< Jonah 4 >

1 But this really upset Jonah, and he became very angry.
Men sa te fè Jonas pa kontan anpil e li te vin fache.
2 He prayed to the Lord and told him, “Lord, wasn't this what I said when I was back home? That's why I ran away to Tarshish in the first place! For I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, very patient and full of kindhearted love, who relents from sending disaster.
Li te priye a SENYÈ a. Li te di: “Souple, SENYÈ, èske se pa sa ke m te di lè m te nan pwòp peyi mwen an? Alò, se pou m te evite sa ki fè m te sove ale rive Tarsis. Paske mwen te konnen ke Ou se yon Bondye ki plen gras ak mizerikòd, ki lan nan kòlè, ki ranpli ak lanmou dous, e Ou se Sila ki ralanti selon malè a.
3 So just kill me now, Lord, because I'd prefer to die than to live!”
Alò, pou sa, koulye a, O SENYÈ, souple, pran lavi mwen. Paske lanmò pi bon ke lavi pou mwen.”
4 The Lord responded, “Do you have a good reason to be so angry?”
SENYÈ a te di: “Èske ou gen bon rezon pou ou fache a?”
5 Jonah left the city and sat down to the east of it. There he made himself a shelter so he could sit in the shade and watch what would happen to the city.
Epi Jonas te sòti nan vil la e te chita sou kote lès la. La, li te fè yon tonèl pou li menm, e li te chita anba l nan lonbraj jis pou l ta wè sa ki ta rive nan vil la.
6 The Lord God had a plant grow up and provide shade over Jonah's head to ease his discomfort. Jonah was very happy with the plant.
Konsa, SENYÈ Bondye a te chwazi yon plant lyann. Lyann nan te monte grandi sou Jonas pou l ta sèvi kon abri sou tèt li, pou delivre l de mekontantman li an. Epi lyann nan te fè Jonas byen kontan.
7 The next day at dawn the Lord had a maggot attack the plant and it withered.
Men Bondye te chwazi yon cheni nan granmmaten nan pwochen jou a. Li te atake lyann nan e li te vin fennen.
8 Then as the sun came up the Lord arranged for a scorching east wind to blow, and the sun beat down on Jonah's head so that he became faint and wanted to die. “I'd rather die than live!” he said.
Lè solèy la te leve, Bondye te chwazi yon van lès byen cho, solèy la te bat tèt Jonas jiskaske li te vin fèb. Konsa, li t ap mande ak tout nanm li, e te di: “Lanmò pi bon ke lavi pou mwen.”
9 But the Lord asked Jonah, “Do you have a good reason to be so angry about the plant?” “Yes I do!” Jonah replied. “I'm angry enough to die!”
Epi Bondye te di a Jonas: “Èske ou gen bon rezon pou fache akoz lyann nan?” Jonas te reponn: “Mwen gen bon rezon pou m fache, menm jiska lanmò.”
10 Then the Lord told Jonah, “You're concerned about a plant which you did nothing about, and you didn't make it grow. It came up overnight and died overnight.
Konsa, SENYÈ a te di: “Ou te gen konpasyon pou plant sila ke ou pa t fè okenn travay pou li a, ke ou menm pa t fè grandi, ki te vin parèt nan yon nwit e te vin peri nan yon nwit.
11 Shouldn't I be concerned about the great city of Nineveh where one hundred and twenty thousand people live who don't know their right hand from their left, not to mention all the animals?”
Èske Mwen pa ta dwe gen konpasyon pou Ninive, gwo vil la, nan sila ki genyen plis ke san-ven-mil moun ki pa konn diferans antre men dwat ak men goch yo ak yon gwo kantite bèt, tou?”

< Jonah 4 >