< Joshua 24 >

1 Joshua summoned all the tribes of Israel to Shechem. Then he called the elders, leaders, judges, and officials and they came and stood before the Tabernacle of God.
Israel koca rhoek boeih te Joshua loh Shekhem ah a tingtun sak. Te vaengah Israel kah a hamca rhoek neh a lu rhoek, laitloek rhoek neh rhoiboei rhoek te a khue tih BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a pai sak.
2 Joshua said to all the people, “The Lord, the God of Israel, says this: ‘Long, long ago your forefathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River, and they worshiped other gods.
Te vaengah pilnam boeih taengah Joshua loh, “Israel Pathen BOEIPA loh, ‘Khosuen kah na pa rhoek, Abraham kah a napa, Nakhaw kah a napa Terah loh tuiva kah rhalvangan ah kho a sak uh tih pathen tloe rhoek te tho a thueng thil uh.
3 I brought your father Abraham from beyond the Euphrates and led him through all the land of Canaan and gave him many descendants. I gave him Isaac.
Na pa Abraham te tuiva rhalvangan lamkah ka loh phoeiah anih te Kanaan kho tom la ka caeh puei. A tii a ngan te ka rhoeng, ka rhoeng sak tih Isaak te anih taengah ka paek.
4 I gave to Isaac Jacob and Esau. I gave to Esau the hill country of Seir to own, but Jacob and his children went down to Egypt.
Isaak taengah Jakob neh Esau te ka paek. Esau te pang sak ham Seir tlang te ka paek. Tedae Jakob tah a ca rhoek neh Egypt la suntla uh.
5 I sent Moses and Aaron, and I brought plagues on the people of Egypt, and I brought you out.
Moses neh Aaron te ka tueih tih anih lakli kah ka saii hno neh Egypt te ka vuek phoeiah ni nangmih kang khuen pueng.
6 Yes, I brought your forefathers out, but when you arrived at the Red Sea the Egyptians were chasing after your forefathers with chariots and horsemen.
Egypt lamkah na pa rhoek te ka khuen tih tuitunli na pha uh vaengah na pa rhoek hnuk te Egypt rhoek loh leng neh, marhang caem neh capu li duela a hloem uh.
7 Your forefathers called out to the Lord for help, and he placed darkness between you and the Egyptians. Then he brought the sea back over them and they drowned. You saw what I did with your own eyes in Egypt. Then you lived for many years in the wilderness.
Tedae BOEIPA taengla pang uh tih nangmih laklo neh Egypt laklo ah khohmuep hang khueh. Anih te tuili la a khuen tih a khuk. Egypt taengah ka saii te na mik loh a hmuh phoeiah kum te yet khosoek ah kho na sak uh coeng.
8 After that I brought you to the land of the Amorites who lived on the other side of the Jordan. They fought against you but I handed them over to you to defeat and you took over their land. I destroyed them before you.
Jordan rhalvangan kah kho aka sa Amori khohmuen la nangmih kang khuen, kang khuen tih nangmih m'vathoh thil uh vaengah khaw amih te nangmih kut ah kam paek dongah amih kah khohmuen te na pang uh. Te vaengah amih te na mikhmuh lamkah ka mitmoeng sak.
9 When Balak, son of Zippor, the king of Moab, wanted to fight against Israel, he sent for Balaam, son of Beor, to come and curse you.
Moab manghai Zippor capa Balak te thoo tih Israel a vathoh thil vaengah nangmih aka tap ham Beor capa Balaam te a tah tih a khue.
10 But I wasn't willing to listen to Balaam, so instead he blessed you repeatedly, and saved you from Balak.
Tedae Balaam ol te hnatun ham ka huem pawt dongah nangmih te yoethen sak ham yoethen m'paek tih a kut lamkah nangmih te kan huul.
