< Joshua 10 >

1 Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, learned that Joshua had captured Ai and destroyed the town completely, as he had also done to Jericho, and had killed its king, just as he had the king of Jericho. He also heard that the Gibeonites had made peace with the Israelites and were allied with them.
Adonizedeki kabaka wa Yerusaalemi bwe yawulira nga Yoswa awambye Ayi era ng’akizikiririzza ddala nga bwe yakola Yeriko ne kabaka waayo, era bwe yawulira nti abantu b’omu Gibyoni bakoze endagaano y’emirembe n’Abayisirayiri era nga kaakano babeera nabo,
2 The people of Jerusalem were very frightened by this because Gibeon was a large town—as large as any town ruled by the king, and larger than Ai, and its men were tough fighters.
Adonizedeki n’atya nnyo kubanga Gibyoni kyali kibuga gagadde ng’ebibuga bya bakabaka bwe byali, nga kisingira ddala Ayi ate nga n’abasajja baamu bakirimaanyi.
3 So Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, sent a message to Hoham, king of Hebron, Piram, king of Jarmuth, Japhia, king of Lachish, and Debir, king of Eglon, saying,
Bw’atyo Adonizedeki kabaka wa Yerusaalemi n’atumira bakabaka bano: Kokamu ow’e Kebbulooni, ne Piramu ow’e Yalamusi, ne Yafiya ow’e Lakisi ne Debiri ow’e Eguloni n’abagamba nti,
4 “Come and help me attack Gibeon because they have made peace with Joshua and the Israelites.”
“Mujje munziruukirire tuzikirize ekibuga Gibyoni kubanga abantu baamu bakoze endagaano y’emirembe ne Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri.”
5 So these five Amorite kings (the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon) and their armies gathered and set off. They surrounded Gibeon and then began their attack.
Bwe batyo bakabaka abataano Abamoli, n’ow’e Yerusaalemi, n’ow’e Kebbulooni, n’ow’e Yalamusi, n’ow’e Lakisi n’owe Eguloni ne beekobaana ne bayungula amaggye gaabwe ne bagakuluumulula ne balumba Gibyoni.
6 The Gibeonites sent a message to Joshua at the camp in Gilgal, saying, “Please don't abandon us, your servants! Come quickly and save us! We need your help for all the Amorite kings of the hill country have joined in attacking us.”
Abasajja b’omu Gibyoni ne batumira Yoswa mu lusiisira e Girugaali ne bamugamba nti, “Totulekulira basajja bo, yanguwako otudduukirire kubanga bakabaka bonna Abamoli ababeera eyo mu gasozi beekobaanye okututabaala.”
7 So Joshua, all his fighting men and best fighters, set off from Gilgal.
Bw’atyo Yoswa n’ava e Girugaali n’abasajja be abalwanyi ba nnamige.
8 The Lord had said to Joshua, “Don't be afraid of them, for you will defeat them. Not a single one will be able to stand against you.”
Mukama n’agamba Yoswa nti, “Tobatya kubanga bonna mbagabudde mu mukono gwo, teri n’omu ku bo anaalama.”
9 By marching all night from Gilgal, Joshua arrived without warning.
Yoswa n’abasajja be ne bakeesa obudde nga batambula okuva e Girugaali ne balyoka bagwa ku b’Amoli ekiyiifuyiifu.
10 The Lord threw the Amorite armies into a panic when they saw the Israelites. He struck them down with a great blow at Gibeon; he chased them all the way up to Beth-horon, cutting them down on the way to Azekah and Makkedah.
Mukama n’abaleetera okutya mu maaso g’Abayisirayiri ne babatta olutta lunene nnyo e Gibyoni ne babafubutula okubambusa e Besukolooni, ne bagenda nga babatta okuyitira ddala e Azeka okutuuka e Makkeda.
11 As they ran away from the Israelites down the slope from Beth-horon, the Lord hurled large hailstones down on them from the skies all the way to Azekah. More were killed by the hailstones than we killed by the swords of the Israelites.
Bwe baali badduka Abayisirayiri nga bavuunuka Besukolooni, Mukama n’abasuulako amayinja amanene ag’omuzira okutuukira ddala mu Azeka; abaafa omuzira ne baba bangi okusinga n’abattibwa Abayisirayiri.
12 On the day that the Lord handed the Amorites over to the Israelites, Joshua spoke by the Lord in the presence of the Israelites, saying, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon! Moon, stand still over the Valley of Aijalon!”
Yoswa n’agamba Mukama ku lunaku olwo Abayisirayiri lwe battirako Abamoli, nga n’Abayisirayiri bonna bawulira nti, “Ggwe enjuba, yimirira butengerera waggulu wa Gibyoni, naawe omwezi kola bw’otyo waggulu w’ekiwonvu Ayalooni.”
