< Joshua 20 >

1 Then the Lord told Joshua,
Og HERREN talede til Josua og sagde:
2 “Tell the Israelites, ‘Assign sanctuary towns, as I instructed you through Moses.
»Tal til Israeliterne og sig: Afgiv de Tilflugtsbyer, jeg talede til eder om ved Moses,
3 Then any man who kills somebody by accident, unintentionally, can run there and they will be protected from those who wish to take revenge.
for at en Manddraber, der uforsætligt og af Vanvare slaar en ihjel, kan ty til dem, saa at de kan være eder Tilflugtssteder mod Blodhævneren.
4 When he gets to one of these towns, he shall state his case to the elders at the town gates. They must allow him to enter, and they will also arrange a place for him to stay.
Naar han tyr hen til en af disse Byer og stiller sig i Byportens Indgang og forebringer sin Sag for Byens Ældste, skal de optage ham i Byen hos sig og anvise ham et Sted, hvor han kan bo hos dem;
5 If the one seeking revenge comes looking for the man, they must not hand the one who committed manslaughter over to him, because he killed someone unintentionally and without deliberate hatred.
og naar Blodhævneren forfølger ham, maa de ikke udlevere Manddraberen til ham, thi han har slaaet sin Næste ihjel af Vanvare uden i Forvejen at have baaret Nag til ham;
6 He shall remain in that town until he has received a public trial and a verdict has been given, and until the death of the high priest of the time. Then he is free to return to his home, back to the town from where he ran away.’”
han skal blive boende i denne By, indtil han har været stillet for Menighedens Domstol, eller den Mand, som paa den Tid er Ypperstepræst, dør; derefter kan Manddraberen vende tilbage til sin By og sit Hjem, den By, han er flygtet fra.«
7 So they assigned the following sanctuary towns: Kedesh of Galilee, in the hill country of Naphtali; Shechem, in the hill country of Ephraim; and Kiriath-arba (or Hebron), in the hill country of Judah.
Da helligede de Kedesj i Galilæa i Naftalis Bjerge, Sikem i Efraims Bjerge og Kirjat-Arba, det er Hebron, i Judas Bjerge.
8 On the other side of the Jordan, east of Jericho, they assigned: Bezer, in the wilderness on the plateau, from the tribe of Reuben; Ramoth in Gilead, from the tribe of Gad; and Golan in Bashan, from the tribe of Manasseh.
Og østen for Jordan afgav de Bezer i Ørkenen, paa Højsletten, af Rubens Stamme, Ramot i Gilead at Gads Stamme og Golan i Basan af Manasses Stamme.
9 These were the assigned towns for all the Israelites, as well as for the foreigners living among them. Anyone who unintentionally killed someone could go there so they would not be killed by those who wished to take revenge before they had received a public trial and been given a guilty verdict.
Det var de Byer, som fastsattes for alle Israeliterne og de fremmede, som bor iblandt dem, i det Øjemed at enhver, der uforsætligt slaar en ihjel, kan ty derhen og undgaa Døden for Blodhævnerens Haand, før han har været stillet for Menighedens Domstol.

< Joshua 20 >