11 You crossed the Jordan and arrived at Jericho where the men of Jericho fought against you. So did the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
Te phoeiah Jordan na kat uh tih Jerikho la na kun uh vaengah Jerikho hlang, Amori, Perizzi neh Kanaani, Khitti neh Girgashi, Khivee, Jebusi loh nangmih te m'vathoh thil uh. Tedae amih te nangmih kut ah kan tloeng coeng.
12 But I handed them over to you to defeat. And I sent the hornet before you to drive out the two kings of the Amorites. You did not win using your swords or your bows!
Te vaengah khoingal te nangmih hmai ah ka tueih tih Amori manghai rhoi mai nangmih mikhmuh lamkah a haek te nangmih kah cunghang nen moenih, nangmih kah palaa nen bal moenih.
13 I gave you a land you didn't work for and towns you didn't build. Now you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves you didn't plant.’
Te dongah nangmih taengah kam paek khohmuen te kohnue thil uh boeh. Khopuei rhoek te na thoong pawt cakhaw a khuiah na om uh tih na tue uh pawh misurdum neh olive na caak uh,’ a ti.
14 So respect the Lord and worship him, sincerely and faithfully. Get rid of the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt, and worship the Lord.
“Te dongah BOEIPA te rhih uh lamtah a taengah oltak neh cuemthuek la thothueng uh. Tuiva rhalvangan neh Egypt ah na pa rhoek loh tho a thueng thil pathen rhoek te phil uh lamtah BOEIPA taengah thothueng uh.
15 But if you don't want to worship the Lord, choose today who you want to worship! Is it going to be the gods your forefathers worshipped beyond the Euphrates? Or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you're now living? But as for me and my family, we will worship the Lord!”
BOEIPA te thothueng thil ham na mik ah a thae oeh atah na pa rhoek loh tuiva kah rhalvangan, rhalvangan ah tho a thueng thil pathen khaw, a khohmuen ah kho aka sa nangmih loh Amori pathen mai khaw, thothueng thil ham tihnin ah coelh uh laeh. Tedae kai neh ka imkhui tah YAHWEH taengah ni tho ka thueng uh eh,” a ti nah.
16 The people responded, “We are never going to give up on the Lord and worship other gods!
Te vaengah pilnam loh a doo tih, “BOEIPA hnoo ham neh pathen tloe rhoek taengah thothueng te kaimih ham tah savisava.
17 For the Lord our God brought us and our forefathers out of slavery in Egypt. He was the one who did great miracles before our very eyes. He looked after us on the way as we traveled through the lands of many nations.
Sal imkhui Egypt kho lamkah mamih neh a pa rhoek khaw, mamih kah BOEIPA Pathen loh ng'caeh puei. Amah loh mamih mikhmuh ah miknoek a len len la a saii. Longpueng kah n'caeh khing vaengah mamih te n'dawndah dongah pilnam boeih kah a laklung ah ni ng'kat uh.
18 The Lord drove out before us the Amorites and all the other nations who were living in the land. So we will worship the Lord, for he is our God!”
Pilnam boeih neh khohmuen kah khosa Amori te BOEIPA loh mamih mikhmuh lamkah a haek. Amah te mamih kah Pathen la a om coeng dongah kaimih khaw BOEIPA taengah ni tho ka thueng uh eh,” a ti uh.
19 Joshua told the people, “Remember that the Lord is a holy and jealous God. You won't be able to worship him, and he won't forgive your rebellion and sins
Te phoeiah pilnam te Joshua loh, “BOEIPA he Pathen cim la a om dongah thothueng ham na coeng uh thai mahpawh. Amah he thatlai Pathen la a om dongah nangmih kah boekoek neh na tholhnah te khodawkngai mahpawh.
20 if you give up on him and worship foreign gods. He will turn against you and destroy you despite all the good he has done for you.”
BOEIPA te na hnoo uh tih kholong pathen ni tho na thueng uh atah ha mael vetih nangmih soah thae a huet ni. Nangmih te ng'khah phoeiah nangmih taengah ha then ni,” a ti nah.
21 “Don't say that!” the people replied. “We will worship the Lord!”
