But he didn't tell his father or mother what he'd done. Then he went on his way.
Entonces vino el Espíritu de Yahvé sobre Sansón y sin tener nada a mano, lo desgarró como se desgarra un cabrito; pero no dijo ni a su padre ni a su madre lo que había hecho.
7 When Samson talked with the woman and decided she was right for him.
Bajó y habló con la mujer, y ella gustó a Sansón.
8 Later on when Samson returned to marry her, he turned off the road to look for the lion's carcass. Inside the body was a swarm of bees and their honey.
Pasado algún tiempo volvió para tomarla y se apartó del camino para ver el cuerpo del león; y he aquí que dentro del cuerpo del león había un enjambre de abejas y un panal de miel.
9 He scraped out some of honey into his hands and ate it as he walked. When he got back to his father and mother, he gave some to them and they ate it. But he didn't tell them he'd taken the honey from a lion's carcass.
Lo tomó en sus manos, y siguiendo el camino comió, y cuando alcanzó a su padre y su madre, les dio y ellos comieron; mas no les dijo que había tomado la miel del cadáver del león.
10 While his father went to visit the woman, Samson held a drinking party there, because this was the custom among high-class young men.
Luego bajó su padre a casa de la mujer, y Sansón hizo allí un banquete; porque tal era la costumbre de los mozos.
11 When the Philistine people saw him, they arranged for thirty men to accompany him.
Cuando ellos le vieron le dieron treinta compañeros para acompañarle;
12 “Let me pose a riddle to you,” Samson said to them. “If you can find its meaning and explain it to me during the seven days of the party, I'll give you thirty lines cloaks and thirty sets of clothes.
a los cuales dijo Sansón: “Voy a proponeros un enigma; si me lo descifráis dentro de los siete días del banquete y encontráis el sentido, os daré treinta túnicas y treinta mudas de ropa.
13 But if you can't explain it to me, you'll give me thirty lines cloaks and thirty sets of clothes.” “Fine,” they replied. “Let's hear your riddle!”
Pero si no podéis descifrármelo me daréis vosotros a mí treinta túnicas y treinta mudas de ropa.” Ellos respondieron: “Propón tu enigma para que lo oigamos.”
14 “Food came out of the eater, and sweetness came out of the strong,” he said. Three days later they still hadn't worked it out.
Les dijo entonces: “Del que come salió manjar, y del fuerte salió dulzura.” Y no pudieron descifrarle el enigma en tres días.
15 On the fourth day they came to Samson's wife and told her, “Use your charms to get your husband to explain the riddle and then tell us, or we'll burn you and all your family to death. Did you bring us here just to rob us?”
Al séptimo día dijeron a la mujer de Sansón: “Persuade a tu marido, para que nos descifre el enigma; de lo contrario te quemaremos a ti y a la casa de tu padre. ¿Acaso nos habéis convidado para robarnos?”
16 So Samson's wife went crying to him, saying, “You really do hate me, don't you! You don't love me at all! You have posed a riddle to my people, but haven't even explained it to me.” “So?” he replied. “I haven't even explained it to my father or mother! Why should I explain it to you?”
Y lloraba la mujer de Sansón delante de él y le decía: “Solo me odias y no me amas; has propuesto este enigma a los hijos de mi pueblo, sin descifrármelo a mí.” Le contestó: “Mira, no lo he explicado ni a mi padre ni a mi madre. ¿Acaso he de explicártelo a ti?”
17 She cried in front of him for the whole time of the party, and eventually on the seventh day he explained it to her because she nagged him so much. Then she explained the meaning of the riddle to the Philistine young men.
Mas ella lloraba delante de él los siete días que duró el banquete. Y al séptimo día él le dio la explicación, porque le molestaba mucho, y ella descifró el enigma a los hijos de su pueblo.
18 Before the sun set on the seventh day, the men of the town came to Samson and said, “What's sweeter than honey? What's stronger than a lion?” “If you hadn't used my cow to plough with, you wouldn't have found out the meaning of my riddle,” Samson replied.
Le dijeron los hombres de la ciudad al séptimo día, antes de ponerse el sol: “¿Qué cosa más dulce que la miel? ¿qué más fuerte que el león?” Les respondió: “Si no hubierais arado con mi novilla, no habríais descifrado mi enigma.”
19 The Spirit of the Lord swept over him and he went to Ashkelon, killed thirty of their men, took their clothing, and gave it to those who had explained the riddle. Furiously anger, Samson went back to his father's house.
Y vino el Espíritu de Yahvé sobre él; bajó a Ascalón, mató allí treinta hombres, y quitándoles los despojos, dio las mudas de ropa a los que habían descifrado el enigma; y ardiendo de cólera subió a casa de su padre.
20 Samson's wife was given to his best man who had accompanied him at the wedding.
Entretanto, la mujer de Sansón fue dada a uno de los compañeros que le había servido de amigo (en las bodas).

< Judges 14 >