13 The sun stopped moving, and the moon stood still, until the nation of Israel had inflicted defeat on their enemies. (This is recorded in the Book of Jashar). The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not go down for around a full day.
Enjuba n’omwezi ne bikola nga bwe babiragidde okutuusa Abayisirayiri lwe baamala okuseseggula abalabe baabwe. Bino byonna byawandiikibwa mu kitabo kya Yasali. Enjuba n’eyimirira butengerera ku ggulu n’eteva mu kifo okumala olunaku lulamba.
14 There wasn't a day like this ever before or since when the Lord listened to a human voice in such a way. It was because the Lord was fighting for Israel.
Tewali lunaku lwali lubadde nga luno, Mukama okuwulira omuntu obwenkaniddaawo; Mukama yalwanirira nnyo Isirayiri.
15 Then Joshua and all the army returned to the camp at Gilgal.
Oluvannyuma lw’ebyo Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri ne bakomawo ne basiisira e Girugaali.
16 The five kings had run away and hid in a cave at Makkedah.
Bakabaka bali abataano ne badduka ne beekukuma mu mpuku e Makkeda.
17 When Joshua was told that the five kings were hiding in a cave at Makkedah,
Ne bagamba Yoswa nti, “Bakabaka abataano bazuuliddwa, beekwese mu mpuku.”
18 he gave this order, “Roll some large stones to block the entrance to the cave and have some men guard it.
Yoswa n’alagira nti, “Muyiringise agayinja aganene mugateeke ku mumwa gw’empuku era mufuneeyo n’abasajja bagikuume;
19 But don't you stay there. Chase the enemy down and attack them from the rear. Don't let them escape to their towns for the Lord has given them to you to defeat.”
naye mmwe abalwanyi temubeerawo wabula mugobe abalabe bammwe, temubaganya kuyingira mu bibuga byabwe, kubanga ebyo Mukama Katonda wammwe abibawadde.”
20 So Joshua and the Israelites totally defeated them, striking them down and killing them. Only a few of them survived to escape back to their towns.
Awo Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bwe baamala okutta abalabe baabwe olutta ssinziggu olubamalirawo ddala, abo abaali basigaddewo baddukira mu bibuga ebiriko ebigo,
21 The army returned to Joshua at the camp at Makkedah, and no one dared even to threaten the Israelites.
olwo abantu bonna ne bakomawo mirembe eri Yoswa mu lusiisira e Girugaali. Teri muntu yaddayo kwogerera Bayisirayiri mafuukuule.
22 Then Joshua said, “Open the cave entrance and bring out the five kings to me from the cave.”
Oluvannyuma Yoswa n’abagamba nti, “Mugguleewo omumwa gw’empuku mundeetere bakabaka abo abataano.”
23 So they did, bringing out the five kings from the cave—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon.
Ne bakola nga bwalagidde ne bamuleetera kabaka w’e Yerusaalemi, n’ow’e Kebbulooni, n’ow’e Yalamusi, n’ow’e Lakisi n’ow’e Eguloni.
24 When they had brought the kings to Joshua, he summoned all the fighting men, and said to the commanders who had gone with him, “Come here, and put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came over and put their feet on their necks.
Bwe baabamuleetera, Yoswa n’akoowoola Abayisirayiri bonna, n’alagira abaduumizi b’eggye abaali naye nti, “Musembere wano kumpi, mulinnye ku nsingo za bakabaka bano.” Nabo ne basembera kumpi ne bakola nga bw’abalagidde.
25 Joshua said to them, “Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! Be strong and be brave! For the Lord is going to do the same thing to all your enemies that you're going to fight!”
Yoswa n’abagamba nti, “Temutya wadde okuterebuka, mube n’amaanyi era n’obuvumu kubanga eno y’engeri Mukama gy’anaakola abalabe bammwe be mulwana nabo.”
26 Then Joshua killed the kings and hung their bodies on five trees and left them hanging there until the evening.
Yoswa bwe yamala okwogera ebyo n’addira bakabaka bali n’abatta, emirambo gyabwe n’agiwanika buli gumu ku muti okutuusiza ddala akawungeezi.
27 As the sun went down Joshua gave the order to take their bodies down from the trees and throw them into the cave where they had been hiding. Then the Israelites piled up stones over the entrance to the cave, and they are there to this very day.
Enjuba bwe yamala okugwa Yoswa n’alagira emirambo ne giwanulwa ku miti ne gisuulibwa mu mpuku bakabaka bano mwe basooka okwekukuma, ne bayiringisa agayinja aganene ne bagasaanikira ku mumwa gw’empuku n’okutuusa kaakano amayinja ago gakyaliko.
