< Joshua 8 >

1 The Lord said to Joshua, “Don't be afraid or downhearted! Take all the fighting men with you and attack Ai, for I'm handing over to you the king of Ai, his people, his town, and his land.
and to say LORD to(wards) Joshua not to fear and not to to be dismayed to take: take with you [obj] all people: soldiers [the] battle and to arise: rise to ascend: rise [the] Ai to see: behold! to give: give in/on/with hand: power your [obj] king [the] Ai and [obj] people his and [obj] city his and [obj] land: country/planet his
2 You will do to Ai and its king what you did to Jericho and its king. However, this time you may keep for yourselves the plunder and the livestock. Set up an ambush behind the town.”
and to make: do to/for Ai and to/for king her like/as as which to make: do to/for Jericho and to/for king her except spoil her and animal her to plunder to/for you to set: put to/for you to ambush to/for city from after her
3 So Joshua and all the people got ready to attack Ai. He chose thirty thousand of his best fighting men and sent them out at night.
and to arise: rise Joshua and all people: soldiers [the] battle to/for to ascend: rise [the] Ai and to choose Joshua thirty thousand man mighty man [the] strength and to send: depart them night
4 He ordered them, “You lie in ambush behind the town, not far away. All of you need to be ready.
and to command [obj] them to/for to say to see: behold! you(m. p.) to ambush to/for city from after [the] city not to remove from [the] city much and to be all your to establish: prepare
5 When I and the rest of the men with me approach the town, the defenders will run out to attack us just like before, and we'll run away from them.
and I and all [the] people which with me to present: come to(wards) [the] city and to be for to come out: come to/for to encounter: toward us like/as as which in/on/with first: previous and to flee to/for face: before their
6 They'll chase after us as we draw them away from the town, because they'll say to each other, ‘They're running away from us just like before.’
and to come out: come after us till to tear we [obj] them from [the] city for to say to flee to/for face: before our like/as as which in/on/with first: previous and to flee to/for face: before their
7 While we're running away from them, you will get up from your ambush positions and take the town for the Lord God will hand it over to you.
and you(m. p.) to arise: rise from [the] to ambush and to possess: take [obj] [the] city and to give: give her LORD God your in/on/with hand: power your
8 Once you've captured the town, set it on fire, as the Lord has instructed. Now follow your orders.”
and to be like/as to capture you [obj] [the] city to kindle [obj] [the] city in/on/with fire like/as word LORD to make: do to see: behold! to command [obj] you
9 Joshua sent them out, and they went to lie in ambush between Bethel and the west side of Ai. But that night Joshua stayed with the people in the camp.
and to send: depart them Joshua and to go: went to(wards) [the] ambush and to dwell between Bethel Bethel and between [the] Ai from sea: west to/for Ai and to lodge Joshua in/on/with night [the] he/she/it in/on/with midst [the] people
10 Early the next morning Joshua got up early and gathered the people and went up to attack Ai, accompanied by the elders of Israel.
and to rise Joshua in/on/with morning and to reckon: list [obj] [the] people and to ascend: rise he/she/it and old: elder Israel to/for face: before [the] people [the] Ai
11 All the fighting men who were with him approached the front of the town, and camped there on the north side, with a valley between them and Ai.
and all [the] people: soldiers [the] battle which with him to ascend: rise and to approach: approach and to come (in): towards before [the] city and to camp from north to/for Ai and [the] valley (between him *Q(k)*) and between [the] Ai
12 He took about five thousand men and had them lie in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the town.
and to take: take like/as five thousand man and to set: make [obj] them to ambush between Bethel Bethel and between [the] Ai from sea: west to/for city
13 So the army took up their positions—the main army to the north of the town, and the ambush to the west. Joshua went that night to the valley.
and to set: put [the] people: soldiers [obj] all [the] camp which from north to/for city and [obj] heel his from sea: west to/for city and to go: continue Joshua in/on/with night [the] he/she/it in/on/with midst [the] valley
14 As soon as the king of Ai saw the situation, he and all his men rushed out early in the morning to attack the Israelites where they had before, at a place overlooking the Jordan valley. He didn't know about the ambush waiting on the other side of the town.
and to be like/as to see: see king [the] Ai and to hasten and to rise and to come out: come human [the] city to/for to encounter: toward Israel to/for battle he/she/it and all people his to/for meeting: time appointed to/for face: before [the] Arabah and he/she/it not to know for to ambush to/for him from after [the] city
15 Joshua and the Israelites allowed themselves to be driven back, and ran away in the direction of the wilderness.
and to touch Joshua and all Israel to/for face: before their and to flee way: direction [the] wilderness
16 All the men of the town were called out to chase after them, and as they pursued Joshua they were drawn father from the town.
and to cry out all [the] people which (in/on/with Ai *Q(K)*) to/for to pursue after them and to pursue after Joshua and to tear from [the] city
17 There wasn't a man left in Ai and Bethel who didn't go out to chase the Israelites. They left the town wide open as they pursued the Israelites.
and not to remain man: anyone in/on/with Ai and Bethel Bethel which not to come out: come after Israel and to leave: forsake [obj] [the] city to open and to pursue after Israel
18 Then the Lord told Joshua, “Hold up the spear in your hand and point it at Ai, because I'm giving it to you.” So Joshua held up the spear in his hand and pointed it at the town.
and to say LORD to(wards) Joshua to stretch in/on/with javelin which in/on/with hand your to(wards) [the] Ai for in/on/with hand your to give: give her and to stretch Joshua in/on/with javelin which in/on/with hand his to(wards) [the] city
19 As soon as they saw this signal the men lying in ambush got up and rushed into the town. They captured it, and quickly set it on fire.