Tedae pilnam loh Joshua taengah, “Moenih, BOEIPA taengah ni tho ka thueng uh eh,” a ti uh.
22 Then Joshua cautioned the people, “You have made yourselves witnesses against yourselves by saying that you have chosen to worship the Lord.” “Yes, we are witnesses,” the people replied.
Te vaengah pilnam te Joshua loh, “Namamih kah thothueng thil ham BOEIPA na tuek uh te namamih ni na laipai uh,” a ti nah hatah, “Ka laipai uh coeng,” a ti uh.
23 “Then get rid of those foreign gods you have and promise to be loyal only to the Lord, the God of Israel,” Joshua told them.
Te phoeiah, “Nangmih lakli kah kholong pathen rhoek te palet uh lamtah Israel Pathen BOEIPA taengah na thinko te hong uh laeh,” a ti nah.
24 The people said to Joshua, “We will worship the Lord our God and we will obey him.”
Joshua taengah pilnam loh, “Mamih kah Pathen BOEIPA te tho ka thueng vetih a ol te ka ngai uh ni,” a ti uh.
25 So Joshua made a solemn agreement between the people and the Lord that day in Shechem, obligating them to follow all the Lord's laws and instructions.
Te vaeng khohnin ah Joshua loh pilnam ham moi a boh pah tih oltlueh neh laitloeknah te Shekhem ah a khueh pah.
26 Joshua recorded this in the Book of the Law of God, and he set up a large stone under the oak tree near the Lord's sanctuary.
Tekah olka te Pathen kah olkhueng cabu khuiah Joshua loh a daek. Lungto len te a loh tih BOEIPA rhokso kaep kah hlopthing hmuiah a ling.
27 Joshua said to the people, “Look at this stone. It stands here as a witness against us for it has heard everything the Lord has told us, and it will be a witness against you if you ever deny what you have promised your God.”
Te phoeiah pilnam pum te Joshua loh, “Mamih ham a thui BOEIPA ol boeih he anih loh a yaak coeng dongah mamih taengah laipai la hekah lungto he om pawn ni he. Na Pathen taengah na basa uh ve ne. Te vaengah nangmih taengah laipai la om bitni,” a ti nah.
28 Then Joshua dismissed the people, sending them to their allotted lands.
Te phoeiah pilnam te Joshua loh a rho a paan sak.
29 Later, after all this, Joshua, son of Nun, servant of the Lord, died at the age of one hundred and ten.
Tekah olka a om phoeiah BOEIPA kah sal Nun capa Joshua he kum ya parha a lo ca vaengah duek.
30 They buried him in Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash, the land he had been allocated.
Anih te amah kah rho rhi, Gaash tlang kah tlangpuei, Ephraim tlang kah Timnathkhehres ah a up uh.
31 The Israelites continued to worship the Lord throughout Joshua's life, and throughout the lifetimes of the elders who outlived him, those who had seen all that the Lord had done for Israel.
Joshua tue boeih neh Joshua hnukah hinglung aka vang, Israel ham a saii BOEIPA kah bibi boeih aka ming a hamca rhoek kah a tue khuiah tah Israel loh BOEIPA taengah ni tho a thueng.
32 The bones of Joseph, which the Israelites had brought with them from Egypt, they buried in Shechem in the piece of ground Jacob had bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for one hundred pieces of silver. This land was inherited by Joseph's sons.
Joseph rhuh te Israel ca rhoek loh Egypt lamkah hang khuen uh te Jakob loh Shekhem napa Hamor ca rhoek taeng lamkah tangka yakhat neh a lai tih Joseph ca rhoek kah rho la aka coeng khohmuen, Shekhem khamyai ah a up uh.
33 And Eleazar, son of Aaron, died and they buried him at Gibeah, in the hill country of Ephraim, land which had been given to his son Phinehas.
Aaron capa Eleazar khaw a duek vaengah a capa taengah a paek Ephraim tlang kah Phinekha som ah a up uh.

< Joshua 24 >