< Jonah 1 >

1 The Lord spoke to Jonah the son of Amittai, telling him,
Na i puta mai te kupu a Ihowa ki a Hona, tama a Amitai, i mea,
2 “Go immediately to the great city of Nineveh and condemn it because I have seen the wickedness of its people.”
Whakatika, haere ki Ninewe, ki taua pa nui, karangatia he he mona; kua tae ake hoki to ratou kino ki toku aroaro.
3 But Jonah left and ran away to Tarshish to get away from the Lord. He went to Joppa where he found a ship leaving for Tarshish. He paid the fare and went on board to sail to Tarshish in order to get away from the Lord.
Ko Hona ia i whakatika, he rere ki Tarahihi i te aroaro o Ihowa; haere ana ia ki raro, ki Hopa, a ka kitea e ia tetahi kaipuke e rere ana ki Tarahihi: ka hoatu e ia te utu mo te ekenga ki runga, kia haere atu ai ia i roto i a ratou ki Tarahihi i te aroaro o Ihowa.
4 But the Lord sent a terrible wind across the sea, creating a violent storm that threatened to break up the ship.
Na ka tukua e Ihowa he hau nui ki te moana, a he nui te awha i te moana, no ka kiia ka pakaru te kaipuke.
5 The sailors were terrified and each of them prayed to their own god to save them. They threw the cargo overboard to make the ship lighter. Meanwhile, Jonah had gone down into the hold where he had laid down and fallen fast asleep.
Na ka wehi nga kaiwhakatere, ka karanga ki tona atua, ki tona atua; a akiritia ana e ratou nga taonga o runga o te kaipuke ki te moana kia mama ai ki a ratou. Ko Hona ia kua riro ki roto rawa i te kaipuke, a ka takoto ia, ka moe, au rawa.
6 The ship's captain went to Jonah and asked him, “How can you be sleeping? Get up and pray to your God. Maybe he will take notice of what's happening to us and we won't drown.”
Na ko te haerenga atu o te rangatira o te kaipuke, ka mea ki a ia, He aha tau, e te tangata e moe na? maranga, karanga ki tou Atua, me kahore te Atua e whakaaro ki a tatou, kei ngaro tatou.
7 Then the sailors said to each other, “Let's draw lots so we can find out who's to blame for this disaster that's fallen on us.” They drew lots and Jonah's name was came up.
Na ka mea ratou ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa, Haere mai, kia makamaka rota tatou, kia mohio ai ko wai te take o tenei he ki a tatou. Na kei te makamaka rota ratou, a ka tau te rota ki a Hona.
8 So they asked him, “Tell us who is responsible for this trouble that we're in. What do you do for a living? Where are you from? What is your country? What is your nationality?”
Katahi ratou ka mea ki a ia, Tena ra, whakaaturia ki a matou ko wai te take o tenei he ki a tatou? he mahi aha tau? i haere mai koe i hea? Ko hea tou whenua? no tehea iwi koe?
9 “I am a Hebrew,” Jonah replied, “and I worship the Lord, the God of the heavens, the sea, and the land.”
Ano ra ko ia ki a ratou, He Hiperu ahau; e wehi ana hoki ahu i a Ihowa, i te Atua o nga rangi, nana nei i hanga te moana me te whenua maroke.
10 The sailors became even more terrified and said to Jonah, “What have you done?” because Jonah had explained to them that he was running away from the Lord.
Na nui atu te wehi i wehi ai aua tangata, ka mea ratou ki a ia, He aha tenei i meatia nei e koe? I mohio hoki aua tangata e rere ana ia i te aroaro o Ihowa, nana hoki i whakaatu ki a ratou.
11 “What shall we do to you to calm the storm?” they asked him, since the storm was getting worse.
Na ka mea ratou ki a ia, Me aha matou ki a koe, kia marino ai te moana ki a tatou? e nui haere ana hoki te ngaru o te moana.
12 “Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” Jonah replied. “Then the sea will become calm, because I know it's because of me that you're in this terrible storm.”
A ka mea ia ki a ratou, Hapainga ake ahau, maka ki te moana; katahi ka marino te moana ki a koutou; e mohio ana hoki ahau he whakaaro ki ahau i puta mai ai tenei paroro ki a koutou.
13 Instead the sailors tried to row to get back to the shore, but they couldn't because the sea had become so wild from the worsening storm.
Heoi hoe tonu aua tangata kia u ai ratou ki uta; otiia kihai i taea: e nui haere ana hoki te ngaru o te moana hei arai i a ratou.
14 Then they called out to the Lord, “Lord! Please don't kill us for sacrificing this man's life or for spilling innocent blood, for you, Lord, made it happen.”
Katahi aua tangata ka karanga ki a Ihowa, ka mea, Aue, e Ihowa, kaua ra matou e whakangaromia hei utu mo te matenga o tenei tangata: kaua ano e utaina he toto harakore ki runga ki a matou: kua mahia na hoki e koe, e Ihowa, tau i pai ai.
15 So they picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea, and it became calm.
Na hapainga ana a Hona e ratou, maka ana ki te moana: a mutu ake te riri o te moana.
16 The sailors were overcome with fear. They offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made many promises to him.
Na he nui te wehi i wehi ai aua tangata i a Ihowa; patua iho e ratou he patunga tapu ki a Ihowa, puaki ana a ratou kupu taurangi.
17 The Lord sent a huge fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of the fish.
Na kua rite mai i a Ihowa tetahi ika nui hei horo i a Hona. A e toru nga ra, e toru nga po o Hona i roto i te kopu o te ika.

< Jonah 1 >