and [the] to ambush to arise: rise haste from place his and to run: run like/as to stretch hand his and to come (in): come [the] city and to capture her and to hasten and to kindle [obj] [the] city in/on/with fire
20 When the men of Ai looked back they saw the smoke rising up into the sky from the town. They had nowhere to run to, because the Israelites who had been running away towards the wilderness now turned on their pursuers.
and to turn human [the] Ai after them and to see: behold! and behold to ascend: rise smoke [the] city [the] heaven [to] and not to be in/on/with them hand: power to/for to flee here/thus and here/thus and [the] people [the] to flee [the] wilderness to overturn to(wards) [the] to pursue
21 For when Joshua and the Israelites saw that the ambush group had captured the town, and that smoke was rising from it, they turned around and attacked the men of Ai.
and Joshua and all Israel to see: see for to capture [the] to ambush [obj] [the] city and for to ascend: rise smoke [the] city and to return: return and to smite [obj] human [the] Ai
22 The men from the ambush also came from the town and attacked them, so they were caught on the middle, with the Israelites on both sides. The Israelites cut them down—not a single man survived or got away.
and these to come out: come from [the] city to/for to encounter: toward them and to be to/for Israel in/on/with midst these from this and these from this and to smite [obj] them till lest to remain to/for him survivor and survivor
23 Only the king of Ai was captured alive, and he was brought before Joshua.
and [obj] king [the] Ai to capture alive and to present: bring [obj] him to(wards) Joshua
24 When the Israelites had finished killing the men of Ai who had chased them towards the wilderness—once they had all been cut down by the sword—the whole Israelite army returned to the town and killed everyone living there.
and to be like/as to end: finish Israel to/for to kill [obj] all to dwell [the] Ai in/on/with land: country in/on/with wilderness which to pursue them in/on/with him and to fall: kill all their to/for lip: edge sword till to finish they and to return: return all Israel [the] Ai and to smite [obj] her to/for lip: edge sword
25 Those who were killed that day numbered twelve thousand, men and women—all the inhabitants of Ai.
and to be all [the] to fall: kill in/on/with day [the] he/she/it from man and till woman two ten thousand all human [the] Ai
26 For Joshua had continued to hold up his spear until all the people of Ai had been destroyed.
and Joshua not to return: return hand his which to stretch in/on/with javelin till which to devote/destroy [obj] all to dwell [the] Ai
27 Only the livestock and plunder were taken from the town by the Israelites, as the Lord had instructed Joshua.
except [the] animal and spoil [the] city [the] he/she/it to plunder to/for them Israel like/as word LORD which to command [obj] Joshua
28 So Joshua burned the town of Ai, making it permanently into a heap of ruins where no one lives to this very day.
and to burn Joshua [obj] [the] Ai and to set: make her mound forever: enduring devastation till [the] day: today [the] this
29 He killed the king of Ai and hung his body on a tree until evening. When the sun went down Joshua ordered the body taken down. They threw it down in front of the entrance to the town gate and piled a heap of rocks over it which is still there today.
and [obj] king [the] Ai to hang upon [the] tree till time [the] evening and like/as to come (in): besiege [the] sun to command Joshua and to go down [obj] carcass his from [the] tree and to throw [obj] her to(wards) entrance gate [the] city and to arise: raise upon him heap stone great: large till [the] day: today [the] this
30 Then Joshua built an altar on Mount Ebal for the Lord, the God of Israel.
then to build Joshua altar to/for LORD God Israel in/on/with mountain: mount (Mount) Ebal
31 He did what Moses, the servant of the Lord, had told the Israelites to do, as recorded in the book of the Law of Moses: an altar of uncut stones which no one has worked with iron tools. On the altar they made burnt offerings and friendship offerings to the Lord.
like/as as which to command Moses servant/slave LORD [obj] son: descendant/people Israel like/as to write in/on/with scroll: book instruction Moses altar stone complete which not to wave upon them iron and to ascend: offer up upon him burnt offering to/for LORD and to sacrifice peace offering
32 There in the presence of the Israelites, Joshua inscribed on the stones a copy of the Law of Moses.
and to write there upon [the] stone [obj] second instruction Moses which to write to/for face son: descendant/people Israel
33 All the Israelites, the elders, the officers, and the judges stood in two groups facing each other with the priests, the Levites, and the Ark of the Lord's Agreement between them. (Included were the foreigners as well as the native born.) Half of them stood in front of Mount Gerizim, and half in front of Mount Ebal, just as Moses had ordered, for the blessing of the people this first time.
and all Israel and old: elder his and official and to judge him to stand: stand from this and from this to/for ark before [the] priest [the] Levi to lift: bear ark covenant LORD like/as sojourner like/as born half his to(wards) opposite mountain: mount (Mount) Gerizim and [the] half his to(wards) opposite mountain: mount (Mount) Ebal like/as as which to command Moses servant/slave LORD to/for to bless [obj] [the] people Israel in/on/with first: previous
34 Then Joshua read out the whole Law—all the blessings and curses recorded in the book of the Law.
and after so to call: read out [obj] all word [the] instruction [the] blessing and [the] curse like/as all [the] to write in/on/with scroll: book [the] instruction
35 Joshua read out every word of Moses' instruction to the whole Israelite assembly, including the women, the children, and the foreigners who lived among them.
not to be word from all which to command Moses which not to call: read out Joshua before all assembly Israel and [the] woman and [the] child and [the] sojourner [the] to go: walk in/on/with entrails: among their

< Joshua 8 >