28 That day Joshua captured Makkedah, killing all its inhabitants, including the king. He set it apart and completely destroyed it and everyone in it, leaving no survivors. He killed the king of Makkedah just as he had killed the king of Jericho.
Ku lunaku olwo Yoswa n’alumba Makkeda n’akizikiriza ne kabaka waayo n’amuttisa obwogi bw’ekitala, abaayo bonna n’abazikiriza, kye yakola kabaka w’e Yeriko era kye yakola n’ow’e Makkeda.
29 Then Joshua and the Israelite army left Makkedah and went to attack Libnah,
Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna ne bava e Makkeda, ne bagenda e Libuna ne bakizinda,
30 and the Lord gave the town and its king to the Israelites. Joshua had everyone in it killed, leaving no survivors. He killed its king just as he had killed the king of Jericho.
era nakyo Mukama n’akibawanguza, n’atta abaakirimu bonna n’obwogi bw’ekitala, tewali n’omu gwe yalekawo. Kye yakola kabaka we Yeriko era kye yakola n’ow’e Libuna.
31 Then Joshua and the Israelite army moved on from Libnah to Lachish, surrounding the town and attacking it.
Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri ne bava e Libuna ne bazinda Lakisi, ne bakyetooloola ne bakikuba.
32 The Lord gave the town to the Israelites who captured it on the second day. Joshua had everyone in it killed, just as he had done in Libnah.
Ku lunaku olwokubiri Mukama n’akibawanguza, ne bazikiriza n’ekitala buli muntu yenna eyakirimu era nga bwe baakola e Libuna.
33 Then Horam, king of Gezer, came with his army to help Lachish, but Joshua and his men killed them, leaving no survivors.
Kolamu kabaka w’e Gezeri n’agezaako okudduukirira Lakisi oyo naye Yoswa n’amutta era n’atalekaawo yadde n’omu ku bantu be.
34 Joshua and the Israelite army moved on from Lachish to Eglon, surrounding the town and attacking it.
Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna bwe baava e Lakisi ne bagenda e Eguloni, ne bakyetooloola kyonna ne bakikuba.
35 They captured it the same day. Joshua had everyone in it killed that very day. He set it apart and completely destroyed it, just as he had done in Lachish.
Ku lunaku olwo lwennyini ne bazikiriza n’obwogi bw’ekitala buli eyakirimu nga bwe baakola Lakisi.
36 Joshua and the Israelite army left Eglon and went to attack Hebron.
Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna ne bava mu Eguloni ne bazinda Kebbulooni,
37 They captured the town, as well as the towns nearby. Joshua had all the inhabitants killed, leaving no survivors. Just as he had done in Eglon, he set it apart and completely destroyed it and everyone in it.
ne bakikuba; ne bazikiriza n’ekitala abantu baayo bonna era ne kabaka waabwe n’obubuga bwamu bwonna nga bwe baakola mu Eguloni.
38 Then Joshua and the Israelite army turned and went to attack Debir.
Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna ate ne bawetamu ne baddayo e Debiri ne bakikuba.
39 He captured it and its king and all the towns nearby. Joshua had all the inhabitants killed, leaving no survivors. Just as he had done in Hebron, he set it apart and completely destroyed it and everyone in it. He killed the king of Debir just as he had killed the king of Libnah.
Ne bakiwamba ne bazikiriza n’ekitala kabaka waakyo n’abantu baakyo bonna n’obubuga bwakyo bwonna, era nga bwe baakola e Kebbulooni ne Libuna bwe baakola ne Debiri.
40 So Joshua conquered the whole land—the hill country, the Negev, the foothills, and the slopes—and all their kings. He didn't leave a single survivor. He killed everyone as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded.
Bw’atyo Yoswa n’awangula ensi eyo yonna ey’agasozi, n’ebiwonvu, n’ensenyi ne bakabaka baayo bonna, tewali kiramu na kimu kye yaleka nga Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri bwe yamulagira.
41 Joshua destroyed them from Kadesh-barnea to Gaza and the whole of the land from Goshen to Gibeon.
Yoswa n’awangulira ddala okuva e Kadesubanea okutuuka e Gaaza mu nsi yonna ey’e Goseni okutuukira ddala e Gibyoni.
42 All the kings and their lands were conquered by Joshua in one campaign because the Lord, the God of Israel, was fighting for the Israelites.
N’awamba bakabaka bano bonna n’ensi zaabwe mu lulumba lumu lwokka kubanga Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri yalwanirira Isirayiri.
43 Joshua and the Israelite army then returned to the camp at Gilgal.
Awo Yoswa n’Abayisirayiri bonna ne bakomawo mu lusiisira e Girugaali.

< Joshua 10 >